Chapter 18

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The room was dim when they walked in and Lily had her hands over her stomach. Her eyes were puffy from tears as she looked up at Scorpius. "Scor, they wana run an ultrasound. It's a muggle test, they said the-they don't kn-know what's happening and they need a, a better look.".

Scorpius face grew sick and cold, but he let out a sigh and went to Lily. Grasping her hand and putting his forehead on hers, he spoke soothing words. "Lily." He tried, but only got chocked sobs, "Flower?" Still more sobs, "Lils you need to listen to me.".

This Lily nodded to and tried to contain her sobs. "You need to stay calm, I'm scarred too, but the healers know what they're doing. It's not good for the baby.". He began rubbing circles into her hand with his thumb and her sobs became deep breaths. He got on the bed and held her until she was calm and breathing evenly.

Eventually, Dubanne left to go check on his wife and son before Dr.Patil came in with the muggle scanners. "Hello Lily. I just saw Claire" she chuckled," I still can't tell them apart, Mrs. Luna did always have ways of being original. Anyways, she appears to be fine she hasn't suffered mentally besides the obvious, the nurses are healing her bruises and cuts now. Now, this is what i'm gonna have you do. Lay on your back, lift your shirt just above your stomach area, and relax. It looks like you've been upset. Seeing what happened I couldn't blame you, but Ms.Longbottom and you will be fine. I promise. Stress is bad for the baby. Now lets take a look."

Lily nodded to gesture she understood her and scooted up so her head was in Scorpius' lap and pulled up her top above her stomach. Padma pulled out a strange looking blue gel and told Lily she was going to put it on her stomach. "Now it's going to be cold from what I understand." She began to squeeze the bottle so the gel would ooze out onto Lily's stomach.

She flipped on the ultra sound on and got a small black flashlight looking object and began rubbing the gel all around. On the monitor a cone shape appeared with small squiggles of writing on the sides. In the middle left, there was a tiny little seed object sitting in a bigger sack looking one. "From what I can make out, that's you baby there." Padma said pointing to the seed object.

"That's our baby? It's so small." Lily exclaimed awe struck. "Well it's barely a week old." Padma chuckled. "It looks fine but you'll need to stay here for the night to monitor the fetus. We wanted to get a better look and size check to make sure our suspicions were incorrect. Thankfully they are." She added while scribbling some things down on a chart.

Scorpius gave her a side glance, he was fed up with her perkiness and the suggestive talks. "What suspensions, and don't skip any details.". Lily looked at him and tried to calm him. "Scor, dragon, I know your upset, but I need you to calm down. Okay. I'm not going to be okay unless I know you are and that you have me.". Scorpius nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm trying Lils, I just hate not knowing what's going on.". She grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach and just nodded in understanding.

"You two are just so cute, just like Harry and Ginny, Malfoy and Hermione as well." Padma spoke up and shocked Scorpius by the remark. "I never knew my father was with your aunt Lils.". "It was a short fling, i don't even think Ron, Harry, or Ginny knows why it ended. They were great together, it was upsetting when they broke. Anyways, back to your child. We thought the baby was bigger than a week due to the low fluid results that Ms. Potter gave to the test we gave her. It seems perfectly fine though so nothing to worry about. I'm going to go get some potions you will need to take, need not worry, they are charmed to taste like your favorite flavor substance. Scorpius you are welcome to stay here. And feel free to transfigure a bed or extend the hospital one.".

As she walking out the door Lily rose up more. "Dr.Patil, Padma, when will Claire be released?". The Doctor smiled and answered her. "Well she has woken up and her vitals are stabilized, but she won't talk to anyone. We want to keep her for, at the least, a week. If she speaks and lets us know how she truly feels that decides when she goes home." She kept her trail for the door as Lily and Scorpius thanked her. After she left Scorpius rose, extended the bed and transfigured the mattress into the one that they own and laid down next to her. He gently placed her his had on her stomach and she snuggled into him. He inhaled loudly through his nose and let it out his mouth while exclaiming. "One night. One night. We will live, your alright, the baby's alright, and Claire will be fine.".

He rose up and sat on the bed. Placing his hand on her stomach and quickly retracted it. "That gel is bloody gross.". Using his other hand, he grabbed his wand from his back pocket, a bad habit he picked up from Lily's dad, and did a quick cleaning spell. He chuckled and laid his hand back on the nonexistent bump. "We'll be fine.".



I am so happy with over 1.4k reads. I'm ecstatic. Here is a new chapter I hope you like it. Go check out my Best Friends work his name is Justin and his user is, cjustin2000. I love him to death he's my jojoB and I hope you guys like his works. Comment on my story so far please. I'm not gonna ask you for votes, I just want feed back incase of writers block. I love you guys- Ren <3

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