Out of Darkness: Lily Potter and Scorpius Malfoy

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any other titles you may recognize.

A/N-This is a Lily Luna Potter and Scorpius Malfoy piece. The chapters will get longer, but for Ch 1 just a short intro. I would love to hear feed back and sorry for grammatical mistakes. Enjoy.

Chapter 1.)

When she awoke it was pitch black. Darkness covered the air and she couldn't move. Suddenly a burst of red light came out in a straight jolt, going straight to a target that was only visible by the quick glimpse of fiery light.

"CRUCIO!" A voice came with the bolt and she knew who it belonged to. A second voice came out, screaming in agony, it stopped as quickly as it changed and started off. "Avada-" this time she could see around her. To her dismay, the wand of the nameless voice was pointed at her.

The voice that she awoke too yelled for her "LILY!" she never heard him more scared. This startled the attacker and he stopped as Scorpius saw his opening, and attacked the man who Lily recognized now, no magic just fist.

At the thought of her life almost being stollen from her, she passed out. She awoke to Scorpius Malfoy carrying her, cradled in his arm, with blood all on him. She struggled to get up and tried to say something. "Scor- she never finished,

"I'm fine, but you are not, therefore I shall not let you down until at St.Mungo's". As if reading her mind, Scorpius had answered Lily Luna Potter's questions and demands without speaking a word. The last thing she remembered was disapparating to the wizarding hospital, St.Mungo's, and with that promptly passed out once more.


What did you guys think. I hope you liked it. Comment any predictions and questions <3

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