17: Little Biscuit

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(For those that read the other version of this in Sean's imagine book, this will have the same layout; month 1- month 9 etc.)

Day 0:

You lay underneath Mark, both of you naked, just finished. You're both panting, and he kisses you passionately. You've been at it for weeks, and nothing has come through. Neither of you know how much longer you can keep it up.

This is probably the seventh time you've done it, as an attempt and trying. Mark rolls off of you and pulls you close under the covers and you both drift off to sleep.

Week Two:

You lay on the couch, Mark upstairs, editing. You were currently waiting for the test to be ready and were waiting five more minutes for extra measure. Finally, you peel yourself off the couch and walk to the bathroom, eyes immediately locking on the test. You shakily pick it up, look at it, and drop it on the floor, falling weakly.

You begin to cry, gripping the test in your shaking hands before getting up and stumbling out the door. Mark couldn't know, not yet. Finally, after countless times of trying, as the test read, you were pregnant.

Month 1:

Everything was set and ready. You set the small box on the table, a pink and blue ribbon on top. You call Mark downstairs and he walks down sort of morose-looking.

"What's wrong babe?"you ask.

He hugs you heavily,"When are we going to be able to? I can't do this much longer."

"Well,"you bite your lip,"sit down."

"What's this?"he grabs the box, looking at you.

"Open it."

He curiously peels the ribbon off and opens the box, he pulls out the tiny baby outfit for him you had custom made Daddy's Little Biscuit. It had Tiny Box Tim on it and Mark stares at it blankly for a few seconds before dropping it in his lap.

"(Y/N)..."his voice cracks and his tear-filled eyes meet yours,"You're... pregnant?"

You nod before he jumps out of his chair, at you,"OH MY GOD! WERE HAVING A BABY, HOLY SHIT!"

Mark prances around the living room like a little kid, screaming. You giggle until he falls to his knees, starting to cry,"Finally..."

You kneel with him and hug him, both of you crying with joy.

Month 2:

You wake up, the sun in your eyes and your stomach throws you for a wild turn from a beautiful morning.

"Ngh Mark..."you groan, nausea causing you to curl up into a ball.

Your husband flips over, his eyes immediately concerned,"What's wrong hun?"

"Oh... shit..." you jump up with your stomach and sprint to the bathroom,  Mark chasing after you.

With a huge, exhausting heave, your body involuntarily throws up into the toilet. While coughing the rest up, you feel Mark's arms slide around you, holding you gently. Weak, you give in to him scooping you up and laying you down in bed.

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