29: Big Brother

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As Sean's "little" sister, you had sit through nights when he would have Mark over. You were only a couple days youger than Sean, making sure to remind him on a daily basis, correcting him each time he called you little.

You have the hardest of crushes on Mark, driving yourself crazy over him and struggling to hide it. Unfortunately, Sean had found out after hearing you say his name in your sleep. Waking up from that was unpleasant, to say the least.

Little did you know...

He had a plan for tonight...

...And so did Mark.

You scramble around your room, flinging dirty clothes into the hamper in your closet and furiously brushing your bedhead from the whole day. He's coming over, and you're panicking to be ready. You rush to the bathroom, flipping your curling iron on and running back out to clean the rest while it heats up.

Your heart races, your legs in constant movement, kicking your nail polish box under your bed and picking an empty glass from your nightstand at the same time.

Meanwhile, Sean is downstairs, unloading the dishwasher and setting the PlayStation and consoles up. Finally, you toss the last pillow on your bed and you're done. You freshen up and splash water on your face to cool down, drying with a towel before separating your hair into small sections to curl. The process takes about ten minutes, your fingers working tirelessly and teasing the curls the way you want.

Lastly, you take a hair tie and pull your hair half up, in a high, perky bun, the rest dangling in tight ringlets.

You put light makeup on, only using the essentials, foundation, mascara and blush. Then, you hear the doorbell ring. If Mark asked as to why your hair was like this, you'd just tell him you were testing out new hairstyles.

"(Y/N)! Come downstairs, can you put the pizza in the oven?"Sean calls.

"Coming!" You respond, racing down the stairs.

As you come down, you see Mark in the doorway and flash him a smile before rushing to the kitchen to help Sean. The look on his face seems a little struck.

Take the frozen pizza on the ceramic plate and carefully slide it in the oven, closing the door and setting the time. You stroll back to the living room and plop down on the couch. Your curls bounce and you cross your legs, laying back and sighing. After all the cleaning, you're a bit spent.

Mark sits on the couch across from you and when he sees you, he freezes. At first, you pretend not to notice his staring, the raging blush flushing your cheeks. Then you look at him and ask,"What?"

"Oh, nothing,"he shakes his head, ripping his gaze from you.

Your heart rate picks up a little.

Sean walks in and sits on the couch with you, turning and kicking his legs out, laying the full length of the couch, his feet on your lap.

"Sean! What the hell?"you groan,"move your legs!"

"There's room over there!"he points to the couch Mark is sitting on, flashing you a wink.

You roll your eyes, getting up and shyly sitting next to Mark. You all have your controllers and Sean picks Overwatch.

You play for a while before your legs start to cramp up. You don't want to say anything until they start to cramp.

"Ugh,"you groan,"my legs..."you mutter to yourself.

"Here, lay across,"Mark nudges you, patting his lap.

You give him an awkward look,"You sure? I don't want you to feel weird..."

"It's fine, you really think I care?"he chuckles.

You shyly kick your legs out, laying them across Mark's lap. The pain seems to go away and you feel shocks go through them as he lays his arms over your legs.

The games continue, growling in loss, or cheering in victory. When the pizza's done, you swing your legs from Mark's lap and get up, a little hurried to avoid burning.

You forget to grab the oven gloves and burn yourself violently against the 350° ceramic. You yelp in pain and Sean and Mark both shoot up.

"I'm fine, just burned my finger,"you whimper, gingerly holding your finger.

Sean runs to get the pizza and Mark grabs your hand without thinking, dragging you to the sink and turning the faucet to ice cold water. He takes the single finger that was burned and holds it under the water. You wince, the burn still lingering in your nerves.

"It'll hurt you later if you don't do this,"he states.

(That's actually true. If you get a burn, run it under cold water for a minute. You're welcome ;))

You look at him,"Thank you."

"I learned it the hard way,"he chuckles.

Then, your gazes lock. You don't notice you're both leaning in until Sean buts in,"Hey! Quit wasting water!"

You jerk away from him, blushing madly and looking away."

You dry your hand off and grab the pizza cutter. After cutting the slices, you all sit down to eat. After washing the dishes, you sit back on the couch and continue your game spree.

After a little while, you feel cold, goosebumps covering your arms. You find out that Sean cheekily turned the thermostat down and Mark had grabbed a blanket for himself. You involuntarily shiver, Mark noticing.

"Get over here,"he smiles, opening the blanket to you.

You get up and sit down, tight next to him, and his arm wraps around you, pulling the blanket over you. You revel in the warmth and continue to play. After seeing Sean's character not move for a few seconds, you look over and see him asleep.

Mark takes notice, and advantage,"He told me by the way."

"God damnit,"you curse under your breath.

His finger lifts your chin to look at him and your eyes shyly flicker up to his. It's a bit fast, but his lips lock with yours with a hungry passion. You don't even move, taking in his very feeling.

When you pull away, you dazedly lean your head on his shoulder and close your eyes.


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