21: Lucky Winner

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Your heart is racing and you're so excited you can't handle yourself. You're sitting in your seat, waiting for Markiplier and friends panel to start at PAX East 2017. You've been a fan of Mark's for so long you can hardly remember. You watch the blobs of people flood into the theater, taking their seats and continuing the mumbled chatter. 15 minutes.

Your eyes flicker to the stage, catching movement in the corner of your eye. You watch the backstage curtain ripple, making your heart beat just a little harder. A girl sits down next to you, giggling nervously. She flashes a smile at you and you smile back.

"Hey! I'm Cassie, and I'm 26,"she giggles.

You answer,"I'm (Y/N) and same!."

"So,"she smirks,"Who are you here to see?"

"Oh, I'm here for Mark,"you blush.

She gives a friendly nod,"I'm here for the giddy ass Irishman, or as others call him, Jack."

You both giggle and continue to talk,"So, where are you from?"

Cassie looks at the stage,"Austin, Texas."

"I'm from (home)."

You find out that you both watch both on occasion and you talk about the cute septiplier moments and their dark, sexy voices. You talk about the ridiculous games and laughing fits you have while watching them. You both giggle about the low-key celebrity crushes you have on both of them. Then, the lights dim, and you both squeal with excitement. The announcer guy comes on stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, introducing, your host, Markiplier!"he shouts, before walking off the stage.

You suddenly realize how close you are to the stage, and you and Cassie cheer along with the rest of the screaming. Mark walks out and your heart stops. This is the first time you've seen him in real life. His red/black hair is brushed up and over to the right, wearing his black hoodie you've seen so many times before. He's also wearing a pair of darker, worn jeans. The rest of the introductions are muffled as you catch yourself staring at him. As he crosses the stage to his seat, you make eye contact, catching a wink from him. Your heart stops and you immediately look down, forcing your screams down.

Cassie puts her hand on your shoulder,"(Y/N), what's wrong?"

"He just freaking winked at me..."you sigh, beginning to hyperventilate.

She helps you breathe, giggling with you. You watch the panel with excitement, laughing at all the immature jokes and hilarious answers to the twitter questions. Then, Jack brings up a fangirl winner.

"Okay, so I just recently put out a contest, even though I hate 'picking' people. The contest was to write one word and draw fan art of one thing you think makes you feel a connection to me. Like how you can really relate to me or my life or personality. I have the winner right here,"he gestures, holding his phone,"The winner is a fan girl, she's from Austin, Texas."

Cassie leans into your shoulder and listens stiffly.

"Cassie Lambert?"he asks, looking up from his phone, out into the audience.

You and Cassie both scream, jumping up and down, hugging each other. You push her out into the aisle, and she timidly walks up to the stage, where Jack holds his hand out to her. She grabs his hand, and he pulls her up onto the stage. He takes her to center stage and puts his arm around her, announcing her winner.

The screen above the stage projects her poster, the word 'genuine' printed on it. Around it, there are small drawings of his glasses, Sam, and sweet little things in between. By looking at it, you can tell she has a talent for writing. After the applause, Jack hugs Cassie and hands her a piece of paper before helping her off the stage. She runs back to you and looks at the paper, wide-eyed.

"What is it?"you ask, eager.

She whisper screams,"HE GAVE ME HIS FREAKING NUMBER!"

You hug her happily until Mark speaks up,"I also have a fan girl winner, but this one is different."

"So, we had the camera crew pick out a random number of someone here at this panel. The only reasons they even had your numbers was to contact you for a last minute schedule change or emergency purposes. I promise, we aren't creepy,"the whole room laughs as he continues,"Anyways, it was completely randomized, there were no names to go with it, just a number. I have the number right here, in my phone, and I'm gonna call it. Whose ever phone starts ringing, I'm takin you out for dinner tonight. Sound good?"

All the girls scream, along with you and Cassie. The room gets quiet as Mark hits the call button and puts it on speaker. You sit there, impatient through the first two rings, then, you feel a vibration in your pocket. It was your phone, ringing. Cassie gasps, and you shakily stand, cheers arising from the audience. She shoves you into the aisle, and you walk shyly up to the stage. Mark walks over, holding his hand out. You take it and he helps you up, just as Jack did for Cassie.

You're smiling like an idiot, your mind screaming 'HES TOUCHING ME!' He hands you a mic before asking,"What's your name, sweetheart?"

You blush at your nickname and answer,"(Y/N)."

"Beautiful name,"Mark compliments, throwing his arm around you, causing the girls to squeal. You don't know how you aren't crying right now,"So, I'll tell you what, (Y/N). I'm gonna take you out on a date, any place in Boston you want, sound good? Oh and it's got to be nice, because I got a suit and tie waiting in my room, just dying to be worn."

You giggle, nodding, your hands covering your mouth in the lasting shock. He hugs you sweetly and you shakily hug back.

Part two?

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