Chapter 3 - The Hidden Face

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Days went pass quicker and quicker and as the days went passed the sky grew darker each day. the murky green color returned every night with the mist. Amanda walked out into her backyard, it was midnight and she was ready to confront the clown that has been harassing her.

"I'm here, come talk to me" said Amanda.

No response. She waited patiently at the door. A few minutes passed and there was still no response, she walked to the edge of the veranda, the murky green color in the sky gave some light to the backyard, Amanda noticed a figure standing in front of the gate, Amanda gulped.

"Who are you?" she called out.

The Figure slowly moved towards Amanda, Amanda noticed it wasn't the clown, but a figure in a gown. Amanda took a step back, the figure continued to move closer. Amanda closed her eyes and opened them again, the figure was standing right in front of her. Amanda noticed the figures features and presumed it was a girl, judging by the long black hair, but the face was hidden behind what looked like a black cloth. The lady lifted up her arm and pointed at something behind Amanda, Amanda slowly turned around and looked at where she was pointing. On the wall there was writing, which read: "Don't let him see you" Amanda turned to look back at the lady.

"What does that..."

Amanda stopped talking when she noticed the lady wasn't there.

"What's will all you things disappearing on me, when I need answers!" she yelled out.

The lady reappeared and Amanda suddenly passed out. When Amanda awoke she found herself sitting in a backyard, but it wasn't hers. She looked around and noticed a whole bunch of children laughing and playing, the clothes they were wearing were old fashioned. There was a stage and standing on the stage was the clown, but he was normal, his teeth weren't bloody or big and sharp, they were human teeth.

"Alright kids! who's the birthday girl!" said the clown.

"Amy!!" all the kids chanted.

Amy who was unsatisfied with the clown shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Amy!! come on up here so we can give you a birthday surprise!"

Amy's mother looked at her daughter and noticed that her daughter didn't want anything to do with the clown. Amy ran over to her mother.

"Mommy why did you get a dumb clown"

Amy said it loud enough for the clown to hear. The smile on the clown's face turned from a smile into an unpleasant look.

"Children shouldn't be rude, Children should respect adults, CHILDREN SHOULD LEARN TO FUCKING ENJOY THE SHOW!" the clown screamed.

Amy's mothers mouth went wide open, she was shocked. The children, Amy and Amy's mother disappeared, all except the clown. The Backyard went dark and the murky green color in the sky and the mist returned. The clown slowly turned his head to face Amanda.

"That little bitch Amy, should have been happy with what she got, I just wanted to make her happy"

"Wwhat... did you do to her"

The clown smiled at Amanda.

"I took her most precious gift, years and years after her 4th birthday party"

The clown pointed at the table, gesturing Amanda to walk over to it. Amanda slowly walked over to the table, but didn't take her eyes off of the clown. On the table was an envelope that had writing on it which read: "To Amy"

"Go on... open it"

Amanda slowly opened the envelope and pulled out a pink card with flowers and butterflies.

"Read it"

The card read: "Dear Amy Rose Casadean, Happy 4th birthday my beautiful girl, I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy all the gifts mummy gave you and all the gifts your friends gave you! love you lots my little angel, love mummy"

The name sounded familiar to Amanda. Amanda put the envelope and card back on the table.

"You see the mother was such a lovely person to me, I couldn't do anything to harm her"

The clown moved towards Amanda.

"Amy was always afraid of fire, she wouldn't even dare to go near a fire, or even fireplaces, I thrive off of fear..."

Amanda gasped.

"Figured it out yet"

It all made sense, pictures and visions started flooding Amanda's mind, she was thinking so fast and she started to get dizzy.

"Rebecca Casadean..." said Amanda.

"You started the fire, you kidnapped Rebecca!" she yelled at him.

The clown laughed and his eyes turned black.

"I'm ready for my next victim" said the clown.

The clown lunged himself at Amanda.

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