Chapter 7 - The Legend Of The Reaver

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Tyler and Amanda ran into Tyler's bedroom and Tyler locked the door behind them.

"He is not going to leave until he gets us and takes us back to Fearland" said Amanda.

Tyler looked at Amanda and gulped, they didn't know how to escape the house, Marvin was on a mission and he wasn't giving up. The sounds of the chainsaw running suddenly stopped. Tyler and Amanda remained standing in the room. The sky became dark and it begun to rain.

"Where's your laptop?" asked Amanda.

"Over on the bedside cabinet"

"Do you mind if I use it?"

"Not it all, but what do you need it for?"

"I need to do some research on The Reaver"

"The what?"

"The Reaver, it's the reason why Marvin is after us"

"Who's Marvin?"

"The clown"

Amanda walked over to the bedside cabinet to retrieve the laptop, she sat down on the bed and opened up the laptop.

"Do you think it's safe to open the door?" asked Tyler.

"No, knowing Marvin, it's a trap, it seems to always be a trap..." responded Amanda.

Amanda typed in google search: "Urban Legend: The Reaver" she clicked on the first suggestion and it took her to a page with long paragraphs and pictures labelled "What The Reaver is believed to look like" What the pictures showed was a horrifying figure with long black dried out hair, big black bulging eyes and a smile that showed his sharp teeth, the writing about The Reaver said: "The Reaver is believed to be a figure of the dark who preys on finding lost attractions, buildings or burial grounds, it summons the dead to give direct orders and expects to them to bring back humans to complete The Reaver's ritual, The ritual is mostly consisted of torture. People believe that they have seen The Reaver, some say they were victims of The Reaver and they escaped. Does The Reaver exist and is it still out there looking for more victims for its ritual?"

Tyler looked at Amanda.

"It wants us to go to Fearland so it can torture us?!" Tyler said as she started to panic.

"There has to be more to this, The Reaver only chose certain spirits to capture us, we need to find Marvin's body and burn it quickly because The Reaver is coming closer, I know it, in the mean time we need to communicate with the spirits who are trying to help us and find out more about The Reaver" said Amanda.

Tyler nodded her head in agreement. Amanda shut the laptop lid and put it back on the bedside cabinet.

"Now we need to get out of here and avoid Marvin" said Amanda. Amanda and Tyler quietly walked over to the door, behind them the laptop lid opened by itself and a page was open, the light shined on the door, Amanda and Tyler turned back. Tyler backed up against the wall and covered her eyes with her hands. Amanda walked slowly over to the laptop.

"What does it say?" asked Tyler.

Amanda read the title of the page, it was labelled "Trolley Problem"

A word document opened and letters started to get typed by itself, it said: "Ready to play a game"

Amanda gasped and turned around, Tyler was gone. She turned back and fell to the ground. She fainted. She awoke to find herself on train tracks. Amanda stood up and inspected her surroundings. In front of her was a lever. She looked forward and on two sides of two different tracks that lead in different directions was Kyle and Tyler, they were tied up. Kyle was on the left and Tyler was on the right. Amanda looked behind her and noticed the tracks went uphill and at the top of the long and high hill, was a cart. Marvin appeared from the mist.

"Hello Amanda"

"What the fuck is this Marvin, what are you doing?!!"

"You see I know your plans, I know you are trying to find my body and burn it and I don't think that's very nice, all I wanted was to make you feel welcome at Fearland AND YOU THREW IT BACK IN MY FACE YOU SELFISH BITCH! well I guess two can play the heartless game. You see on one side of the Track is your loving boyfriend Kyle who doesn't believe you and thinks you are delusional, on the other side is Tyler your new best friend who is in the same position as you. The cart at the top of the hill will start rolling and has to go to the left or the right it can't go straight, if you pull the lever to the left it will kill Kyle, if you pull the lever to the right it will kill Tyler. Now if you chose to save Tyler nothing will happen. If you chose to save Kyle, The Reaver will cast an Amnesia spell on him so your choices become harder, that's what makes the game FUN FUN FUNNNNNN!!!"

Amanda started to cry and breathe loudly.

"No you can't do this! please I can't!"

"Well fate lies in your hands so choose wisely" Marvin said as he started to laugh hysterically.

Marvin disappeared back into the mist, the sounds of chains unbuckling was heard in the distance.

"Oh no..."

The cart started rolling down the hill. Amanda screamed and looked at the leaver, she knew she could only save one, but she needed them both. Amanda only had 2 minutes to decide, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and moved her hands towards the lever.

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