Chapter 5 - Disturbed (Continued)

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Amanda stood perfectly still, she kept eye contact with the priest.

"What is it..." Asked Amanda.

"I don't know it's just standing behind you, not moving"

Amanda turned around. Standing there was a decaying figure, mouth, teeth and eyes out of place. The figure was practically bones, but the look of its face was horrifying.

"It's saying something..." Said The Priest.


"It's telling you to leave your house"

Amanda looked at the figure.

"Why, why do you want me to leave?" She called out to the figure.

"It says you and Kyle are in great danger"

Amanda turned to look back at the priest.

"How can you hear what it's saying?"

"I can communicate with spirits, a gift from God"

The Priest gestured for Amanda to follow him inside. The priest sat down on the chair and Amanda sat next to him.

"Something evil has latched itself to you, I can feel it"

"What do they want from me, this man... He follows me and tortures me, He made me choke Kyle, I need it to stop"

The priest looked up, stood up and walked outside, the figure was still standing there.

"Why do you want her to leave"

"If she stays, she will become a victim to The Reaver"

Amanda walked over to The Priest.

"What it's saying"

"It said if you stay you will become a victim of The Reaver"

"The what?"

"It's says the houses that were built in Burken Court disturbed the burial grounds and now the dead roams around Burken Court seeking retribution"

"Why isn't it trying to hurt me?" Asked Amanda.

"It says some spirits where given a direct order to hunt and collect all the people who live in Burken Court and bring them back to Fearland, The Reaver demands 2 sacrifices from each of these spirits otherwise their privileges to roam the earth are lost and The Reaver makes his return and will kill everyone in Burken Court, some of the spirits are free to roam the earth with no order"

"What's the difference between being dead and being stuck in Fearland forever? Asked Amanda.

"The spirit says you must leave, The Reaver is something no one wants to ever see, not even the spirits, no one has ever seen The Reaver and its best to keep it that way"

Amanda thanked The Priest, walked over to her car and got in. Amanda drove off home, she sped up, she doesn't know how she will convince Kyle to move out. She was home in 15 minutes. She walked into the house and sat down next to Kyle.

"We need to leave this house, forever and we need to get far away"

What ar..."

"We have no time, you just need to listen"

Amanda stood up and sprinted into her bedroom and pulled out two giant suitcases. She threw all her clothes and Kyle's clothes in the suitcases. Kyle walked in and slam the suitcase lid shut.

"Ok now I'm going to admit, you are acting crazy, we are not moving, it has even been 2 months"

"Kyle I can prove to you something is wrong"

"Ok I want you to tell me what the threat is here"

"These houses are built on the burial grounds, the victims of the amusement park tragedy are angry and they will do whatever it takes to get us into the park"

Kyle rolled his eyes at Amanda and took a step back.

"Your telling me we need to move because you think zombies are rising from the dead and they are coming to kill us"


Kyle was shocked by Amanda suddenly yelling at him like that.

"You can leave... But I'm not going with you" Kyle said softly.

Kyle walked in the room and shut the door behind him. Amanda sighed loudly. The only person who could convince Kyle was The Priest, but she knew Kyle wouldn't go the church with her. She had to bring The priest to them. She called up the church. Someone answered.

"Hello?" Said the voice, it sounded rather sad. There was no greeting that introduced the church and the person that was taking the call. Amanda knew something was wrong.

"Hello is Father Gordon there?"

"Is this girl from earlier?" Asked the voice.

Amanda recognized the voice, it was Sandra.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

"Father Gordon.... died, he's car struck a tree"

Amanda let go of the phone and it dropped to the floor. She turned to the wall, there was writing on the wall which read: "you shouldn't have told him"

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