Chapter 4 - More Neighbors

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The sounds of noisy trucks pulling in and out of drive ways filled the bedroom which woke Kyle up, he stretched and yawned.

"Morning ba..."

He noticed Amanda wasn't in bed, he looked around, he got out of bed and walked into the bathroom presuming Amanda was checking herself out in the mirror, but she wasn't, she was not in sight. He walked into the kitchen and looked out the window to see 3 trucks in 3 different drive ways.

"All the houses have been sold already?" he said to himself.

Kyle put on some clothes and walked outside thinking Amanda is helping the neighbors unpack.

"Jessie, can you go help your brother" said a lady

"Mum, got more important things to do like updating my Instagram, and letting my friends know that I'm safe... well I think I'm safe"

Jessie's Mum rolled her eyes and shoved a box into Jessie's hands making Jessie drop her phone.

"It's called helping out, you should try it sometime"

Jessie squinted at her mother and stormed inside.

"Aaron, you going to get out of the car anytime soon?" said Jessie's Mum.

The car door opened and out came Aaron.

"This place smells like dead fish, good choice of a house" said Aaron sarcastically

"Well whether you like it or not, it was cheap, it has enough rooms for all of us and its quite spacious"

"Yeah but it's not the best looking house"

"Well your little brother doesn't mind"

Aaron rolled his eyes at his mother.

"That's because his 2, Cody will like anywhere we go, even a crap shack"

Aaron's mum shoved a box in Aaron's hands.

"Go help your sister..."

Aaron proceeded with the instructions.

The Morgan's family was your stereotypical family, the 17-year-old daughter who would much rather be on social media then spend time with her family, the 14-year-old son who didn't like moving and hated the idea of socializing, the 2-year-old son who loved to do anything, the mother who tried hard to get their kids attention and to like her and lastly the hard working father who was never home, but out having affairs with other women because he couldn't handle his everyday life.

"Hello do you need a hand?" asked Kyle.

The lady was startled by Kyle.

"Oh my god, sorry I didn't hear you coming, I'm Alisa"

"I'm Kyle nice to meet you"

Kyle shook Alisa's hand. Jessie and Aaron walked out the front door and over to the truck.

"This is my daughter Jessie and my son Aaron, say hi guys"

"Hi" said Jessie rudely.

Aaron didn't say anything. Alisa laughed awkwardly.

"Sorry they are just a bit grumpy from moving and unpacking"


Kyle looked over to Aaron.

"Hey do you like Football?" asked Kyle.

"Yeah maybe if I was 40" Aaron replied rudely.

"AARON!" yelled Alisa.

Kyle did a fake laugh.

"It's ok not everyone likes football, got any hobbies"

"I like watching porn"

Alisa gasped.

"Aaron go inside NOW!" yelled Alisa.

Aaron walked inside and Jessie followed, she was laughing and gave Aaron a high five.

"I'm so sorry about that, they are never usually like that"

"It's alright, seems moving is just a bit too much for them"

"Yeah I can agree with that"

Alisa and Kyle Laughed.

"Hey you haven't seen a girl with blonde hair walking around have you?" asked Kyle.

"No, I can't say I have, I can tell you if I see her"


Kyle waved and walked back to his house. Kyle knew it was strange of Amanda to leave and not tell him where she was going. He tried calling her phone, it went straight to voicemail.

"Amanda never lets her phone go flat, that's weird" he said to himself.

He walked over to the couch, sat down and turned on the T.V, he decided he will wait for some time. 2 hours passed and still no sign of Amanda. He got up from the couch and walked outside again, He went over to the other neighbors who were unpacking.

"Hello I'm Kyle nice to meet you both" said Kyle, rather quickly.

"Hi I'm Jason and this my girlfriend Brooke" said the man.

Kyle shook Jason and Brooke's hands.

"Have you seen a blonde girl walking around?"

"Yeah I did actually, me and Jason said hello but she didn't answer us"

"That's strange Amanda isn't normally rude" Kyle thought.

"Oh did you know which way she went?"

"She walked into the field"

Kyle looked over to a walkway that lead to the field.


Kyle followed the path into the field. He looked around and in the distance under a tree he saw a figure, as he moved closer he noticed it was Amanda, he ran over to her.

"Amanda where have..."
"Don't let him see you"

Kyle looked at Amanda with a confused facial expression.


"Just don't let him see you"

Kyle grabbed Amanda and she awoke from her trance.

"Kyle? What... where... where am I?" she stuttered.

"Well you tell me, you have been gone for hours"

Amanda looked Kyle in the eyes and calmed herself down, she knew she had to be calm with Kyle, she didn't want to freak him out. Amanda looked behind Kyle, the clown was standing behind him holding a noose. He threw it over Kyle's head and pulled it tight.

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