Chapter 13

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Lily awoke the next hour and floo called Louis to see if he could spare some time to start working on the wedding plans. She realized it was a little early, but for some odd reason she felt that it was right to do.

Louis was without is now fiancé Justin for the day as he had work too, and decided to join her on their day without their fiancées. She took a shower got dressed and got out paper and pencils. They both decided the most important thing is dress/attire sense a date wasn't chosen yet and the wedding would be at the Burrow.

Lily hated the idea of a traditional wizard and she went with a red dress that matched her fiery hair. she also wanted a muggle style wedding, minus small details. They worked for what seemed like hours and finally had the perfect dress along with potential brides maids dresses.

The dress flowed in the back and it hugged her body tone perfectly. It was strapless with lily petals gently flowing down into flowers at the bottom which created ruffles. It would have a low cut back with straps creating the affect of stitching. The veil would be red but see through with small white Lily's transfiguring into a simple tiara that would rest on a mass of her curled red locks.

The brides maids dresses were all knee length and strapless. They were black with red ribbons that when tied the bow would appear to be a flower. But the Maid of Honor's dress was black with red Lily petals cascading into Lily's at the bottom, but different from Lily's in the sense it was more for a party.

They awed at there work until one broke the silence. "They might need tweaking as the day approaches and your mind changes, but honey they look fabulous." Louis said in exhausted tone. Lily chuckled "they ARE perfect.".

Louis was about to speak but they heard two voices chant, "What's perfect" Justin and Scorpius asked. "I ran into this one at the ministry and decided to invite the two over for dinner, but looks like you beat me to it Lils." Scorpius added on.

"Sorry i was going to tell you. You have great timing actually. We were just finished," Lily commented, "Lou, would you be a dear and watch over these so a certain someone won't find them?" They looked at Scorpius and chuckled. "What did I do?" He said in a playful tone while walking over to Lily's chair and placing his hands on the back of it.

She tilted her head back to rest on his chest and to look at him. She had been missing him more than ever that day and she didn't know why. Shrugging off this thought she spoke in a happy tone. "Nothing my darling, except being a nosey adorable Malfoy." He kissed her nose and Debby the house elf called for dinner.

She served them Lily's favorite, Hash and salmon patties. She took more than she usually did and the three boys were giving her glances. She looked at them and Justin spoke in a motherly tone "Lily, you might want to slow down darling. You will get a stomach ache."

Lily then realized how much food she had eaten and began to take Justin's advice with a blush growing. "How rude of me, I must be more hungry then I know." They all chuckled and Louis reassured her it was just probably stress. When they left Lily slummed over on her chair and Scorpius realized something was wrong.

Before he could say a word she got up and hugged him tightly. "I missed you today. You were gone longer than usual." She tucked her head into his chest and he held her close. "Lily, flower, are you alright?" She hugged him tighter and replied "ya, I just missed you.".

She never really minded when he was gone especially when Louis accompanied her. He chuckled "did you miss me or MISS me." He said in a sexual tone slightly lowering his hand down her back. She quickly moved away and smacked him hard. "Ow what the hell Lil? I thought you liked it when I.." "When you what?!" She half screamed, cutting him off then continued when he didn't answer.

"When you talk dirty and expect me to be whisked away? I'm not like that Mr.Malfoy.". She marched too their room and threw his pajamas out along with a toothbrush and yelled COUCH. She then slammed the door. He looked at the small pile for a minute expecting her to come out, but she never did.

He walked over and picked up the clothing then transferred his glance to the couch. He let out a small grown and gently knock on it with no answer. He placed his hand on the door with his forehead. Still upset Lily grabbed her wand and charmed the door to burn. She heard a short yelp then rolled over and tried to go to sleep. Scorpius cradled his hand and went to the bathroom to get prepared for a rough night on the couch.

Later on that night Lily found herself unable to sleep. She felt off and Scorpius wasn't there to comfort her. She leaped up out of her bed and slowly walked over to the door. She opened slowly to prevent it from creaking and waking up the blonde. Lily tiptoed over to the couch and watched her sleeping dragon. Her heart became heavy when she saw tear stains on his cheeks.

She crept to the open side of the couch and laid right on top of his open chest. She realized she forgot to give him a shirt. He stirred but didn't fully awake. She grabbed his wand that was on the bedside table "accio blanket" she said in a hushed voice as not to wake him. The blanket flowed over to her and she was surprise his wand responded to her so well.

She levitated the blanket and let it drop on them. She nuzzled close to him and she suddenly felt him wrapped his arms around her. "Mmmm hello Flower" he said with a slight moan at being awoken. She wiggled and spoke in a bitter sweet voice, "hello my dragon, mmmm not so tight my stomach is in knots" he loosens his grip a little and they sat in the darkness until Lily spoke up. "Scor, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell or hurt you love. I don't know what happened. Stress I guess."

She waited for him to respond "It's alright Lils. I know how stressed you are and I don't blame you. I love you and don't forget that." She looked at his eyes and buried her head in his chest once more. She was surprised when Scorpius got up and carried her to the bedroom and she held on for dear life.

He laid on his back still holding her. He wasn't going to attempt any thing due to the fact he did not want to upset her. Lily reached for his hand ad he heard him wince. "What's the matter?" She asked worriedly. He looked at her as if thinking of the right words. "My hand, it got burned." Lily quickly felt ashamed and apologized profusely to Scorpius. She leapt up and searched for her wand. After she couldn't find it she remembered Scorpius' wand. She left the room and returned with the black, Phoenix-Core, 12 inch wand made from alder wood.

"Is that my wand?" Scorpius inquired the way a child would about a toy they knew was theirs. Lily looked at him like he was daft. "Yes darling I'm going to preform a healing charm. Give me your hand." He was hesitant, but didn't want to anger her. He slowly moved his arm/hand out.

She flourished the wand and recited "Tergio"the blood on his hand cleaned itself. She then muttered, "Episkey" and the skin on his hand grew back right before their eyes as he felt his thumb slide into place.

"Accio wand" she said before Scorpius could thank her. Her wand came zooming towards her from the darkness of the room.

When the two wands touched they glowed and an intense light shot up. It ended and Lily set the wands down. "The bloddy hell was that?!" Scorpius said. Lily giggled and she looked at him with a youthful smile. "Since when do you say 'bloody hell'? You sound like my uncle Ron."

Scorpius was still flustered and struggled for words "I-I- I must of p-icked it up from him.... What was that?" Lily shrugged and simply replied "I don't know. They just touched and glowed." She began to yawn and crawled onto Scorpius. "Just rest love." She said before she dozed off.

Scorpius kissed the top of her head and laid awake for a while. He just say there starring at the mass of red hair on his body. He loved her with all of his heart, and was glad she knew it. In the morning he decided he would get up and make her breakfast in bed with that thought he put one arm around her and went to sleep.


Here's the next chapter. I'm not feeling all that well so sorry if this chapter isn't as good. I also realized that Collen's name has been spelt with an e and an i. So I went back and fixed the ones I found to an e. Sorry about that have a lovely weekend

Out of Darkness: Lily Potter and Scorpius MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now