Chapter 11 - Raining Down On A Broken Heart (Continued)

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Amanda pulled the blanket to her chest, she laid on the couch, thinking about Kyle, she started to think about suicide, claiming it to be her only option.

"If I do it, I'll give him what he wants" she thought.

The dark thoughts flooded her mind, she started to cry. Amanda removed the blanket from her chest, stood up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen, she instantly remembered she was still in Tyler's House, she searched around for the cabinet with the glasses in it, she found the cabinet, walked over to the sink and poured herself a glass of water. She quickly swallowed the water and put the glass in the sink, she looked up and was startled by a dark figure, it was Rebecca.

"Don't waste time, you need to enter Fearland" said Rebecca.

"If we do, we are walking straight into a trap"

"But you know there is no other way"

Amanda didn't respond, she walked over to the window, she noticed it was raining.

"Maybe we should let him get what he wants, I feel we are going to fail anyway" sighed Amanda.

"When you say things like that, you make him stronger"

Amanda turned to face Rebecca, she became frustrated.

"Well he already is fucking strong enough, He has killed three people already, all because of us and some stupid ritual"

Rebecca disappeared, Amanda rolled her eyes picked up a glass and threw it against the wall.


Marvin appeared, he had a smirk across his face.

"Well, hasn't someone showed their side of anger"'

"Someone just needs to learn when to piss off, because things just get a little... messy when they don't learn"

"OHHHHHHH Amanda, I like it when you get nasty, brings the excitement to the game"

"You just don't learn to quit, do you Marvin"

"Haven't you figured it out Amanda? I don't care what anyone thinks, I'll bring Fearland back to life and this ritual will be complete, and you know what that leads to"



"Well take me to Fearland with you, I want to see how it all plays out"

"My My, this certainly is a new Amanda standing in front of me, weellll... if you insist"

Marvin disappeared, Amanda was still in the kitchen.

"But first I want to play a game, come and find me Amandaaaaaaaa..." Marvin called out from the distance.

Amanda gulped, she took a deep breath and walked towards Tyler's bedroom, she opened the door and noticed Tyler wasn't in the bed.

"TYLER?!" she panicked.

Amanda quickly walked over to the bathroom and then checked the walk in wardrobe, no sign of Tyler. She stood standing and instantly thought that Marvin had taken her to Fearland.

"You have her don't you" she called out.

"She's waiting for you, better find me fast"

Amanda walked out of the bedroom and saw Marvin walk out of the house, she ran to the door and tripped, she heard Marvin's eerie laughter. She stood up and walked out onto the road, she was surrounded by people, but she noticed they didn't look normal, they were all decaying, she instantly thought they were the lost souls of Fearland. She stood in horror, she didn't dare to move or speak. They moved towards her very slowly, Amanda started to shake, she could feel their presence as if they were literally touching her. Amanda closed her eyes and waited for her fate, she felt hands grip her shoulders, her stomach and her face, Amanda's vision went blurry and it all went black. Marvin stood staring at all the decaying figures and looked over to a house, he saw a girl standing there, it was Brooke, He smiled and walked towards her, she screamed, ran into the house and quickly shut and locked the door behind her.

"Don't worry, I'm already inside the house" said Marvin.

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