Chapter 20

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That night, Lily was the first to wake up from her and Scorpious nap. She stretched her arms out and gazed upon her sleeping fiancé and smiled. Looking down on him, she felt a sudden urge to throw up. Before she knew it she was hunched over the toilet and soon she felt a hand on her back.

"I thought the phrase was called MORNING sickness" she said while wiping her mouth.

Scorpius chuckled and rubbed smooth circles into lily's back. "It won't be forever love."

"Yea? You wanna switch places and still say that?"

He just put his hands up in defeat and soon helped Lily back onto her feet. She leaned over the sink and reached for her toothbrush. Reaching for the toothpaste, she nicked he finger and retracted it quickly to barely put in her mouth. She let out a humming scream as Scorpius gently grabbed her hand.

"What happened?" He inquired while looking at the small cut.

"I got cut by something" she said in a obvious manor.

Scorpius furrowed his eye brows and looked over at the counter where a small piece of glass from the hidden drawer laid. Hastily, he picked it up and threw it away making no eye contact with Lily. After a seconds worth of silence, he left the room.

"Dammit" he muttered under his breath. Personal rage began surging through him until he felt a soft hand touching his shoulder. He turned to it and took the hand in his own as his emotions faded into the love he felt for Lily. Gently, she held him and waited for the embrace to be return. It wasn't a long wait before Scorpius took her in and they stayed that way for a while. Still nothing was said, the couple just stood in the comforting silence.

Some minutes later Lily broke the silence and asked what was wrong.

"Nothing. I just have a lot on my mind." he partially lied.

She didn't really buy it, but she didn't want to start things when his emotions were like this. So she simply said okay and went back to the bedroom to sleep. Scorpius was relieved in the fact she bought it, or he assumed she did, and made his way to the kitchen, putting the incident aside.

He took out different ingredients from the fridge and pantry and flicked on the stove after placing a pan on it. He could've used magic and finished breakfast in a heart beat, but Lily's grandmother, Mrs.Weasley, had taught him that nothing is like a home cooked meal.

Soon, mushroom Alfredo , Caesar salad, and freshly made lemonade was on the counter. He made his way back to the bedroom and knelt down on the floor next to Lily's sleeping body. Gently shaking her shoulder, he whispered and told her the dinner was ready and was in the kitchen.

Slowly she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. Once she realized what he said, she smiled and extended her arm out for him to take and thanked him. Scorpious helped her up and the two made their way to the kitchen, both still in pajamas.

After they were seated at the table, Scorpius was about to get the food, and Lily gestured for him to sit as she picked up her wand and the food cake to them.

"Thanks Potter" he said with a smirk

"Anytime Malfoy"

"That'll be your name soon"

"I can't wait" she retorted with a full smile, looking at her stomach
"And so will our baby."

They ate and made small talk about Claire, the wedding, even a little about Louis and Justin.

"I miss them. I know we just saw them not even a month ago, but times been flying by with everything that's going on. I'm surprised I'm not a wreck by now." She said, talking about Justin and Louis, while twirling pasta on her fork.

"I know love, I have work tomorrow, same as Justin. Do you want to send Louis an owl?" He asked

"Yea, I'll do it tonight. I don't know where they are with all the sight seeing they do."

"Lily, I think the only sight they see is the bed."


"You know it's true." He retorted with a shrug, followed by a look in her direction.

After a moment of staring they both laughed over the joke. Soon they finished the meal and Scorpius began to clean up. As he was doing that, Lily called in the owl, who glided into the kitchen with quill and parchment clutched in her claw at the ready.

"Clever girl" Lily remarked while stroking the birds head.

She picked up the quill with never ending ink and began to wrote.

'Dear Lou Bear,
How are you love? It has come to my attention that you and I shall be fiancé-less yet again. Spend the day with me tomorrow?
Yours, Lily'

With that she tied the note and attached it to the birds talon. She told it to find Louis, and or Justin, and the bird was off.

"What time is it babe?" She asked Scorpious, getting up and yawning.

"A little past ten." He replied. "Why, are you tired?"

"Yea, but we've been sleeping all day.

"Well yesterday was a long day, go back to bed and I'll meet you in a bit.

"M'kay. She lazily replied.

She was soon engulfing herself in the comforter on the bed her and Scorpius shared, but she couldn't seem to sleep. She tossed and turned and finally just rolled on her side in defeat. Then she heard tiptoeing coming in the room, followed by weight on the other side of the bed, and strong arms wrapping around her. Scorpius head fell into the back of Lily's neck and he whispered

"Good night my loves". while placing one hand on Lily's stomach.

They both fell asleep right after.

Hey guys. So sorry about not updating. It was typed and everything but I guess I forgot to press update. :) anyways. Hoped you liked this little feel good chapter after the chaos of the previous ones. Love you guys! Please comment and like. Also I changed the name of Louis' fiancé to Justin, it makes more sense for the prequel. Have a good night. Or morning. Or evening. Depending on your time zone. And Happy Halloween.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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