Chapter 1- Welcome to Burken Court (Continued)

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Amanda and Kyle chose to buy the first house they inspected out of the 4 houses. Kyle sat down to discuss with the salesman, Amanda walked outside to view the fields, she walked over to the gate that led to the field, she opened it up and the clown was standing before her. Amanda screamed. She awoke to find herself sitting in the car seat.

"You alright, you got up so fast, it was like you were trying to jump out the car"

"Yeah... bad dream, how long until we are home"

"I think we are just about there"

"Good, because I am ready to jump in that bed and fall asleep"

Kyle pulled up into the drive way. They unclipped their belts, got out of the car and walked into the sleazy apartment. Amanda walked into the kitchen.

"Aren't you coming to bed yet?"

"Yeah I am, I just need a glass of water I've got a headache"

Kyle turned all the lights off and walked into the bedroom took his clothes off and got into bed. Amanda was left in the dark, she rolled her eyes.

"twit" she mumbled to herself.

She gulped the water down and put the glass in the sink, she heard a noise, she looked up from the sink and looked around to find where the noise came from. She stood waiting for something else to happen, she felt like something was watching her.

"C'mon Amanda, it's just you scaring yourself again, there is nothing there" she thought to herself.

She Looked at the couch and noticed a light shining on the wall, the light showed Amanda's shadow and a figures shadow standing right behind her. She felt hands wrap around her stomach.

"Babe, you scared me don't do that" said Amanda.

She giggled as he stretched his fingers on her stomach.

"that feels good"

she heard a call from the room.

"Amanda who you talking to?" asked Kyle.

Amanda gasped, her eyes wide open. She started to breathe loudly but didn't move at all. She slowly looked down at her stomach, the hands weren't wrapped around her stomach anymore, they moved up to her shoulders. She didn't dare to move.

"Wwwhooo... are yyouu" she stuttered quietly.

"What you saw in your dreams"

Amanda screamed, Kyle quickly jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen. He turned on the light, there was no one behind Amanda.

"What's wrong??!! are you ok??"

"There... there was someone behind me"

"Are you sure??"

"He grabbed me and talked to me"

Kyle walked around the apartment to see if there was anyone there, he didn't find anyone.

"Are you sure you weren't imagining it?"

Amanda looked at Kyle with tears falling from her eyes.

"I felt his hands, do you think I'm imagining this???!!"

Kyle didn't know what to say, he just sighed and went back to bed. Amanda fell to the floor and cried. She knew something was there.

Kyle poured a glass of Orange Juice and handed to Amanda.

"What do you want for breakfast?" asked Kyle

"Bacon and eggs would be good"

Kyle smiled and walked over to the fridge, Amanda opened up her laptop and opened up google, she typed in search: "I felt someone's hands and they talked to me, but nothing was there, how do you explain that?" The searches that came up all had to do with supernatural stuff, from suggestions such as "a lover who has died misses you" or "A poltergeist who has latched themselves to you" Amanda shut her laptop, unsatisfied with the suggestions. she looked up at Kyle.

"You don't think I'm crazy do you Kyle?"

Kyle didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, then he finally spoke.

"No, I just think you're a bit overwhelmed by the whole moving situation and the amusement park tragedy situation, I know how paranoid you can get"

Amanda sighed and Kyle walked over to give her a hug.

"How about we go out for breakfast, get out of this apartment for a bit" said Kyle

Amanda smiled and kissed Kyle.

"Sounds good"

Kyle smiled and walked into the bedroom to get dressed. Amanda got up from the seat and noticed a picture on the kitchen bench, she picked it up and examined it, it was the same picture the sheriff had seen. She looked at the back of the picture and on the back there was writing, it read: "I got you Rebecca, I got you" Amanda gasped and walked into the bedroom, in the mirror in front of where Amanda was just standing, was the reflection of the clown smiling back with blood dripping from his teeth.

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