Authors Notes & Ending Explained

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So I have just finished my first ever horror book, and I can say its hard to come up with ideas but it was fun to write!!! to the people who read my book thank you and I hope you and enjoyed it!!

Now this for the people who didn't understand the ending (SPOILERS, SO READ AHEAD ONLY IF YOU HAVE READ THE BOOK OR YOU ARE TOO LAZY TO READ THE BOOK)

so basically it ends with Amanda turning in a psychotic murderer, the dark thoughts controlled her mind and she was no longer herself along with her being born with schizophrenia. she also suffered from memory loss and hallucinations (where schizophrenia comes in) the anti-depressant drugs where an illusion as these were pills she was prescribed when she was born. if she didn't take them, she starts to get bad thoughts. Tyler, Brooke, Rebecca, Marvin, Jack, the decaying body weren't real they all represented the thoughts and feelings Amanda was having.

Tyler represented Cowardliness- Amanda would always run away from her problems and not deal with anything, her mind created Tyler.

Brooke represented Courage- Even though through all the fear and dark thoughts she was having there was still some courage in her, her mind created Brooke.

Marvin represented fear- Amanda was scared off who she was and what she was becoming, her mind created Marvin.

Rebecca represented betrayal- Amanda felt betrayed by her mother, her mind created Rebecca.

Jack represented the weak-minded person- Amanda wasn't a strong person and she would let things get to her easily, her mind created Jack

The decaying figure represented depression- Amanda would give up and let the dark thoughts take over, her mind created the decaying figure.

All of the memories that were supposedly Marvin's memories, where actually Amanda's

Alex the abusive dad represented ignorance- being ignored by her mother made her feel she was getting abused, her mind created Alex. 

Her feelings tested her, hence the reason why she chose to kill Kyle because Tyler was her feeling of being afraid to chose the right decision. She was the reason Father Gordon died in a car crash, believing in her fears, and she had memory loss hence the reason why she thought she got home in 10 minutes instead of hours and hours.  I hope that explained the ending for you!!!!! THANKS FOR READING!!! BYEEEEEE

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