Ken And Jun

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Chapter 2 Ken And Jun

Ken never was fond of beautiful woman. His mother was beautiful and looked like she never age she would always leave Him alone with his little brother always leave and come back with a different man every day he had grown really a custom to his mother's behavior he didn't mind it at all and neither did his brother, but one day when his mother came home with a man he thought to himself that it was just another man the same as the other but he couldn't be more wrong.

His mother had told them that he was there to stay but ken didn't believe that but he try to be nice to the man not out of kindness but out of sympathy he knew just what his mother was trying to do and knew very well that if that man had a family he would never see them again at least not after his mother was done with him.

His mother was a very well trained Shinobi who was well known in their villages for her seduction and murderous Ways. She would always look for handsome and wealthy young men to suck the life out of them. that was their families Kekkei Genkai. That was the secret to her youthful complexion she love to look young but she knew that she didn't have much time left. Because although their Kekkei Genkai allowed you to keep your looks it did have a price. the more you use it the more your lifespan would fade.

That is why this Kekkei Genkai was used only in battle to suck the life out of their enemies to heal wounds that they may have but his mother didn't see it that way she thought she could stay young forever. But than she started realizing why her family always told her to never use their Kekkei Genkai unless she was in danger or seriously hurt.

she knew that she somehow had to keep on taking care of her son from beyond her grave. Although she never really was there for them, she was there for them they have every thing they could ever need and that made them happy.  she didn't get them ready to be a part of the real word. All they did was stay home and clean up after themselves thats why she has to take as much money as she could before she dies she needed that money for her kids and so she did that only thing she thought would work and at times it did and others it didn't she love her children and she wouldn't let herself die if they didn't have anything good in there life.

Ken always hated the way his mother was he would always hear the screams of the men before they died always the Same the riches one she would marry to keep their money after their demise. Since he was a child him and his brother promise to never to use their families Kekkei Genkai unless they really needed to.

Years past and that promise was kept at least by one of them. Ken always love his brother Jun and started noticing the fact that his brother never age just as his mother. Ken never talk about it with Jun and that was his mistake because after a while Jun stopped hiding it he knew very well that his brother knew so at this point why hid it any longer.

After a while people in the village started to notice that their women where missing. They started search parties to locate or even find these woman The trails always ended up at the border of the land of fire and land of waves. None of these villagers were Shinobi so they didn't want to cross. Instead they hired a group group of rogue ninja to do the job for them. The group was made up of many Shinobi but the one that stood out was the one that caught Jun.

They where running the Forest jumping tree to tree but with one Kunai Jun was stopped there was no cut no blood and he just stop. Jun didn't know what had just happened to him he couldn't move. the Shinobi stopped and faced Jun "shadow possession complete" was the only words that came out of the Shinobi mouth. He look down allowed Jun to look down as well just to see that there shadows connected."Who are you? Why are you chasing me and how come I can no longer move?" Jun asked the Shinobi trying to get some response from him.

There was a moment of silence before the Shinobi spoke. "From what I got from the corpse of the missing woman from the villages your family Kekkei Genkai is to blame for this. I have already spoken to your brother unlike you he didn't run and he didn't hid. He said he knew nothing about the missing woman nor has he ever used his Kekkei Genkai so we ran a blood test to see if he spoke the truth. Your blood line die in the fourth Shinobi war so you and your brother are the last of your line so if he hasn't used his Kekkei Genkai than all that is left is you." The men spoke to him as if he thought this through without even catching him.

Jun didn't know what so say or do should he run no that was no good he couldn't move at the time, lie his way out claim to have never used it either but he would just run blood test on him what should he do he didn't know all he could think of was his brother, big brother for that fact Ken who help him many time before he knew he would. "A Nara of the hidden Leaf" Jun knew very well who the Nara clan was after the war everyone did they stopped the ten tails for some time so everyone else could attack didn't keep him down but they still manage to hold it. "Why would a someone just up and leave his clan and his village especially from a clan so smart as the Nara?" Jun was trying to by him self time but didn't know how else to than just talking "I know you are not a mute so just talk to me already!!" Jun was getting aggravated with the silence he was getting from the man

" If it would shut you up to know than I'll tell you, I no loner belong in the Nara because that is longer my home my wife and son die in that war. the land is at peace but I am not I lost my family two weeks ago and my heart has not healed yet I lost my best friend and Head of the clan" Jun didn't know what to say to the man's response but he knew that he had to keep on buying time so that ken could come after him and save him "I won't kill you if that's what you're thinking it's not my style and its too much work I'm just going to give you to the villages and they could do with you as they see fit what you have done to their woman is unforgivable but like a said their Women not mine"

Jun didn't know what to say but he thought money my mother died to Leave us
all that money might as well work for something. "How much do you want to let me go any amount just name it and it will be yours"

The Nara look at Jun with an raised eyebrow " I already have gotten paid so I cannot except your money unless you require my service" at this time the Nara jump down from the tree Jun mimicking his move and started walking towards the village.

Once at the village the Nara walk up to the villagers that had paid for his service which where monks at least that what they seemed at first.


Hey guys  long chapter I know but I'm trying to speed it up a little bit so we could start with the real story hope you guys like it please leave a comment if you would life me to add and this or if their is and mistakes thank you

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