Chapter 19- I.V.

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The next day Lily was released from the hospital and Claire still wasn't talking. She was acknowledging people, mainly Lysander, with facials, nods, and hand gestures. The nurses said she had violent night mares and only calmed down when Lysander was holding her. They were going to give her a dreamless sleep draft if the visions didn't stop by the end of her time here.

Scorpius was filling out some papers with Lily's input and doctor Patil was instructing the both of them on how to take care of Lily's and the baby's bodies. Nothing was said between them, just listening to the doctors rambling and occasionally nodding, slipping out of awareness.

They were brought out of her trance when Dr. Patil snapped in their faces

"Got it?" She asked with a toothy smile.

Nodding, Lily rested her head on Scorpius while he finished the papers and watched Dr.Patil scurry off. When Scorpius finished he set the pen down, which then flipped itself back in a nearby cup. The paper folded to an airplane and buzzed off to a room marked, Client Files, making Scorpius smirk.

"Ready to go home?" He asked turning around to hold his flower by the waist.

She sighed with agreement and closed her eyes, soon to find she was being lifted up bridal style and clinged on to Scorpius for dear life. He let out a chuckle and apperated to their flat, then walking her over to couch and laid her down gently and sat at her feet. Nothing was said, but Lily knew something was wrong by the cold in Scorpius' eyes.

"Scor? You alright." She nervously asked almost in a hushed tone.

"Lily, I'm really worried about you. I don't need anything happening to you or our baby." He sighed, pinching his nose.

She didn't say anything, but got up and stood right in front of Scorpius. He looked up at her and she took his hands to move them. Slowly, she sat down in his lap and swung her legs on the couch. She took his hands again and placed them on her stomach.

"Scor, stop. We will be fine. I'm not leaving you and neither is our baby, okay?"

He simply nodded and let out a sigh. They sat there for a while until a yawn escaped Lily's lips. He chuckled and lifted her up bridal style, but winced at the sudden pressure to his arms. Lily noticed this and asked what was wrong while he walked to the room. He smiled and mumbled about how 'his foot fell asleep'. She didn't look convinced, but let it go.


Scorpius made his way to the door and set Lily gently on the bed. They hadn't got much sleep the prior night so they decided on taking a mid day nap. However, Lily was the only one sleeping. Scorpious arose from the bed and tip toed to the bath room. Locking the door, he let out a sigh. "Why was this happening, why doesn't she care." The thoughts circled his mind. He lifted up his sleeve and saw the thin red marks grazing his skin and traced them.

'Not too deep' I.V. was telling him,

'you don't want to be an even shittier excuse for a person.' I.V. reminded him.

I.V. was Scorpius dark side of him mind. The side that was only there to hurt him. He hadn't heard from I.V. in years, he thought this was over, but now he just couldn't take it.

'Funny, thought you wouldn't miss me' I.V. Proclaimed, pulling a twisted smile from the corner of Scorpius' lip.

'How could I forget you. I haven't missed you though. This is the last time I'm seeing you.' He thought.

'Don't lie to me hunney, I'll see you around, now go into your special drawer.' I.V. commanded.

Scorpius sighed and pulled his wand out of his back pocket, pointed it at the sink, and as he whispered the spell, a drawer appeared under the sink. He pulled it out and smiled at the little nick nacks he's saved over the years before reaching in and pulling out a small box of blades and shards from muggle razors, pencil sharpeners, and glass. He picked his favorite, the smallest and sharpest blade from the pack of muggle pencil sharpeners he had revived in muggle study's at Hogwarts. It had only been used two other times. The day he stared and the last time he ended. Hopefully this would be his last time. Slowly he put the razor on his skin and pulled it horizontal with the line where his wrist and palm meet. Then again, and again, and again until he's satisfied. He was in a trance at this point and was just cleaning the blade with magic like he'd done years before, only to be pulled out by I.V.

'I knew you'd do it. Well done you piece of shit, see you next time.'

Scorpius pulled a genuine smile and went to putting his box in the drawer, then making the drawer disappear.

'No you won't I.V. There won't be a next time. I'm starting a family and this was my goodbye. I might hear from you in the future, but I'm not giving into your temptations again.'

He cleaned the blood from the tile and his arms with a flick of his wand and pulled down his sleeve. He was about to leave to Lily when I.V.'s voice came once more.

'You can't forget me Hun, so don't try.'

Scorpius silently chucked and a dark grin spread on his lips. Before replying in his head for what he hoped would be the last time.

'I know I can't forget you, why would I? You're my true form, my Internal Voice.'

He unlocked the door and entered in on his sleeping fiancé. He smiled and whispered, "I'm quitting for you."

Laying down next to her, he pulled her in to his chest, "For you."


Hey guys, it's been a month right? Well here you go, this chapter is dedicated to anyone/everyone who has dealt with their own personal I.V.'s. You guys can always trust me if you need to vent or talk. My kik is qwaszxfizz . I won't judge you, I'm here for you if you need it. I love you all. <3. Oh and go look at my other works if you got a chance.

Out of Darkness: Lily Potter and Scorpius MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now