Chapter 6

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Harry lead Brian out and threw him on a chair. He got his wand out and tied him they're with a form of the body binding curse. "Petrificus Totalus" realizing that the Malfoy boy was starring at him due to the no magic rule, he flicked his wand towards Brian and spoke quickly "special circumstance.".

Malfoy nodded and Ron began to speak "Why don't we cut to the chase Harry?" As Harry was going to say something back, the Scottish boy spoke up "What chase? ha! You mean the part where that bitches beloved hero gets thrown in Azkaban?"

Scorpius became outraged and punched Brian breaking his nose. Harry held him back and spoke loudly "Contain yourself", his voice switched to a whisper, "trust me I already got him plenty even though no punishment is justice for what the arse did.". Malfoy suddenly got a worried look,

"What does he mean by Azkaban?" Said the Malfoy boy. "Don't worry about that. We just need a statement from you on exactly what happened, what spells were used and we'll need to scan your wand" Ron said in a reassuring voice.

Scorpius began to speak. Well it all started on the night of the 30th right before my birthday on Holloween. I was at Gringotts and my safes goblin took me down to the Malfoy family vault." Malfoy was cut off "Why were you there?" Harry questioned. "I was looking through the collection of family er-um... Well Mr.Potter, Mr.Weasley,I was looking through the family engagement rings." Malfoy answered not knowing how the wizards would react.

At this Harry's and Ron's faces went from anger, to confusion, to happiness. "Scorpius, welcome to the family son" said Harry as he pulled the boy into a hug. Ron congratulated him with a "Good on ya mate" and then added, I hope she says yes, you're a good man. Now go on as there is a cell in Azkaban with his name on it" gesturing to Finnigan.

"Right, thank you" Scorpius said with all his color back. "I then needed to make sure Lily was out of the house and my party was the perfect excuse." He stopped and fought a tear from running down his face, his voiced changes to a whisper. "If I hadn't. Been so persistent on going tonight and not just staying at the flat like she wanted-" Harry cut him off " It's in no way your fault.".

Harry put a hand on his soon to be son in laws shoulder. "Thank you Mr.Potter, but the only way I'm getting through not killing him", gesturing to Brian, "Is by realizing that its partially my fault and that I know I will never make her do anything she doesn't want to again.".

Harry nodded towards Scorpius when he finished talking and gestured for him to go on. "Well we disapparated to the pub and you know what happened from there." Malfoy finished. "Scorpius there is one thing your not telling us" Ron cut in, "how did you find Lil?" Scorpius got a sick feeling and confused look and starred at the ground.

"I- I- don't know, there was a ball of light and floated towards me, it went inside me and I had the worst feeling in the world, the feeling that the person I love is endanger. It came out of me and I followed it outside and upon seeing everything my emotions over came me and I took my wand out. There was a duel and... Brian... Was going to hurt her so I did what I couldn't control. I used the Cruciatus Curse."

Scorpius finished looking ashamed and all of a sudden the drunk scot spoke up. "Hurt like hell too, but I was wandering what that light was I thought I knew, but I wasn't sure. It just rose out of her, PERFECTLY, carved chest and went to the pub.". At this Harry punched Finnigan and spat at him, "If you ever talk about my daughter ever again, I will torture you."

Ron breaking the air quickly began speaking to avoid any scenes "Harry it sounds like a Potronus charm was used. Scorpius wouldn't know seeing how only descendants of Dumbledore's Army know the spell." Harry looked towards Scorpius and explained the DA and a patronus and how they can be used to communicate.

"Is that all?" Scorpius asked wanting to get to Lily after Finnigan's remark. "One more thing. your wand" Harry instructed" a quick scanning charm was used and with a swift hand movement the wand glowed red then green. "What was that?" Scorpius asked. "I removed the curse from your wand, but don't do it again!" Harry warned and with that Ron, Harry, and Brian disapparated. Malfoy assumed they were heading to Azkaban and went to rejoin Lily and her brothers.


So I know this chapter is pretty boring, but it will help develop future chapters. Let me know what you guys think and any suggestions.

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