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Hello my lovelies (that looks weird so I'm pretty sure it's spelt wrong). So I haven't updated in a while and that's because of the task of Life aaaaand *drum roll please*... I'M WRITING A PREQUEL TO OUT OF DARKNESS (OoD). Read my new authors note update to find out why. Thanks for being patient. Now here is my reason.

I decided that while writing a new chapter, there needs to be a lot of background story. Too much for a flash back to convey so I was thinking on how I could do this. As I was thinking, more and more ideas popped into my little brain and I decided on a new story of the second generations in Hogwarts. I haven't decided on a title yet so if you guys would like to pitch ideas at me through comments that would be lovely. My new chapter shall come sometime today so I hope you enjoy it. Love you all.

OH! I also added on to the end of Ch.11 and end of Ch.12. Please re read those. It basically just sets the time frame at valentines day durning the trail and night of.

Out of Darkness: Lily Potter and Scorpius MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now