Chapter 9 - The Origin Of Evil

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Amanda was almost through the hole when she felt a hand grab her hand, it was Tyler, the force of Tyler pulling Amanda made Marvin loose his grip on Amanda's foot. Tyler pulled Amanda out from the sink hole, the sink hole and Marvin disappeared.

"Guess we are even"

Amanda turned to Tyler and laughed, they both stood up and walked over to the gate, they walked through and shut the gate behind them.

"Which house do we search first?" asked Tyler.

"We will search mine" responded Amanda.

Amanda walked into a shed to retrieve two pickaxes, she handed the other one to Tyler.

"This might take a bit, but we need to get through this without wasting time" said Amanda, they both walked inside and started hitting the pickaxes against the floor. The floor gave way and a hidden door was revealed.

"Guess we found our answer, that was quick" said Tyler.

Amanda knew it was too good to be true, she examined it and slowly opened it up, it leads to stairs going down but the pathway completely darkened.

"Seems like a precarious staircase to walk down" said Amanda.

"I'd say we take the risk, because risking walking down a staircase is nowhere near as bad as becoming one of The Reaver's slaves" said Tyler.

Amanda turned to Tyler and nodded, she slowly and lightly put her left foot on the first step, the step cracked which made Amanda gasp, she then did the same with her right foot, the step cracked again, but didn't give way. Amanda sighed of relief and then proceeded to slowly walk down the steps, they both managed to get down to the ground without breaking the steps.

'A lot of cobwebs down here" said Tyler in disgust.

Amanda put her hand on the wall and slid it across as she walked through the cellar, she put force onto the wall with one hand and a brick moved, she pushed it and a secret door slid open.

"Secret door, how cliché" said Tyler.

Amanda and Tyler walked through the secret door and they gasped at the sight in front of them, it was a coffin. Amanda walked over to the coffin and put her hands on top of it.

"I didn't think we would find it" said Amanda.

Amanda quickly opened the coffin lid, but became quickly confused.

"What's wrong?" asked Tyler.

"This is not Marvin, it's... Rebecca"

Amanda's head started to ache, she started having visions, she fell to the floor.


Tyler moved herself closer to Amanda and got down on her knees.

"The Memories, his intervening"

"What do you mean Amanda"

"He's changing them, He's making the victims think they are in control so The Reaver makes an appearance"

"What does this have to do with Rebecca being in the coffin instead of Marvin?"

"Marvin took his body, The Reaver relies on sensing body heat, when it senses Rebecca's body heat it will think it's Marvin inside the coffin"

"What is he going to do with his body?"

"His going to take it to where the dead can be restored back to life" said Rebecca.

Tyler was startled by Rebecca's sudden appearance.

"The ritual was known as The Origin of Evil, bringing back a soul that's past life consisted of murder, it's to create an evil creature. The Figure must place the body in a pentagram and surrounding the body must be 3 sacrifices with blood pouring from their wrists. The 3 sacrifices create the 3 features, the mind, the voice, the body. If he succeeds, he will become the new Reaver."

"How come he didn't already do that with his victims?" asked Tyler.

"No one attempts the ritual until they truly believe they need to"

Amanda walked closer to Rebecca.

"Who are those 3 people he is looking for?" asked Amanda.

"You, Tyler and Me"

"So he already has 1 victim, so that's why me and Tyler were the only ones who could see Marvin and Fearland"

"I gave you warnings to escape, so did the others"

"You wrote the messages on my walls?"

"Yes, it's so easy to fall into his traps, the illusions he creates can fool you easily"

Amanda walked over to the coffin and examined Rebecca's body, the body wasn't decaying and Rebecca looked like she was still alive and healthy.

"The spirits have a great power, they can control what they want and don't want you to see, many stay hidden from people, the others roam the world in search of escape, but they know there is no escape, but some never lose hope"

"You didn't deserve all this Rebecca, none of the spirits did"

"The Reaver told him to do it you know, so it would summon all the spirits and use some of them as his slaves, if there is anything you must do, its destroying The Reaver"

"How do we d..."

Amanda stopped talking when she heard the cellar door slam shut and the sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs, but the footsteps were loud, so loud that Amanda and Tyler had to cover their ears.

"It's here" said Rebecca.

"Who?" asked Amanda.

"The Reaver, it has arrived"

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