The Promise Kept

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Chapter 5 The Promise Kept

"Damn the kids dead" The ninja holding Jun's  corpse said "now what do we do Kenji? do we just leave them and go get the money?"another ninja said "no Tomoe I made a promise and I plan on keeping it we will take him to the hospital and we will leave them there, than we'll get the money and then come back to see how he is"
"Damn it Kenji why the hell do you have to be so noble all the god damn time"
"Because if you haven't noticed Tomoe that is what he's paid us for and we aren't just a group of simple bandits we are ex Shinobi our pride wouldn't just let us walk away with his money and not finish the job and anyways it was one of our own who got him in the position we save them from isn't that right Ensui?"
"What took you so long I been waiting here for the past two hours, hey what do you have there? oh I see you got them out, please tell me at least you finished the first job before excepting another"
"Yes we did Ensui and while we did we lost two of  our men in the process it's just me you and Tomoe"
"I can see that what about the one Tomoe is holding? what do you plan on doing with him?  is he still alive or not?"
"Worried for someone other than yourself Ensui? how surprising apparently someone as coldhearted as yourself does have feelings"
"Tomoe do you really think this is a good time to mess with me I didn't kill the kid because he has never done anything to me but you on the other hand oh how I wish to have my hands and shadows around your neck watching as you so desperately squirm for air...."
"Shut up both of you I have had enough of you bickering and fighting you two are no children you are a grown man so act like it and let's finish this job" just then Ken woke up looking up at the ninja who where arguing above him"where am I? what happened to me? Jun... oh my god Jun!!! what happened to him?! what did you do to my little brother?!"
"hey... Hey!! calm down your brother Paid us to take you to hospital he said if you woke up and he was already gone to tell you he was sorry and that he hopes you could given him one day"
"You? You are the men that attacked me in the village why are you helping us now?? wait gone?..... what do you mean gone?.... do you mean he's... No it can't be .... he can't be!! Not like this! Jun!! Jun wake up stop playing games with me!!! Jun??!!!" Ken called out Jun name over and over but got no responds coming down from Kenji's shoulder he ran to Jun snatching Jun out of Tomoe's hands "what happened to him? What happened to his arms? Theirs no pulse.... He's dead gone just like that why? Who? Who did this to him? You? You should know you we're the ones who attacked me you know who did this to him don't you?" Ken look at Kenji with his eyes filled with tears Ken began to cry screaming his brothers name "hey I'm really sorry about your brother and all but he made me promise it's Watch over you until you got better so yeah we really should be going I'm Kenji by the way The guy with the stupid look over there is Tomoe and pineapple up over there is Ensui."
"You know who did this to him don't you? It's OK it doesn't matter right now all that matters is that my brother has a proper grave " Kenji and Ensui nodded in agreement they were going to bury Jun It was the least they could do and then afterwards Ken would becomes one of them Kenji promised to do whatever to make sure Ken stayed alive and that's what he was going to
"Hey Jun i forgive you I wasn't the best at watching you after mom die and I'm sorry because I did this to you I knew very well what you have been doing and never said anything. Me as the big brother I should has said something to you before hand......  Maybe that way ..... You would still be here with me I'm sorry but I swear I'll find whoever did this to you I swear and once i do so I'll kill them so don't worry I will avenge you little brother"

(In the hidden leaf)

(Knock knock) "come in"
"Lady tsunade you called for me"
"Wow your early for once well then once the advisor of the sand get here I'll tell you what your mission it about do you have an problems with that shikamaru?"
"No I don't lady Hokage I am ready for when ever you need me."
"So you telling me that you have no complains about the mission being too troublesome for you? And Temari isn't she a wild one? you sure her bad temper won't get on you nerves?"
"I'm sure I can handle Temari and her loud mouth"
With a big sigh lady Taunade gave up, there was no way she could do anything to Break him out of the Shell he put himself in to and bring back that annoying little brat the complaint about everything being too troublesome and watching clouds. after the war he started burying himself in work not having anytime to rest. She was scared for his heath and knew if he kept going on like this he might actually work himself to death

(Knock knock)

"Come in"
"I thought I heard my name from in hear"
"Ah well good now that your here Temari we can start with the mission briefing"
Temari walked in not even looking at Shikamaru at one point they were friend but now she didn't even recognize him. Shikamaru changed so much after the war that at time she feared him. He became cold and at time she would see bloodlust in his eye. This wasn't the Shikamaru she knew. "Now as you know neither the sand or leaf have ever had connections to the village hidden in the clouds so now since we have an alliance with all four nations the must have some form of communication. That where you too come in. here" with a big thump lady Tusunade place a giant scroll on the table "you both are to delivery his to the Raikage. Afterward you two have permission to stay another two days to rest up before returning here"
"Lady Hokage with all due respect and I think two day is too much we shall stay one night then come back here"
"Shikamaru think about Temari do you really think that she is going to want to be on another Journey with out rest?"
Temari said nothing, at this time she wasn't going to argue with anyone she didn't feel like it at this point why argue with someone who has become as stubborn as her. "Yes lady Hokage I'm sorry Lady Temari"
"Lady? " Temari said in a whisper she felt her heart drop never in her life has Temari ever thought that one word a word so innocent and used in her name before by many in her village could hurt so much but it did trying to hold her composure Temari nodded and spoke "it alright Shikamaru I know you have things to do so I'll just take one night to rest if that not a problem with you Lady Tusunade?"
With a deep sigh Lady Tusunade agreed "fine but don't go blaming me if one of you die out midway. Ok now that, that is done dismissed Lady Temari can I speak to you there are some important matters that I need to discuss with you?"
"Yes Lady Tusunade"
"Well I'll be waiting out side to escort you back to your room when you are done Lady Temari"
"Yes thank you Shikamaru"

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