20: On My Knees

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"I can't forgive him,"you bite your lip, shaking your head and staring out the window.

You had just caught Mark with another girl, just in time to stop a kiss. You screamed in his face and ran away, all the way to (Y/F/N)'s house. You didn't know who the girl was, and you didn't care to find out, because she knew about you, but flirted anyways. You knew Mark wasn't drunk because he'd be dead. The words stung you.

"His red hair is just so magnetic."

You let out your urge to scream over two hours ago. The tears just kept coming, and you couldn't stop them. It hurt too much. You weren't enough for him. He needed someone else to be satisfied. He didn't love you enough to fight it. Now, you hated how attractive he was, he could have any cheeky blonde and skinny slut on the sidewalk, and you were sure as hell he wouldn't want you.

"(Y/N), shhhhh. Shhhh honey, just breathe,"she tries to calm you, rubbing circles in your back, just like Mark used to.

You take deep, shaky breaths, closing your eyes and trying to clear your mind. Though images of the two of you came back, you were stronger now. After you calm down, (Y/F/N) walks you downstairs and you watch Disney movies all night. You venture back into your childhood, letting all the worries slip away. After the third movie, you're giggling like yourself again. Mark had completely slipped your mind.

She lets you sleep in the spare bedroom and you say goodnight before sliding the covers over you. Then you realize: I can't sleep. You have to get up. You have to get out. You sneak out around 3 am and walk down the sidewalk, your hoodie hood up.

You're walking past a bunch of bushes when you hear quiet sobs. You walk around them, seeing a figure, hood up, curled up and crying into their knees. You put their hand on their shoulder, your eyes turning soft,"Hey, what's wrong?"

The crying silences at the sound of your voice. The person looks up and you freeze. The person pulls the hood off, revealing the red hair and bloodshot brown eyes. His eyes turn wide, and he grabs your hands desperately,"Please! (Y/N), I'm so sorry. I love you so damn much, and that wasn't even me! She was threatening me! I know you'll think I'm lying but I swear! You didn't see, but she had a fucking gun in her pocket. She forced me... (Y/N), please, I love you... I need you more than ever right now."

His sobs make your heart shatter, and you see the sincerity in his eyes. You can't even cry you're so afraid. She had a gun, she was gonna shoot him if he didn't kiss her. He wasn't cheating... he was a victim...

You fall into his arms, hugging him tightly and breaking down into his chest. He gratefully hugs back, his hand stroking your hair. Your sweet moment is broken by crackling of branches,"Ahem."

Mark holds you tight, close to him,"Don't you dare touch her."

"No promises,"now you get a good look at the girl. She had jet black hair and thick eyeliner. She looked sharp, but her stare was threatening. She was dressed in a tight fitting, black racecar suit, the zipper in the front, unzipped to reveal her clevage. It only makes you more disgusted. Mark's expression is unchanged as he hugs you, unimpressed by her outfit.

"Step away from her,"she demands, aiming the gun straight at his head. He puts his hands up, backing away from you. he slowly walks towards the girl, shaking and holding his hand out.

She smirks in triumph,"Yeah, that's right, come here, baby."

"Don't you dare call him that,"you growl.

"Shut up bitch,"she shifts and aims the gun at your head,"Shut the fuck up or I'll blow your fucking head off."

"STOP,"Mark yells,"I'll do anything you want! Just don't hurt her. I swear, I'll do anything. I promise..."

Your head pounds as the gun is still pointed directly at your forehead, her aim unbroken.

"Please, don't do this..."Mark says, before grabbing her wrist and snapping the gun from her. She gasps, jumping back. Mark opens the gun, emptying the rounds and chucking them into the woods.

She tries to run, but Mark grabs her arm and pulls her into a headlock. She struggles, gipping his arms and gasping for air until she passes out, going completely limp in his arms. He lets her go and scoops you up, running. You cry into his shoulder as he runs with you, all the way down the street. Finally, after minutes of running, he lays you down on the couch, at home. You refuse for him to walk away, and you cling to him, pulling him into a needy kiss.

You stand up, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, shaking. He holds your waist tight and kisses you softly, telling you how everything is going to be alright. He holds you in his arms for a few minutes before carrying your exhausted body up the stairs and to bed. Your eyes burn from the tears and you curl up against him, sighing heavily. You'd have to explain what happened in the morning...

Even still, Mark spoons you tightly, holding you against him and kissing your neck sweetly. He whispers sweet nothings into your ear and tangles his legs with yours. You moan, rolling over on your back and he immediately sits up on his elbow, leaning down and kissing you to relax. You smile to yourself as he pushes you back over and returns to spooning you close. Cocooned in his warm embrace, you snuggle your head back on his chest, sighing. Falling into sweet slumber, you forget the entire night, sweetly snuggled in Mark's arms.

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