Chapter 1 - Welcome to Burken Court

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"Today marks the 20-year anniversary of the amusement park tragedy, the amusement park ground has now been turned into a court and four houses have been built, they are now for sale"


The T.V turns off.

"Seems like a good way to promote the houses" said Amanda sarcastically.

Amanda is a short blonde girl, skinny, light skinned, she is 23 and has an attitude when she doesn't like things that don't go her way.

"Well it's got me interested, look at the prices of these houses they are so cheap! Look!" said Kyle.

Kyle was a tall guy with brown hair, skinny, tanned skin, also 23 and had a very positive attitude. He handed the newspaper to Amanda. She looked at the ad.

"Yeah they are cheap, but I'm not convinced"

She tossed the newspaper onto the table.

"Think about Amanda, if we buy this house, we can move out of this shit hole apartment and live in a decent sized house"

"Yeah, but..."

"C'mon, I know how much you hate it here, you don't even get along with any of our neighbors"

"Well Katherine is just a drugged up whore who doesn't get along with anyone, and the rest of the neighbors are just nosy people who feed off of gossip, but I like being around people I know, I don't want to have to get use to more annoying people"

"Would you listen to yourself, these are reasons why we should move"

"Kyle, the houses are built where a fucking amusement park tragedy took place, doesn't that put you off?"

"Well what do you think is going to happen?"

Amanda sighed, walked over to the couch and sat down.

"That stuff gets me paranoid Kyle"

Kyle walked over to the couch to comfort Amanda.

"Trust me, nothing bad is going to happen to you or me, I promise that"

Amanda turned to look at Kyle and a smile forms on her face.

"Well I guess we could check out the house tomorrow"

Kyle jumped up from the couch and cheered, Amanda rolled her eyes and laughed.

"This could be a start to a new and better life" said Kyle.

Kyle kissed Amanda and walked into the bedroom.

"This could be a start to whole new level of paranoia" mumbled Amanda to herself.

Kyle and Amanda quickly ran into the car as it was a cold morning, they prepared their trip to see the houses.

"OK according to the GPS its half an hour away not to bad"

"I don't care how long it is Kyle, just get this car fucking warm"

"Whoa, someone's grumpy this morning..."

Amanda stared angrily at Kyle. As soon as Kyle drove out of the driveway, Amanda fell asleep. The journey consisted of Kyle driving through areas with not many buildings or houses but lots of trees and bushy fields. Kyle approached a court assuming its where the houses they are looking at are.

"Amanda wake up, where here"

Amanda awoke to a sight that worried her a bit, the four houses in a circle with the road in the middle, behind the houses were the empty bushy fields, a mist filled the path and the road, giving Amanda an uneasy feeling.

"Interesting place..."

A man walked over to Kyle and Amanda.

"Hello, you must be Kyle and you are..." said the salesman politely.

"I'm Amanda"

"Nice to meet you both, My Name is George and I'll be showing you around these houses, now I must inform you about the amusement park tragedy, are you aware of that?"

"Yes" said Amanda and Kyle.

"Good, we need to inform the potential buyers about the incidents just in case it bothers them, does it bother you at all?"

Kyle turned to Amanda and shook his head, hinting to her to say no.

"No" said Kyle

"It's different but no" said Amanda

But Amanda knew it bothered her a lot.

"Good, well let's look around inside the first house, oh and almost forgot to say, Welcome to Burken Court"

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