The New Nara

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Chapter  13 The New Nara

A whole month passed since Temari last saw Shikamaru and she was worried for the next  time she would see him.
"She need a Vacation she is going to work herself to death if she keeps this up Lord Garra, your sister has been working day and night with out sleep."
"I know but she isn't listening to me nor Kankuro, we tried to send her off to the leaf to stay a couple of day but all she say is that she doesn't need to go there If it's not a matter of importance"
"You think Shikamaru said something to upset her in the last letter he wrote her"
"No Kankuro she would just take it out on everyone else like she normally dose but this time is different it like she is sacred of something but I don't know what"
"Well I think I have the solution Lord Gaara the feudal Lord of the land of wind will be going to the land of fire soon and he will be staying at the leaf as an honored guest. We can send Temari to do his paper work so that he can have time to spend with the lord of the land of fire who too will be staying at the leaf."
"But what the point if temari will still be doing work?"
"Well Kankuro the only paperwork the feudal lord would have is writing to his family and I'm sure he would want to do that on his own."
"Won't she just get mad that we decide her?"
"Well we wouldn't have to do that if she would just go on her own Gaara"
"And how is it that we are going to make her stay"
"Well we will tell her that she has to stay under lady Tusunade supervision just in case she need someone of her position to go on a mission"
"Well than ok Baki I will tell her about this and can you do me the favor to bring her here"
"Yes lord Gaara excuse me"
Baki walk out on search for Temari. He found her sleeping on her desk in her room he woke her up and told her that Gaara had a mission for her and that he need to see her immediately than he left her room. Temari got up and got dressed putting on a scarf that went down to her mid thigh. Once she was done she went to go see what Gaara wanted
"You called for me Lord Kazekage?"
"Yes Temari I have a mission for you The feudal lord of the land of wind will be going to the hidden leaf to spend time with the feudal lord of the land of fire so your job it to keep his paperwork at a minimum so that he has time to relax"
"I see, when do I leave?"
"Tomorrow morning so rest up you will meet the feudal lord there and I'll send a message to lady Tusunade telling her that you will need a Guide and a place to stay"
"Yes lord Kazekage i will now are you done with the briefing?"
"Yes why is there something you want to talk about?"
"Yes" Temari walk around the Kazekage desk and put her hand on Gaara's head "how are you feeling"
"I'm fine I'm taking the Medication Sakura left for me"
"Good make sure Kankuro is taking his as well"
"I will goodnight and have a safe trip Temari"
"I will goodnight Gaara"
When morning came Temari got ready and headed for the gates and began her way to the leaf
(In the hidden Leaf)
(Knock knock)
"You wanted to see me?"
"I call you an hour ago where the hell were you" Tusunade was mad Shikamaru became his old self alright but she kinda needed him to be more Motivated she let out a sign and sat back down on her chair. "Lady Temari will be coming here so you will be her Guide while she stays and you are not to infuriate her like you do me do you understand Shikamaru!!"
"Tem? Temari's coming serious"
Shikamaru was happy he hasn't see her in almost two months and he also had something to ask her, he told himself that next time she came to the hidden leaf he would ask her to marry him and he was going to do it. "I understand lady Hokage I'll try my best not to get her mad"
"Good she will be here any second now so go wait for her at the main gate"
"Yes lady Hokage"
He ran out of the Hokage tower and jumped up on the rooftops and made his way to the main gate and waited for Temari to show up.
"Hey how was your trip"
"It was fine thank you do you know if the feudal lord of the land of wind has arrived yet"
"No he hasn't there was a Delay he won't be here for another six day"
"Oh I see ok well than I'll report in with the Hokage"
"Ya" once she reported in to the Hokage they went to go get her a inn. While looking for an inn with an empty room they bum into Ino and Choji
"Hey Shikamaru, Temari want to go get some barbecue with me and Ino?"
"Hey Choji, Ino and ya we will"
"Great let go than"
They all started walking and Shikamaru stop and notice that Temari wasn't behind him anymore she had stop in front of an inn.
"Hey Tem are you ok"
"Ya I'm just a little tired I guess, I'll be looking for a inn to stay in, you can go with Ino and Choji to go eat don't worry about me"
"Na I'm not really a big fan of Barbecue anyway, so let just keep looking for an inn for you to stay in or you can just stay at my place"
"No it's fine this inn had an empty room anyway"
"Ok Tem let go"
Once they enter the inn and got the keys they went up to the room. Temari opened the door and told Shikamaru to come in. Once in Shikamaru pushed Temari up again a wall and began to kiss her. "Stop Shikamaru" his kisses went down to her neck to were the scarf was Temari tried pushing him off but he didn't move she gather all of her straight and pished him off "STOP!!!" Shikamaru hit the floor and looked up at Temari "what wrong Temari a couple of mouth ago you were all over me and now you don't even what me touching you"
"I'm just tired ok I haven't had any sleep in a couple of days ok. So just leave I'll be fine on my own I'm sorry"
She went up to Shikamaru who had gotten himself off of the floor and kiss him than walk to the room but went she reach the hall leading to the room she collapse on the wall "Tem!!"  Shikamaru ran to help her but she just pushed him away again. "I told you I was fine ok just leave me alone" she got herself up and and walk into the room and laid down on the bed and fell asleep. Shikamaru was worried he didn't know what happen. did this mean she did regret being with him and she didn't want to be With him anymore. He left her and went home.
The next morning Shikamaru woke up to go see if Temari was felling any better. On his way he ran into Ino and Sakura "hey Shikamaru"
"Oh hey Ino, Sakura"
"What's with the face Shikamaru?"
"Umm nothing hey Sakura can I borrow you if your not busy"
"Ya sure why what do you need"
"I'll explain on the way"
(At Temari's)
Temari woke up to someone knocking on her door she got up to see who it was. When she opened the door she saw an anbu standing at the door. "Yes can I help you"
He didn't say a word and just handed her a letter with the hidden sand medical Seal. She walked back to the room open the letter and read what was written within it after she was done she tossed the latter to the side and went to take a shower. Once she was done she went to get dressed, she was halfway dressed went she passed by the mirror. She stop and looked at herself and moved her hand downs from her neck to her stomach and kept it there. She placed her hand on her reflection on the mirror and began to cry. She fell to the floor and covered her face she was angry at herself she didn't know how Shikamaru would react "your so stupid how did you let this happen!! Your from different villages. Everything was going fine why did you have to mess everything up!!"

