Chapter 12 - New Victims

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Brooke Locked herself in the bathroom and waited there until dawn, she had no intentions of opening the door, she didn't want to die, the house remained silent, no voice was heard. Brooke tried to calm herself by taking in deep breathes and relaxing her mind with memories that she cherished, but nothing was working for her, the fear had taken over her mind and body.

"Brooke, give me a chance to explain who I am, I'm not as bad you think" said Marvin calmly.

"I'm not opening the door, so you can get the fuck out of my house"

"Why so rude? it's really just a friendly offer I'm giving you, Don't throw it back in my face otherwise you make the bad things happen again, isn't that just too risky right now Brooke"

"I know who you are..." said Brooke.

"I know you know who I am, it took me a while to figure it out because I was so distracted by... other problems, but you caught my eye"

"My father suffered depression because of you, you lead him to his suicide"

"Your father should have appreciated my art, my show, just like the other selfish little shits!"

"Your mission doesn't end until you kill all of the people who attended that party years ago"

Marvin didn't respond, the door started to shake violently, and the sounds of loud banging noises filled the bathroom.


Brooke covered her ears with her hands and shut her eyes. The door fell to the ground and Brooke was dragged out by her hair, Brooke pulled away and some of her ripped out making her scream. She quickly stood up and ran towards the front door, just when she was about to run out, Marvin grabbed her neck and pulled her back.

"I'm not letting you have me as one of your new victims"

Brooke managed to escape from Marvin's grip, she ran out the front door but her path was blocked by the victims of the Fearland tragedy.


They didn't respond they just proceeded to move closer to her. Brooke ran in the direction of the fields, Fearland had risen, The Ferris wheel, the carousel, the roller coaster, they were all there and operating, the ritual was soon to be finally completed.

"No no no... this can't happen"

"They let it happen" said Rebecca.

Brooke screamed when she saw Rebecca.

"Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you"

"Who let this happen?" asked Brooke.

"Amanda and Tyler, they gave up and they let Marvin take them to Fearland to be part of his ritual to become the new Reaver"

"They are both connected to his quest, to kill the bloodline" said Brooke.

"Brooke with your knowledge and your courage, you can stop this and let the victims be in peace, they are only trying to hurt you because they think everything is a threat"

Brooke needed time to think about what her decision will be, she knew it had to be done but also knew about the amount of risk that was involved.

"Why can't you do anything to stop it?"

"I'm not even human, there is nothing I can do to stop it, I can only guide you to the right decisions"

Brooke sighed and kept thinking over and over, finally she came to a decision.

"If this doesn't come to an end, then the whole world might be at risk, so I guess it's the only option... what do I do?"

"Fearland has already risen so all you need to do is enter Fearland, find where the ritual is taking place and do anything you can to stop it from being successful"

Rebecca Disappeared and Brooke proceeded to walk slowly towards Fearland.

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