Chapter 7

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It was nearly 3 a.m. and plans had been made for Scorpius to stay with lily past visiting hours. She lay sleeping, but Scorpius couldn't find his way to sleep. He gently took hold of her hand that was hanging off the side and he melted down as he'd done earlier. He was stroking her hand with his thumb and silently began to fall asleep with her motionless touch.

Before he drifted off he heard an angelic voice and looked up. "You know Malfoy, your going to rub my skin bare if you keep that up." She smiled and lifted his hand to place a sweet kiss upon it. "Hello my flower, I'm sorry for waking you, go to sleep, you need rest" Scorpius said in an apologetic manor. "Please, with all the healing potions and charms on me, I'll be out by morning" she said, not knowing that she would spend two weeks in St. Mungos,in a matter-of-fact tone.

They talked and laughed for the rest of the night into the morning. The following two weeks were the same, with occasional visits from Lily's Mother, her aunt Hermione and her name sake, aunt Luna. What happened next no one could account for.


By the time 10am rolled around on the last day, Dr. Patil came in and told Lily she needed conformation on something, she wouldn't say much, to the annoyance of both Lily and Scorpius, and she made Lily lay back. She muttered a few spells while pink and blue lights fluttered down gently landing on Lily's stomach.

The nurse began to look more and more upset. Throughout the next hour Dr. Patil came and went, in and out, performing the same charm and Scorpius couldn't take it anymore. He began to raise his voice and spoke. What. Are. You. Doing?!".

The doctor began to look at him sadly. "Shall I give you the good news or the bad news first" Lily answered first, "It doesn't matter, may I go home soon" the nurses looked at the couple and spoke again. "Yes that is the good news, you are ready to go home. But before you do I must ask you if you who have had intercourse with in the past three weeks?".

Malfoy tensed up and Lily felt sick. Malfoy asked the nurse what was she aiming at. The nurse was still serious as ever and said "Then just Malfoy then" Directing the question at Lily. She caught on that this was not the result of her night two weeks ago. "Yes besides, Finnigan. Why"? Lily answered in a more serious tone.

"Well" the nurse began "I-um-regret to inform you, that you conceived. B-" Lily cut her off, "Why do you regret?", now holding her dragons hand and her stomach. The nurse gathered herself and spoke once again. "You WERE with child, but as far as we can tell, you miscarried yesterday. HOWEVER we don't know for sure."

Lily began to pour out a single silent tear and Scorpius looked outraged. Speaking in a low angered choppy voice he asked, "What do you mean, You. Don't. Know. Is my wife pregnant or not?" Lily snapped her head towards him and Malfoy realized his mistake and corrected himself. "Is my girlfriend pregnant or not?!"

The doctor began to speak "One thing is clear, you are not pregnant, but we are not sure you were in the first place, with it so early and no exterior signs its not clear. Another test will have to be done at a later time." Once the doctor finished Lily began moving and said in a demanding voice, "I want to go back to the flat. Now, I don't want to he here."

Dr.Patil nodded and went to get forms for release. Lily quickly got dressed and Scorpius signed used his wand to sign the forms quicker. When Lily was done getting dressed she walked out of the bathroom and the levitating potions came in followed by a pudgy female explaining all of the uses for the multi colored and green potions along with one red and one pink.

Lily's head was spinning and she didn't want to be where she was. Scorpius saw her getting weaker and weaker until he finally did something about it. "Thanks we got it." Cutting of the lady and sticking the potions in to Lily's endless bag her aunt Hermione had gotten her. He picked up Lily like a baby and grabbed the bags and disapparated to their flat in Hogsmeade, a small wizarding town that Hogwarts students visit on allowed days.


mmmmmm that was sad. I don't really like how it was written, but it had to be there. I tried to fix it although nothing was working so just wait and it gets better. Thanks guys. Did anyone else face the horror of Wattpad going down?

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