Chapter 12

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Slight adult content

Lily's eyes spun around to find Scorpius already running towards her. She smiled and went towards him. They wrapped each other with they're arms and they let her hands wander to his neck and his to her back and snogged intently until they needed breath. They gasped for air and Lily felt a hand on her shoulder that she turned to.

The face belonged to Seamus Finnigan. "Lily Luna Potter. The last time I saw you, you were no bigger than a leprechaun." He began and a slight serious chuckle escaped his mouth "I just wanted to let you know that the entire Finnigan clan was routing for you. That boy is not my son. Not the way he acted. I'm so sorry, more than I can say and I hope you can find it some where in your heart to not hold this against the Finnigan's. I would hate to see a friendship go to waste. As for Brian, I'm glad with his fate, and I would completely understand if you never forgave him. I myself can't."

Lily looked at the Scottish man she once saw love and fatherliness in. Now she saw him cold and seeking forgiveness. She spoke in a kind voice "Although he has done wrong, you are still like a father to me and I would never hold this against you nor your family." He smiled began to walk away, but Lily could tell he was broken and shattered.

Scorpius pulled her close to him and they welcomed in all of the congrats and condolences. She then felt tired and told Scorpius she was ready to go home. Just then she was pulled into a bone crushing hug. Her mother swaddled her and held her close. Ginny Weasley-Potter looked at her daughter "I'm so proud of you sweet heart." Just as she said it her husband came around and Harry spoke. "And I as well. You will never have to suffer from him again."

Lily smiled faintly but she knew that in one week she would know if that was true or not. Scorpius came up and wrapped his hands around her, "Hello Mrs. Potter, how are you?" Ginny smiled. "Please call me Mum sweet boy. I'm fine." Scorpius laughed at Ginny's comment and said "Not until the wedding. It's disrespectful." Ginny sighed and said "So polite." Lily smiled and joined in with a tiredness. "He is, very." Scorpius caught on to her sleepy tone. "If you excuse us I think we should be getting home." Lily looked at him and he winked slightly and they bid there good byes to the family and friends and disapparated to the flat.

To Scorpius' surprise, Lily pinned him on the wall and whispered in his ear "wait right here here." She kissed his neck and went to the bedroom. He took his wizard robes off as they were in their flat and was in his jeans and a sweater Lily's grandmother made for him. He wandered what she was doing until she came out of the room. To Scorpius amazement, lily was in nothing but under garments and a black see through cover up that was charmed to smell like the most desirable thing to the person taking in the fragrance.

Scorpius looked at her in amazement, taking in the aroma of Lily's conditioner and green apples, and begun to walk towards her. She waved her finger and spoke in a seductive tone. "I said don't move." She came to him and he kissed her neck and let his hands wander.

She jumped up and latched her legs to his waste and snogged him. He began to carry her to the room, but stopped. "Are you sure about this?" He questioned keeping their heads close. She looked into his eyes and nodded. "More than ever.". He resumed walking and when inside the bedroom he gently laid her down on the bed.

He closed the door, lit a few candles, charmed them to float, turned the lights off and went to the bed where his fiancé laid. They undressed and enjoyed each other for the rest of the night.

"Happy Valentines day my Dragon." muttered an exhausted and pleased Lily. He shot up and rubbed his eyes "WHAT?! My flower your gift I'm so sorry It's in the vault at Gringotts.". She laughed and pulled the blonde back down snuggling into his chest. "It's alright love, you know I don't do valentines day. Besides I got everything I need.".
They eventually fell asleep spooning and didn't wake until late into the day.

"Good morning Flower." He said to her in a hushed tone and brushed her face with his hand. She returned the gesture and said in an angelic voice "good morning my dragon.". She then kissed him on the top of his head. She got up out of bed holding a blanket to her body and went to the restroom to take a shower.

He followed her and she willing allowed him to take one with her. After their joint shower They began to get dressed. "Are you going anywhere today love?" Lily asked from the closet. "No where. Why?" He answered in a questioning tone. "I was just wandering" Lily said as she put on a pair of Scorpius boxers and his shirt. She usually wore this when she planned on staying home and no one was coming over.

He looked at her and chuckled "You look gorgeous." He said in a sarcastic tone. He was now wearing his long pajama pants and no shirt. Shrugging off the comment Lily got her favorite muggle book and began to read on the bed. Scorpius got his favorite wizard book and he laid on the bed as well.

Lily slowly adjusted herself to where her head rest on his chest and they stayed there reading the rest of the day. The next day Scorpius had to go to work at the Ministry. He awoke early and got up gently as not to wake his sleeping love. He got dressed in a work suit and put on his robes. He laid a kiss on Lily's head and used the Floo network to get to the ministry.

I don't really feel like writing that STUFF. Hinting on why its not detailed. But how many of you can guess why this happened. I've gotten a jump in reads lately so thanks guys. Love ya.

Out of Darkness: Lily Potter and Scorpius MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now