Chapter 8 - Running Through Memories

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Amanda held onto the lever, breathed in and out.

"No I can't do this..." she said to herself.

"MARVIN! I'll do it" she called out.

The cart came to a stop halfway down the hill. Marvin reappeared.

"And what exactly will you do?"

"I'll go with you to Fearland"

"It's too late for you to give in, we already have you exactly where we want you''

"But they don't deserve this, this all has to do with me and my mother"

"Aah so your starting to gather the facts"

"My mother was the only one of your victims to escape, which lead to your suicide, so why do they have to suffer?"


The cart started rolling again, it quickly gained speed. Amanda quickly turned to face the lever, the cart was only seconds away. Amanda turned it to the left facing Kyle's direction. She covered her ears and closed her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Kyle" she cried.

After a minute passed she opened her eyes and removed her hands from her ears. she looked over at the tracks facing left, there was blood splattered along the track. Amanda had no reaction, the shock flooding her mind and sending her in a trance.

"Well, that certainly was a surprise" said Marvin.

Amanda turned to face Marvin.

"I'm going to make sure I find your body and not only will I burn it, I'll pull it to pieces and make you watch"

"Ooh the evil side of Amanda has come out, well do you think The Reaver is going to let you do that?"


Marvin moved closer to Amanda.

"You should be worried, your chances of survival decrease every second, The Reaver will have you at bay"

"I know where your body is..." a voice called out in the distance.

Amanda and Marvin turned to face where the voice came from, it was the figure in the black gown.

"How dare you interrupt my session, go back to the park NOW!"

Amanda turned to face Marvin.

"Your session?" asked Amanda.

Marvin started to get nervous and Amanda noticed.

"Who are you? and where is The Reaver keeping all the victims?" Amanda asked the figure.

The figure revealed her face, it was the look of a normal young girl, Amanda insistently recognized the face.


"You see Marvin is terrified of The Reaver, he tells his victims he is the side master, but he's not he's a slave and The Reaver tortures him as much as the other victims, we know what scares you Marvin, we see your memories and we enter as a nightmare"

Marvin turned around, all his victims that he killed when he was alive surrounded him.


"Why should we suffer for your ignorance? You killed the innocent for entertainment, I'd say The Reaver is doing us a favour in a way because he makes you relive your dark moments" said Rebecca.

Amanda was blinded by a white light, the white light disappeared. Amanda noticed she was in a rundown house and standing next to her was Rebecca.

"Where are we and what are we doing here?"

"We are seeing what brings fear to Marvin"

There was a little boy sitting on a chair eating his cereal on a wooden table that looked like it had been scratched out by a cat, the boy was presumed to be Marvin. The door slammed open and in walked a fat man, wearing a white stained singlet that was too small and showed his stomach and grey stained pants. The man was holding a bottle of whiskey, he was drunk.

"Marvin boy, where the fuck is your mother at"

Marvin's mother walked into the room and quickly grabbed Marvin from the chair and locked him in a cupboard.

"What do you want Alex, I told you to never come back"

Alex grabbed a long and sharp knife from the drying rack and pushed Marvin's Mother to the floor. He sat himself on top of her, leaned his head towards her head and put the knife to her throat.

"Listen hear you useless slut, you don't tell me what to do, I'll come into this fucking house whether you like it or not!"

Alex stood up and lost grip of the knife, it fell and stabbed Marvin's Mother in the neck.

Alex gasped and took a step back, he dropped the whiskey bottle and it fell to the floor and smashed.

Alex realized that Marvin was still in the house, He removed the knife from Marvin's Mother's neck.

"Marvin where are you?"

Alex started his search to find Marvin.

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