Tem & Shika

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Chapter 35 Tem & Shika

"Please call me Gaara"

'ya that confirms it they are my uncles and she' He turned to look at Temari 'Is my mother and I'm no longer in my time damn' He let out a sigh

"ill send word to your Hokage that you are here and will be staying until someone comes gets you or Temari goes back to the leaf. For now he is under your care Temari" Gaara said and Kankuro began to laugh at Temari reaction

"w-what? Why me? can't you have someone more capable to watch him Gaara?"

"Your just as capable to watch him as any other person and do to your relationship with Shikamaru your the only one I'd think his family would be comfortable with watching him" Gaara words make Kankuro laugh even louder

"comfortable??! she tied to kill him not that long ago and your really going to leave him with her"

"Damn what are you still doing here get out!! Gaara I'm no babysitter if you want someone to watch him have one of the Chunin to do it. I have more important things to take care of" Teamri yelled anger clear in her voice

Gaara let out a sight as he looked at his sister "this is an order as your Kazkage not your brother and you are to do so with no more complaints. Do you understand?" He really hated to force thing upon his sister but Temari was hard headed and once she got the idea not to do something she doesn't do it unless it's and order.

She let out a sigh as she nodded her head "yes Kazekage-sama" was all she said before she grabbed Shikadai but the back of his collar pulling him out the door.

"Umm are you sure about that Gaara the Leaf and Nara clan would be pretty pissed if Temari hurts that kid" Kankuro said with his thumb pointing at the door behind him

"the kid will be fine Temari's not a monster she won't hurt him though she might give him nightmares" Gaara said and Kankuro laugh

"ok well I'll go tell the cipher core to send word to the Leaf about their missing child"

"Temari will be going to the Leaf in two weeks to finish everything she couldn't do to her fight with Shikamaru, the kid will stay with us till then please tell them that"

"Why do you want that kid to stay here when someone from his village could come get him and save his ass from Temari's wrath"

"I don't know there's something about that kid that has me curious. You two found him in the middle of the deserts but closer to the village than the border to the land of fire. What was his story again?" Gaara ask Kankuro who had some stupid look on his face

"He said he was at his house than something about an explosion and ending up here"

"I see well go and get the message to the cypher  core and tell them to send it to the leaf and as for Temari leave her alone she's not useless"

(With Temari and Shikadai)

'Damn Gaara has me watching over some little kid like I'm some kind of babysitter this is beneath me' Temari though to herself as she walked down the hall of the Kazkage tower, looking to her side she notices Shikadai keeping up with her pace "you recover quickly, if I would drop Shikamaru the way I dropped you back there he would just stay on the floor and fall asleep like some lazy ass dum" Just thinking about him infuriated her "damn asshole.... I was just trying to make him feel better" Temari whispers to herself but shikdai heard every word and let out a small chuckle "and what's so funny kid"

"Nothing it's just the way to talk about him is funny, your really close to him right" shikdai stoped walking once he notice that Temari had stop, he turn to her and to his surprise she had her hand over her face that was now a deep red color "umm did I say something I wasn't supposed to?" He asked and she shook her head taking a deep breath her normal color came back to her

"ok kid enough about me what about you"

"What about me, there really nothing to say" he said while shoving his hand into his pockets 'damn the more time I spend with him the more he reminds me of Shikamaru' she thought and thinking of him was the last thing she wanted. She let out a sigh and continue walking " umm lets see, oh your parents! How are they like?"

"Well my mother was the one who raised me she is amazing and the strongest and most feared kunoichi that ever lived, she even scares me at time and my father...." Shikdai turned his head away from Temari as tears began to fill his eyes.

Temari notice that his father was a sore topic so she chose to ignore it "you don't have to tell me if it hurts to do so" she said and she placed her hand on his shoulder and turned him to face her.

Without noticing Shikadai wrapped his arms around Temari and buried his face into her stomach, as first Temari was shocked that he did that but then She felt a sense of happiness rush over her. She didn't know why she was feeling this but she pulled him closer to her and held him tight.

"When I was younger me and a father would fight for my mothers affection, we were so happy back then but than as I got older he become distant from my mother and I. My mother loves him so much that she is still with him although he makes her suffer he's never around and always working and the last time I remember seeing him giving my mother a hug was when I was around 4 so it's been a while" Temari didn't know what to say to him worst case scenario she would make him cry even more if she's say the wrong thing

"hey how about we go out to do something together, you hungry?"

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