8: Magic

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You there was no doubt that Mark stole your heart almost immediately after you met. The first time you had a night of getting away from the snow watching movies, you found that he was quite cuddly, because when the power went out that night at his apartment, the first thing he did was wrap his arms around you and hold you close.

After that, almost all the time, you wanted to cuddle, because he was the best at it. Luckily though, he happily complied. It actually made you two really close after you started dating, you were surprised. Now, six months later, you were attached at the hip, almost literally it seems. You nuzzle your nose in Mark's shoulder while his grip on your waist tightens. Eyes closed, your hand glides up his arm, finding its way around his neck.

Of course you're not ready when he turns over, on his side, away from you. Definitely sleeping, you think. You frown, shaking his shoulder and whimpering. His shoulder turns over and his eyes open.

His eyes soften when he notices he turned away from you,"Oh, I'm sorry sweetheart! Come here you!"

You giggle as his arms snake around you again, pulling you against him on the couch. Now he's fully turned over, facing you. You blush when your eyes meet his, centimeters apart. His messy red hair hangs over his forehead and you smile when he makes his irresistible kissy face, begging you for a kiss.

You wrap your arms around his neck pulling closer until your lips make contact. Every time you kiss, you feel sparks. The way Mark made you feel, there are no words. Just magic. He still gives you butterflies and makes you nervous, even after six months. The kiss lasts almost twenty seconds, both of you almost getting lost in each other's lips. When he pulls away, you sigh, enchanted by his touch.

You lay on your back, his arms still around you, swooning,"The things you do to me, Markimoo..."

"W-what do I do to you baby?"he smiles down at you kissing your forehead.

Your nose pokes his cheek and you snuggle up against him,"I don't know, whenever we kiss, it's like magic. Your touch is so enchanting. You still make me nervous and give me butterflies. You make me feel like a princess. I swear, it's like you put this spell over me that makes you seem so irresistible. What made you steal my heart in the first place."

By now, you had climbed out of his embrace and gotten up, strolling aimlessly around the room as you ranted, clearly drugged by love. He takes your hand, causing you to stop. You turn to him, feeling the warmth of his love surround you as he pulls you close.


You notice a blush on his cheeks before he continues,"Our kisses are magic, I feel it too. I didn't know my touch felt like that to you. I didn't know I could really make you feel like that. Of course I treat you like a princess, because you're my princess. Maybe I put a spell over you because I don't want you to break this."

He grabs your chin, almost pulling you in for another kiss.

"Maybe this was meant to be."

You feel dizzy. A breath escapes your lips and your eyes close as you lose balance. Mark takes action, catching you, basically dipping you back, one arm holding your back, you tilted to the floor, your arm around his neck. He hesitates, looking you up and down.

"You know,"he smiles,"I like you like this."

With that, you're greeted with the most magical, enchanted, romantic and love filled kiss you've ever shared with him.

And the best part is, it wasn't the last.

(Hope you enjoyed! I'm making a chapter for both of my Mark and Sean imagine books. They're both the same scenario, but with different outcomes.)

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