Chapter 10 - Escaping The Memories

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"Marvin where are you, you know I don't like playing hide and seek you little fucker" taunted Alex.

Younger Marvin remained hidden in the cupboard, while older Marvin looked for a way out of the memory, he opened the door but it leads to the room he was standing in.

"I can't let The Reaver enter the world, I can't let The Reaver enter the world" Thought Marvin over and over.

Alex opened the cupboard and pulled younger Marvin into the master bedroom, older Marvin followed, walking into the master bedroom lead to the next memory. Marvin could control his memories, so he sped up the process, moved from memory to memory until he reached the last memory, He sped up to the moment he hung himself.

"Guess I wasn't really hanging in there" he said to himself as he laughed.

He walked over to the drain, opened the lid and jumped in, it took him back to Burken Court. He looked around the fields for Tyler and Amanda but there was no sign of anyone.

"Those two just won't learn won't they, well if they don't want to listen, punishments will have to be given" he said to himself.

Marvin walked towards Tyler's house to find Jack.

Jack sat on the couch, with a bowl of chips leaning against him, he was watching a horror movie, but showed no fear for the movie, he had his mind set on Tyler.

"Where is she, she has been missing for days" Jack said to himself.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Jack looked over at the door and then over to the clock on the wall, it was 11 o'clock at night, he gained hope, hoping it was Tyler, He quickly stood up, ran over to the door and opened it, there was no one there, Jack sighed and closed the door.

"Fucking teens pranking people at this time of night" he said to himself angrily.

He walked back over to the couch and noticed the T.V was off, he heard the sounds of water running in the bathroom.

"Tyler?" he called out.

No response. he walked over to the bathroom, the light was off, he turned on the light and noticed the room was full of steam, the mirror was fogged up and the walls had water dripping down them. He switched on the fan and walked towards the bathtub and opened up the curtains, there was no one in the bathtub, he turned off the water. The sounds of footsteps walking up the stairs could be heard, Jack looked up to the ceiling and listened for the footsteps, he walked out of the bathroom and up the stairs, he followed the noise of the footsteps until they stopped at the master bedroom, no one in sight, Jack looked around the bedroom, checked the cupboard, checked under the bed, nothing was there.

"If someone is in my house, I will kick your ass, don't think I won't, I'm not afraid to" Jack called out.

He heard eerie laughter in the distance, he followed where he thought the noise came from, he walked back downstairs and into the kitchen, nothing was there but he noticed the knife rack was missing. He walked over to the bench where the knife rack was supposed to be, he opened up the draw with all the cutlery and pulled out a steak knife, he knew it wasn't the best choice of a defence weapon, but he knew something was wrong when he noticed the knife rack wasn't on the bench. All the lights turned off in the house and Jack remained still. The sounds of footsteps got louder and louder until they stopped right in front of Jack, but he saw nothing, he started to breathe loudly. Suddenly Jack started feeling pain, not an ordinary stomach pain, something so painful that he started to wail, he fell to the floor and put his left hand on where the pain was coming from, he looked at his hand, it was covered in blood. Something had stabbed him in the lower back. The footsteps returned, but this time Jack saw a figure, it was Marvin.

"Jacky boy, didn't think a tough boy like you would cry"

"I'm... gonna... fucking kill... you" Jack stuttered.

"Hrmmmm, I don't think you can even stand up, you seem to be losing a lot of blood, better do something about that"

Jack attempted to crawl away from Marvin, but there was no point Marvin followed and stabbed him in the lower back again making jack groan in pain. Jack leaned on his side, he was dying from the blood he was losing. Marvin knelt down and looked him face to face.

"Sometimes people get in the way of things they are not supposed to and when they do... they lose something that's important to them" said Marvin.

Marvin stood up and held the knife with two hands above his head.

"Sorry it has to be this way Jacky Boy, but the message needs to get across"

Marvin quickly lowered the knife and had it against Jack's stomach, against where his heart was located. A smile formed on Marvin's face, the sound of the front door opening was heard.

"Jack! it's me Tyler!"

Tyler walked towards the kitchen.

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