Chapter 10

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slight language and adult content

You have been warned

They awoke the next morning as Lily smiled and snuggled close to her fiancé "good morning" he said laying a kiss on the tip of her head, "I want today to mark the start of our new life." "That sounds lovely" Lily mumbled from his chest.

Just then an owl a beautiful mahogany owl landed on the window sill. Lily began to get up,but she found herself being lifted up, carried the window, retrieved the letter, and sat on her carriers lap. Scorpius snickered and said in a suggestive tone, "it's from your 'lovey'.". she nudged him and began reading saying "His name is Louis, your my only Lovely", but before she could they heard a sharp scream calling for her.

"LIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYY! Where are you angel?" They heard door slamming and cursing. Lily shot up and winced. "Sit down I'll go talk to Louis" Scorpius said seeing that she was still in pain. She obediently laid down, "Could you get me some ice?" She said snuggling into her bed. "Of course" he chuckled. Scorpius put on a shirt and walked out of the room. He walked calmly into the kitchen and found a cursing Louis. "Morning" Scorpius said in a mocking tone as Louis began cursing in French.

Louis looked at him with an intense glare. "Where is she?" He replied. "Calm down" Scorpius said, "she's hurting right now and laying down in bed". Louis stormed off to the bedroom and Scorpius made a concoction of the potions according to what the lady said, who he assumed was a nurse, and a pack of ice.

He went back to his bed room and found Lily and Louis in a tight embrace. He handed his fiancé the drink and ice. Lily took it and started to drink, but realizing she was in a conversation with Louis she took it away from her lips. "So why did you come if you sent a letter?". Louis began to speak with hand gestures saying "Because I felt bad that I didn't come in person with what's happening. Although this is not the first place I went.".

Lily looked at him with a questioning stare that Louis saw and read her mind. "I went to the Ministry of Magic. I went to have words with ---HIM---, however your lovely father got to me first. He allowed me to watch the sentencing and you should be extremely pleased, but we are not done with the bastard arse yet." Scorpius cut him off, "We?".

Louis looked at him like he was ready to slap him. "Because Scor dear" answering the Malfoy boy in a manor he knew Scorpius hated. "What ever is Lily's problem is automatically my problem. And don't tell me I can't say that because you know good and damn well that's how you are feeling. I don't even care if its a different case.".

Scorpius slummed on the doorway as Louis redirected his attention to Lily who was slightly chuckling at the boys arm and hand gestures. "So like I was saying, it's actually quite a sad tale. Brian Finnigan's father, Seamus Finnigan, was the Auror that sentenced Brian to Azkaban. However they will call Lily bud in for her statement. They need to know if he actually, how do i say this, 'entered', you. If he did it's a life sentence, if he attempted to its 35 years then parole."

Lily shut her eyes tight and revisited her encounter with the Scottish male. She remembered the pain of being penetrated by an unwelcome length. Nothing like her only other experience which was Scorpius. It was blissful and brought them close, while the Scottish length hurt and made her sick.

She shuttered at the thought and shot her eyes back open. She tried to get up, but Scorpius ushered her down. Lily was not looking forward to the trial. She turned to Louis and spoke in a light headed tone.". Did my father tell you or did u hear what day the trial will take place?". "In exactly 2 months and 10 days.". He replied laying her down. "Isn't that right before your appointment Lily Bud?" . Lily remembered how she would find out if she was pregnant and if she was, how she lost the baby. "Yes. it is" Scorpius answered for Lily and looked at her stomach.

Louis sensed the tense scene coming on. "I love you Lily Bud, I will come visit every now and then. Is it okay if Collen comes with me?, we decided to stay in London while the case goes on." Lily smiled and replied "That would be lovely, good by Lou love you too." With that Louis disapparated. Scorpius handed her the rest of the potion and laid down with her pressing his hand on her stomach.

Lily laid her hand on top of his "Scorpius?" He shook his head 'no' and spoke in a weary voice "Two months." that's all he said. Lily tightened her grip on his hand and spoke reassuringly "I've decided something and I wanted to ask you about it.". Scorpius raised one eye brow and lily continued. "I want to try for a.... Baby.... About a week or so after our wedding. I've realized I really want one and-" he cut her off and began to snog her.

"You don't have to continued" Scorpius said with a happy glare. "That's all I ever wanted. Lets just hope these 2 months go by quickly and then the months till our wedding.

He got his wish and the next 2 months went by without a hit. Her mother would come by, along with her aunts, Hermione and Luna. Louis came by at least 3 times a week and his boyfriend Collen came with him at least 11 times. The only manor thing was Christmas which they spent alone while opening the many gifts they had revived from family and friends. Soon it was time for Lily's court day. February Fourteenth. Valentines day.


Sorry about the speed up. I know a lot of people hate those, but it's best for this time. Collen is Louis boyfriend if you didn't know and yes aunt Luna is Lily's name sake. Thanks for reading

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