9: The Choice

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(Hey guys, this chapter will show up in my But Sean, baby... imagine book too, just with s different outcome. Hope you like this ;))

You always had your best friends, Mark and Jack over for a night of video games and other random stuff. Jack came first, who hugged you sincerely and smiled at you warmly, a little more happy than normal. Not thirty seconds later, Mark arrives, again, more happy to see you than in the past. The three of you sit down in the middle of the living room, Mark on your left and Jack on your right. The three of you completely dominate all of the online players in Rocket League, hilariously causing players to quit in frustration.

You continue to dominate the server for another hour and a half, screaming, pushing, laughing, until you catch the first stare... from Mark.

He eyes you shyly and lovingly? Just when you shoot him a confused look, he turns away, a pink blush arising in his cheeks. This continues in a repeated cycle for about two minutes until Jack finally decides to disrupt it.

"We're too good for these bastards!"Jack raises a fist in triumph.

Mark shoots him a glare, which you're not sure is playful or not,"Let's find out who is the ultimate best."

You're walking away when Jack blurts out,"Winner gets the girl!"

You pause, turning on your heel to see Mark biting his lip while Jack covers his mouth,"What? I didn't say anything..."

"Uh, (Y/N),"Mark's voice is shaky.

"Yes Mark?"

"That pretty much explains it,"he grits his teeth, seeming to be cringing.

They both liked you. BOTH! How though? Jack smiles shyly before blushing and turning away. Mark seems even more unstable, the controller shaking in his hands. After a few seconds, he takes a deep breath before regaining his competitive attitude.

He shoots you a wink,"Best of seven, Irishman."

First game: Jack

Second Game: Jack

Of course the cockiness gets to him.

Third game: Mark

Fourth game: Mark

Fifth game: Mark

Sixth game: Jack

By the end of the sixth game, you notice Jack'a not-so-secret relief by his expression and you can tell Mark is genuinely trying.

At this point, they've downed a bowl of popcorn, a back of chips, and three bottles of water, each. Why were they acting like this, over you? Did they really feel this strongly for you?

Seventh and final game, Mark drives the ball straight up the middle flying past the rest of Jack's team. The ball flies in the goal, tying the game 3-3.

"YES! TAKE THAT YOU BASTARD!"Mark screams happily.

Jack sighs frustrated,"Shut up you dimwit."

All you could do was stand there, frozen, staring at the TV, caught in the intensity of the game.

In the middle of the game, Jack confesses,"(Y/N), you know I've always wanted to tell you how beautiful you are. I've always wished you'd be mine so I could show you. Not just on the outside, the inside too."

No other goals were scored that game. The two of them were at each other's throats and neither scored again. All of a sudden, the second the clock stops, marking overtime, Mark pauses the game and springs off the couch like a Jackrabbit.

You gasp as he rushes towards you, taking your hand,"(Y/N) please. I should have said something earlier. Now, I can't help myself but fear that I'll lose you to someone else. All I want is a chance. One chance to be with you.
One chance to be with the most beautiful girl on earth, inside and out. I don't know what to do with myself anymore because it's been nagging at me to tell you, and now I am. I've loved you since the beginning."

You notice Jack sitting on the couch, staring over at you, his focus jarred by Mark's abrupt confession. You can't think, but your heart has already made its decision. You cup Mark's cheeks in your hands and press his lips to yours, letting the sparks fly. His arms snake around your waist and he pulls you close.

To this day, you're proud of yourself for making that decision. Because it was the decision that lead to a husband and two beautiful children.

(Hope you liked this <3. Go check out the other one if you like. See ya ~Allie)

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