6: Sweet Prince

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(Just so you guys know, this is sort of me spilling off from my other book Torn In Between. It's about a princess having to choose Mark or Sean, both Princes, in another reality of course. This has nothing to do with youtube and it is basically if you and Mark lived in another world and time. If you've seen the Thor movies, that's what I want this to be sort of like, only, more romantic and a little more medieval, as in no electricity. Hope you guys like it.)

You had been locked away for years, hidden by the evil sorceress. She wanted the kingdoms to divide at your absence, no marriage to keep them in unity. You remember vaguely your mother, and even less your father. One face that you remember most, was the prince. You were kidnapped from your room when you were both six. All you knew was that you played together, sharing the happiest of your memories. Every night, you would stare from your window, longing to see his face again.

You always wondered how Mark turned out to grow up. You only remember him as the giddy six year old and no one else. One thing that is definitely the same from then, his dark brown eyes that always were smiling at you. He was the one you wished to see most again. As you stared into the night sky, twinkling with stars, you couldn't help but connect the dots to form the only face of him you remember.

Looking back into the room, the fire lit on the torch flickers, pulsing orange waves across the stone walls. The sorceress sits at her desk, as always, using a candlelight to view her blueprints and designs. Then, everything changes.

Her head snaps up from the galloping of hooves and the shriek of a horse. She grabs the rusted, dull-bladed, iron sword and you slowly stand up. After she leaves, you follow.

You hear her voice,"Finally, it only took you fourteen years."

"Let her go,"a deep voice responds.

"She isn't going anywhere,"the sorceress snarls,"You'll be dead before you get to lay eyes on her again."

"(Y/N)!"the voice calls, causing you to trip backwards, falling back into the room.

You can't breathe. He knows your name, this stranger. Who is it? Could it be-? Taking a few deep breaths, you take your time standing, listening to the grunts and growls and the clashes of swords outside. Finally, you hear the sorceresses sharp cry ring in your ears.

You rush outside, halted by that oh so familiar face. Your voice cracks,"Mark?!"

He runs to you, enveloping you in his arms,"Oh my god, (Y/N). I've been searching, all this time, to find you."

"Why? Why didn't you give up?"you look him over, noticing his hair is red, probably to mark is royalty.

Holding you by the waist, he looks you in the eyes with the soft eyes you remember so vividly,"Because I love you."

With that, you never would have thought your lips would ever make contact with his. You instantly melt against him, in total shock, and falling in love with him all at once. Once you pull away, your eyes meet his, totally starstruck.

"My- sweet- prince-,"you choke out, before breaking down in his arms.

"You know,"Mark starts,"There was a marriage planned before you were taken."

You look up once more,"Mark, I-"

The only answer you can come up with is another soft, passionate and loving kiss.

"(Y/N)..."Mark mumbles, before holding your hand in his and kissing your knuckles sweetly,"I never got to mention how beautiful you have come to be. Much more than I ever could've imagined."

You notice the elegant, scarlet cloak he wears, and the rest of his royal attire. It blows you away, but not as much as his words after he sweeps you off your feet, climbs on the horse, and stares into your eyes lovingly.

"My sweet princess."

(Sorry if this is cringy or total trash, lol it totally is. But the deeper meaning I guess is that Mark would treat his girl like a princess, without a doubt. Thanks for reading, if you made it this far without tapping out due to its suckiness lol. :/)

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