"Oh I see but it probably because she was taking care of the Kazekage duties while Garra got better"
"Ya I know but I'm telling you Sakura there is something wrong and she doesn't want to tell me"
"Why would she tell you?"
"Here we are she on the Second floor"
Shikamaru and Sakura walked in to the inn and went straight up to Temari room
"You still di..."
"Shh the doors open"
Shikamaru and Sakura open the door and pulled out a Kunai each and when they walked in they heard Temari yelling from her room and glasses shattering Shikamaru started to panic dropping his Kunai her ran in to Temari room Sakura following close by. Shikamaru just stood there at the door fram looking at Temari who was crying and her hand and stomach where all covered in blood, her blood Shikamaru ran to her but she just pushed him away. "Get out!! What are you doing here get out Shikamaru!!"
"Temari you need medical help! Sakura!!"
"Shikamaru I got this ok just wait out side she has no clothes on"
"No I don't just get out I don't want you here leave me alone, stay away"
"What Temari no, not again don't do this again Temari please let me help you what happened is it us what we did or what I don't know what wrong with you help me figure out so I can fix it Temari"
"It can be fix ok just get out"
"Sakura the blood can you stop it"
"Yes but you have to leave or at least move Shikamaru"
Shikamaru got up and let Sakura heal Temari hand. He was Leaning on the dresser when he saw the letter he picked it up and opened it once he read what the letter had in it he was furious. He went over to Temari and pull her up with one hand making her uncover her stomach that she had been hiding the whole time since they got there.
"What the hell were you planning to do Temari!!"
"Shikamaru what are you doing let go of her your going to hurt her let go!!!"
Sakura was struggling to pull Temari wrist out of Shikamaru hand but had no luck in doing so. Shikamaru pushed Sakura making her hit the floor. "Stay out of this!!"
Shikamaru was now crying he couldn't believe what he just read Temari was pregnant and in his eyes she was trying to hurt not only herself but their child as well. He tossed Temari on bed and he could tell by the face she had she was frightened. "Why Temari??!! Why would you do this to yourself to me?!! Why didn't you tell me?!!!" He picked Temari up again but this time but her shoulder and shook her back and fourth "what the hell were you trying to do with my child?!!!"

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