Chapter 6 - The Life Of Marvin Peters

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Amanda looked down at the phone and picked it up.

"I don't understand, I was just with him 15 minutes ago, how could that happen so quick"

"What do you mean.... you left this church 3 hours ago"


Amanda looked over to the clock, it said 6:24.

"No I was just there how can that be" Amanda thought to herself.

"Amanda... this is why you SHOULDN'T TELL ANYONE"

Amanda started to panic, it wasn't Sandra that was on the other side of the line anymore.

"I know it's you"

"I want to show you something Amanda"

Amanda fainted and the phone fell to the floor. She awoke to find herself inside a run-down home with all the windows boarded. She stood up and inspected the place. She heard screams coming from a room, she walked over to the door where the screams were coming from and opened it, she gasped. A girl who looked like she was 10 was tied to a bed with chains and in the middle of the bedroom was a man sitting on a stool.

"Be a good girl and I MIGHT FEED YAAAA" the man said as he laughed.

"I just want my mommy, please"

"Sorry I don't give in to beggars"

The man looked at the door where Amanda was standing, Amanda gasped. It was like he was looking straight through her, she walked closer and his eyes didn't move from where he was looking.

"I don't think he can see me" she thought.

"What are you doing to her" she thought.

When she tried to speak, only she could hear the words in her head. Amanda became confused.

"What is this?'' she thought.

The man unlocked the chains and pulled the girl closer to him.

"Now unfortunately for you little girl, you can't live, otherwise I'll get in trouble, you see, life isn't fair sometimes and lots of people take advantage of it, like the fucking local pub owners, they could be rich but they blow it all away on some stupid fucking horse race and you probably don't understand half the shit I'm talking because your what, 10, 8-years-old?

"10..." the little girl stuttered.

"AAAH you are a talker eyy? well you aint gonna talk when I rip your fucking tongue out your mouth and cut you into SLICES OF PIZZA!" the man said.

He started to laugh, wildly, like the sound of a siren and a crow that felt threatened by predators. The girl picked up the chains and threw it at the man's face, hard, the force of the chains hitting his face made him fall off the stool.


The girl ran right through Amanda and ran out the room, she ran out the front door which was strangely unlocked, she left it open. The man ran after her but saw a lady holding the little girl and taking her to her car for safety.


The man walked over to the wardrobe and slid open the sliding door, and out fell a clown costume, similar to the clown that Amanda keeps seeing, she started to breathe loudly.

"It's him" she thought.

Amanda walked into the bathroom and looked through the mirror cabinet too see if she could find anything labelled with his name. She found anti-depressant pills with the name labelled "Marvin Peters" She instantly remembered the picture.

"He's the one that kidnapped Rebecca I need to find his body" she thought.

Amanda walked back into the room, she screamed but quickly covered her mouth. Hanging from a rope that was attached to a fan, was Marvin Peters. Amanda knew the only way to get rid of his spirit was to locate the body and burn it. Amanda closed her eyes and opened them again, she was back at her house. Amanda walked over to her laptop and quickly typed in google search: "Marvin Peters" suggestions that came up all had to do with the girl who escaped from his house. One of the websites said his body was stolen and never found. Amanda quickly came up with an idea.

"What if The Reaver collected his body and buried it somewhere in the park so Marvin would be one of his slaves" she thought.

The body had to be buried beneath 1 of the 4 houses.

"Great, that's going to be easy" she thought.

Amanda walked outside and knocked on Tyler's door. Tyler opened the door. She looked pale and distraught.

"Oh hi Amanda"

"Tyler what's wrong?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, so I'm going to tell a lie and say I'm sick"

"Have you been seeing things Tyler"

Tyler started to gain hope.

"A man in a clown costume have you seen him??" asked Tyler.

"I see him every night''

Tyler shut the door, moved closer to Amanda and grabbed her shoulders.

"You need to tell Jack he won't believe me, I can't say anything to convince him"

"Trust me I'm having the same problems with Kyle"

"What does this thing want from us Amanda?"

"To be permanent visitors at Fearland"

Tyler gasped and looked away from Amanda.

"That's why I see the Ferris Wheel, but I can't understand why Jack can't"

"Because you and me are the two sacrifices"

Tyler turned back to Amanda.

"How do we stop this from happening" asked Tyler.

"We find his body and we burn it"

"Where is the body?"

"Under one of these four houses"

Tyler sighed. They knew it would be a hard thing to accomplish.

"We need to start convincing our neighbors, because there is no way in hell they are just going to let us walk into their house and start breaking through their floor and finding the body, hopefully they all have cellars" said Tyler.

"If we are lucky, it might be under your house or my house" said Amanda.

Amanda and Tyler turned to face the road, standing there was Marvin with a chainsaw. He ran towards them and they both quickly ran inside and slammed the door shut. They both started to panic. All the lights in the house turned off.

"Don't make a sound" Amanda said quietly.

They both covered their mouths. They stood waiting for a couple of minutes and Tyler quietly opened the door, no one was there. Tyler closed the door and they both let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the sound of a chainsaw running was coming from behind them.

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