32: I Could Never

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Listen to song while reading. Enjoy

He left you scared, scared to let yourself fall for anyone else. You wanted to find love that wouldn't hurt you like he did. It hurt the very image of every man you ever saw. When you met Mark, you were so careful, he felt like you were rejecting him. But you didn't want him to leave. When he saw one of your friends and he asked why you were so weary towards him, she told him about the infamous ex.

He knew it'd be the right thing to talk to you about it, but when the painful topic came up, it brought tears to your eyes. Mark immediately pulled you into a hug and held you tight. This was the first hint to you that maybe, just maybe, this time could be different. But you were still scared. When he introduced you to his friends, Ethan and Tyler, you were even more nervous. The more boys, the more scared you were. You kept running questions through your mind.

What if I fall?

What if I cry?

What if I get scared?

Falling in love was your biggest fear, because it means you open up to your weaknesses, which you had no idea whether he'd attack or not. Mark knew, and it hurt him, with the fact that he really liked you, and he wanted so bad for this to work. Since you knew Tyler and Ethan were the two new guy friends, Mark thought it would be a good idea to have them get to know you first.

You had a couple of fun nights with them, playing games and guys having roast-offs that left you gasping for air you were laughing so hard. They were hitting your shell, yet they hadn't cracked it. Ethan realized the issue and figured it would be easier for you to talk to someone who didn't have intimate feelings.

"(Y/N), I know, I get it. You're scared, and you don't want to hear this from me right now. But Mark, he really, like really likes you. He wants this to work so bad. And now he's scared that you're going to walk away. He'd never hurt you, never let you fall, never make you cry, never let you be scared. He'd never forgive himself if he did. I promise you that. As his friend, and yours,"he speaks carefully, yet sincerely.

Mark was scared you were gonna leave? You couldn't believe it. You decide to give a little bit of a try. The next day, Mark, was gently pushing for a date At his house to play games, just you and him. You smile at the text, and text back,"Why not?"

Mark stared at your text in surprise, and happiness. He pumps his fists in triumph and scrambles for the pillows. While you were on your way, he set the date up, running around like a madman trying to get it organized. As you walk up to the door, you take a breath and close your eyes, remember what Ethan said. You think to yourself come on girl, take a chance.

Knocking on the door, you fiddle with your fingers as you hear footsteps to the door before it's opened.

Mark's smile is so wide and so happy it makes you giggle,"Hey."

"Come in!"he says gleefully, opening his arms to motion you inside.

But when you step in, you do what you've been wanting to do for a while. You walk straight up and wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Mark, both shocked and confused, yet heart-warmed by this, wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you back.

You murmur,"I'm sorry..."

"What? Sorry?"Mark asks, pulling away.

"I've- I've just been so standoffish, pushing you away when I need you here. So indecisive and scared... I'm sorry,"you look down sorrowfully.

Mark's hand lifts your chin back up to look at him,"(Y/N), he didn't deserve you. I understand. You've been hurt, you have every right to be scared. I want to help you forget."

"So,"you smile,"you really like me?"

He blushes, looking at the floor before going back up to your eyes,"Yeah, I do."

"What we doing?"you ask, perking up.

He takes your hand, which you gladly accept and he pulls you into the living room. On the floor, a blanket lay on the floor with pillows propped up in front of the TV, Overwatch up and running on the screen wth two controllers sitting on the blanket. The blinds were shut and the room was dark, except for the light from the TV.

You swoon, holding Mark's arm,"Oh Mark... you did this all for me?"

Mark smiles at you,"I sure did."

You two sit down, pulling the blanket over you and grabbing the controllers before starting the game. You play for a bit, laughing and giggling the whole time. At the end of a round, nothing happens on the screen for a bit and you look over at him, just to see him staring back at you. Mark's face is full of affection and you tense up a little.

"M-Mark?"you stutter, a little on edge.

He looks over your features, staring in awe,"You're so beautiful."

Your shell was cracking.

You look down, blushing deeply and he adds more words,"How could anyone hurt someone as precious as you?"

He starts to lean in and your emotional shell continues to crack and buckle. His eyes flicked back and forth between your eyes and your lips. Your heart races a million miles an hour and your breaths are short and shaky,"I- I..."

Finally, his lips land on yours and your shell shatters open. You suddenly feel yourself falling so deeply in love you can't stop. Mark catches you with an arm around your waist and hugs you tight, kissing you deeper. The second your lips part, you dive back in, your arms wrapping around his neck. You don't want to ever let go. Finally, after two months of being scared of Mark, you fall in love with him and let go of the dark memory.

Pulling away, your foreheads touch and Mark sighs in relief,"Finally."

You let the magic words fly free,"Mark, I love you."

"Oh- oh my god..."he laughs in surprise,"I love you too."

He was never going to let you down.

I'm so out of ideas it's kinda ridiculous... please give me your requests! I really wanna write stuff for you guys!

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