10: Wet Kiss

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(Wanna go for a swim with Mark? Wish granted ;))

You look up at the stars, taking in the heat that remains in the air from the hot day. You turn the pool light on, walking barefoot across the the concrete surrounding the pool, the water glistening in the moonlight. You notice the water isn't still, it's rippling and waving like crazy. Then, all of a sudden, Mark splashes up out of the water, causing you to jump.

"Mark! What are you doing?"you yelp.

He shakes the water from his red hair, slicking it back while walking around on the pool floor, his arms pushing through the water,"What? It's a great night for it! Wanna join?"

You blush, knowing you're wearing your favorite bikini underneath your sundress. You easily slip it off you and walk to the steps. The water isn't cold, it's perfect. You step in and walk out as the water reaches your upper waist, almost to your chest. The ends of your hair are already submerged in the sparkling water, so you decide to dive under. You use your arms and legs to push your body through the water. Until, of course, you feel a hand grab your foot.

You pick your head up, attempting to lay flat to keep your air supply while giggling,"Mark! Let me go!"

He pulls on your foot, standing up and his arms holding you bridal style in the water,"What? I'm just messin'. Hey, you're lighter like this."

"Babe, everyone's lighter under water,"you smile.

Just as you get comfortable, he shouts,"Got ya!"

His arms swiftly launch you out of the water, only to go plunging back under a few feet away. You squeal before the water encases your body. Quickly resurfacing, you push your feet off the bottom and leap at Mark, arms around his neck.

"Oof!"he groans, taking your impact,"Sorry (Y/N)!"

He regains his balance, arms around your waist. A soft breeze flows through the air, chilling your exposed shoulders and causing you to shiver. Mark pulls you close to him, warming you up, leaning against the wall of the pool. You both stare out into the night sky and the skyline of the city, listening to crickets and other night critters sing their late night song. You sigh into Mark's chest, taking all of your surroundings in. You don't even notice your legs subconsciously wrap around Mark's waist until you feel his lips kiss your cheek ever so softly.

"(Y/N)..."he asks.

You smile and blush,"Yes Markimoo?"

Your eyes lock on his, listening to his deep, soothing voice,"Will you stay with me?"

"Stay with you?"

"Forever?"he meekly murmurs, and you swoon at his adorable, romantic, yet serious question.

You think: A life forever with Mark. Forever. Forever is forever. I would be with Mark for the darkest and lightest of times. Does he want to marry me? Have children with me?

The last two thoughts cause you to blush deeply, thinking about the love involved. You sigh, kissing him lovingly and sweetly. He kisses back, his grip on your waist tightening and your legs gripping close to him.

"M-Mark,"you shudder at the thoughts,"Do you really love me that much?

He keeps your face close to his, his eyes locking with yours, almost speaking to you telepathically.

"(Y/N), what kind of a question is that? Of course I love you that much. I am willing to put it all into us. I just feel like now, it's been too long."

With that, he pushes you off him, dives across the pool, running out of the pool and sprinting back into the house. Before you can calmly make it to the steps, he comes back out, heavy breathing, tossing a towel to the side of the pool.

He takes your hand softly, his touch making your skin tingle,"Sorry... (Y/N), what I was saying was I don't think we should be dating anymore..."

You're thoroughly confused as to what exactly it is that he's saying until he pulls you out of the pool and collapses weakly to one knee, reaching into the towel.

Pulling out a tiny black box, opening it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring, he puts it together.

"I'm saying we should be married. (Y/N), will you marry me?"

Despite the fact that you're both dripping wet and he's in his swim trunks, tears emerge from your eyes, heart racing, hands shaking, breathing uneasy, and legs wobbly.

You collapse into a hug, yelping,"YES!"

He hugs you tight, slowly rocking you back and forth, both of your silent sobs causing you both to quiver and shake. Once you pull away, Mark takes your hand gingerly and carefully slides the glittering ring in your finger, marking you as a fresh bride-to-be.

Not even a second after its on, you cup his cheeks and pull him in for the most passionate kiss you two have ever shared. It was a romantic, loving, passionate, scene of a wet kiss.

(Tbh, really didn't see that going in the proposal direction but I thought it'd be cute. Anyways, hope you liked this piece of trash lol)

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