27: Baby Daddy

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(^^Yes I know just Imagine the dog as a baby)

You lay in bed, sleeping soundly in your husband, Mark's arms. You're both all snuggled up, nice and warm. Mark holds you tight, making sure you aren't cold. It's almost perfect.


The baby won't sleep.

Five minutes later, you're awoken for the fifth time by crying. You groan in irritation. Your daughter has barely slept at night, therefore, you and Mark have both lost sleep.

You pull yourself up, sitting up and climbing out of bed. You tiredly trudge across the hall into the baby's room. You see Hannah laying there, her arms flailing and her mouth open, crying her tiny heart out. You frown, picking her up and cradling her. Her cries quiet to a soft whimper.

"It's okay Hannah, shhhh-"

Then, she goes completely quiet as you feel a pair of arms slide around your waist. You sigh, leaning back against Mark. You look back down at the baby seeing her stare right up at Mark.

"Why is it that she always calms down when she sees me?"he asks, chuckling.

You shrug,"Maybe she's just daddy's little girl."

"I can't believe we did this,"his voice is quieter.

You giggle,"I can't believe you are my baby daddy."

"Really?"he gives you a face,"You have to put it that way?"

You turn around,"Hey, you did help me create her. Didn't you?"

"That's true..."he trails off, staring at her.

By now, Hannah has fallen fast asleep. You lay her back in her crib and go back to bed. You sleep for another hour. Then, you're awoken by more crying. \

You struggle to get up before Mark lays you back down,"My turn. I got it. Sleep."

You sigh, settling back into bed watching Mark walk back out and open the door to her room. You close your eyes, listening to the sudden silence from the crying. You open them again, able to see them from the bed. You see Mark holding Hannah gingerly in his arms, gently rocking her and quietly shushing her.

Then, he softly sings.

You can't help but get up, listening to his smooth voice travel into the room. You lean in the doorway, silently listening and watching. He continues to sing his soft melody, your loving stare continuing. Hannah falls asleep in his arms and he looks up, meeting your eyes. You near him, looking down at her, smiling.

"God I love you,"you sigh, leaning over Hannah to reach his lips. The kiss is slow and loving, just like always.

Then, you  hear the baby below you giggle. You smile as you break the kiss, smiling down at her happy face. 

"That's right,"Mark talks in a baby voice,"Daddy loves Mommy very much."

You blush for the billionth time in your life, staring at him with pure love. You stand there for a few more minutes, family huddle staying together. You take Hannah in your arms, Mark wrapping his arms around your waist. You begin to think:

This baby, you hold in your arms, was created by the love between you and your red-haired idiot of a husband. Mark is the father of this child. You can already tell that she looks up to her father. He was the one who was always there for you, the whole nine months. He was the one he had conversation with, punching fights with, the first to tell her he loves her. You know what her future will look like. She is going to grow up with the best father possible. And you know Mark is going to be the best he possibly can be.

It's crazy to think, but...

Mark is your baby daddy.

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