1: At First Glance

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You're walking down the sidewalk, on your phone, texting your best friend. She sends you an amusing text about her boyfriend am that makes you laugh and you accidentally bump into someone. You keep walking though, your focus still on your phone. That is, until someone calls you.

"Excuse me, Miss!"a voice calls behind you,"Miss! I think this is yours!"

You turn around and are stopped by quite an attractive young man. Red hair, light facial hair, brown eyes, smooth as chocolate. Every detail about him seems to fit like pieces in a puzzle.

Soon, you've been staring too long and you notice he's holding your credit card. You look in your purse to find it missing from your purse.

"God damnit, not again,"you joke, stifling a relaxed laugh. He smiles back and you sigh,"Thanks. Can't go without that."

"Oh I know, right?"he agrees,"Name's Mark. How about you?"

"(Y/N),"you answer,"Hey, let me pay you back with a coffee?"

He pretends to debate before answering,"Sure, but I'm still paying."

"Why?"you giggle at his goofy tone.

"Because,"he gives you a dorky smile,"I'm the gentleman here, and that's what gentlemen do."

Total sweetheart. Mark. What a name for a face like that. How does he not have a girlfriend? He seems like one of those guys who could have his pick of the litter, have any girl he wants.

Maybe, it's because he wants you...

This little coffee meet up goes how you expect; chatting up a storm, lots of mutualities, laughing, and even the occasional, subtle flirt.

Before you leave, numbers are exchanged and you walk home in a complete daze. Mark was possibly the dreamiest human being you've ever come across. And of course, as if it couldn't get any better, he's a genuine sweetheart, a total pushover, softy, all the sappy words.

-----------------time skip----------------

"Mark, you never changed,"you giggle and he noses you in the shoulder.

Kissing you on the cheek, he swoons,"I was in love, even at first glance."

Markimoo (Markiplier Imagines book)Where stories live. Discover now