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"Someone help please!!" a lady screams in fear as the Ferris wheel catches fire, the fire spreads quickly across the carriages. The park was filled with the sounds of screams and the site of burning buildings and burning bodies. Distraught mothers waiting in the safe zone, hoping their children will show up safely, little did the people know no one was safe and it was only minutes before the fire destroyed the park and killed everyone who was on the grounds.

"Mum I can't find lily!" said a girl as she panicked.

"Fucking hell Rebecca, can't you do anything right I told you to look after your sister and you couldn't even do that!" said the girl's mother, she was angry but also very much distraught.

Pieces of the Ferris wheel started falling to the ground, the carriages started to shake and as more pieces of the Ferris wheel fell, the carriages went with it. The carriages that were at the top of the Ferris Wheel fell and rebounded off other rides and crushed the safe zone. Rebecca was the only one to survive the impact of the carriage. Rebecca looked around the safe zone in search to find her mother, she was bleeding badly. Rebecca spotted her mother underneath the carriage, decapitated. She doesn't scream, the fear and the shock have taken over her mind. Rebecca walks out of the safe zone and walks to the entrance of the park, she turns around and looks up at the burning rides and buildings, the site of the people screaming, the burning bodies on the Carousel, all the rides are still operating which makes the fire spread quicker.

The tents where all the food was made blew up due to the gas bottles, some of the gas bottles were flung into the air, some landed in the haunted house attraction. The people in the haunted house attraction were unaware of what was taking place outside.

"James, this is lame, you expect me to get scared by all these goofy looking monster things, like are you serious?"

"C'mon babe, can't you just lighten up, I'm trying to entertain you because you're always bored with doing stuff"

"Well coming to shitty little kids parks with dumb haunted house attractions isn't my idea of entertainment"

"Well give me ideas then..."

The girl moves closer to her boyfriend.

"the thought of doing stuff in public is kind of a turn on"

James moves back.

"Sounds interesting, but I'm not about to have sex in an amusement park full of kids"


"What was that???!!" said the girl.

"relax, it's probably just one of the jump scares"

"Seems a bit loud to be..."

The girl was cut off with a bright light and an explosion destroying the haunted house attraction. 

Rebecca stood standing at the entrance, she was in too much shock to move. In the distance she could see a figure moving closer to her, she had no reaction she just stood staring. As the figure came closer she started to see features clearly, it was a man dressed as a clown, but not an ordinary clown, a clown whose teeth looked like they were taken from a shark and put into this man's mouth. Rebecca continued to show no emotion. The man approached Rebecca and grabbed her hand.

"Come join the rest of the children, they love it when I bring them another child to play with"

The man Lead Rebecca out of the park and she followed. They both disappeared into the mist. An hour later the police, fire brigade and ambulance surrounded the park.

"We've searched the park, no signs of life sheriff"

The sheriff took of his hat and sat on the boot of the car. The fire had been put out, but the park was completely destroyed all that was left was rubble. A picture landed next to the sheriff, he picked it up and examined it. In the picture was the clown that kidnapped Rebecca, his teeth were normal and his features were more child appropriate rather than the horrifying figure that stood before Rebecca. 

At the bottom of the picture there was writing, which read: "In a loving memory of Marvin Peters"


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