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A lady placed Amanda in a chair facing three mirrors, the lady pat Amanda's shoulder and the identity of the lady was Rebecca, the lady walked out of the room and slammed the door shut.

"Where have you all been?" Amanda said to her reflection.

In the mirror, Kyle, Marvin, Brooke, Tyler, Rebecca, Jack, Father Gordon all smiled back at her. They all started to fade and merge together, to form Amanda's reflection, Kyle and Father Gordon were the only ones to stay in the mirror. Amanda's reflection smiled back at her with an evil grin.

"You let us in Amanda, you made the right decision"

Amanda smiled back at her reflection.

"I'm only doing what's right"

Sometimes we have unexplained feelings, we have the feeling of sadness, anger, confusion, jealously or the feeling of depression, the dark thoughts surround many, and people fall victim to it all the time, but for Amanda... her thoughts had a different idea. The door to the room opened quickly and the sound of the mirror smashing could be heard, but the mirror wasn't smashed. A knife slid across the floor and over towards Amanda's foot, she knelt down and picked it up.

"You know what to do" said Amanda's reflection.

Amanda smiled walked out the door and distorted screams could be heard.

The only question that has yet to be answered is....

Who was the victim in all of this?


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