Calling For Reinforcements

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Chapter 18 Calling For Reinforcements

A month passed since Temari and Shikamaru packed all of Temari's things and went their way leaving the sand and saying goodbye to her brothers and sensei. Shikamaru started noticing changes in Temari mood. She wasn't her usual spunky crazy troublesome self, all she did was hang out with Sakura and Ino all day picking this out for the wedding and than coming home. She would lock herself up their room and not come out, just laying on the bed not doing anything,not even eating . Shikamaru was getting worried he didn't know what to he asked the one person he knew that could possibly help.
"Maybe she is just tied Shikamaru I know when I was pregnant with you I sleep all day but since she has to make all the wedding preparation she can't sleep all day like I did"
"That not it mom when I go to bed she isn't sleeping. And she isn't giving off the sense of being tired more like lonely and sad."
"Than maybe she isn't happy, Have you ever consider that Shikamaru"
" but I don't know why I give her everything she needs I try my best to not to upset her and now a days that seems really easy..... I wanna make her happy I don't know how to I'm trying the best I can but Its not working I don't know what I'm doing wrong" Shikamaru sat down on the couch putting his hand over his face. It hurt him seeing Temari that way because at first all she did was laugh and she was always with him holding his hand and doing everything together and she was always happy but now she wouldn't even let him hug or kiss her and he would even catch her crying in the bathroom at night when she though he was sleeping.
"Shikamaru clam down maybe it's all the stress, planing a wedding is stressful Shikamaru and she doesn't exactly have five mouth to plan it all, and trust me having Ino and Sakura around isn't helping her either" Shikamaru removed his hands and look up at his mother who was now sitting next to him.
"And why is that?"
"She isn't use to being around girls all day Shikamaru. She left her village, her brothers and her people"
"Your saying she is home sick. How is that even possible she was always here in the village. She spend more than a couple of mouths here before so why is she feeling this now"
"Because this isn't a mission Shikamaru and that concepts finally started to sink in. This is her new life she can't just say goodbye and go back to live with her brothers If she is going to marry you. Have you even talk to her about this or are you just ignoring the fact that once she marries you she won't even be Temari No sabaku anymore but she'll be Temari Nara of the hidden leaf, wife to the air of the Nara clan. And not only that but soon a mother as well"
Shikamaru look at his mother she was right maybe he should do something about it but he wasn't sure what. Than it hit him. "Her brothers!!!" Shikamaru jump up Scaring his mother in the process "I'm gonna send them a letter telling them they should come see her and bring her friends and sensei maybe, seeing them should make her happy right?" Shikamaru was very happy with his idea but his mother just rained on his parade. "And what if seeing them make her even more sad when they have to leave and I'm sure the kazekage can't just up and leave when ever he feels like it" Shikamaru flopped back down on the couch she was right watching them leave might make her worse and he didn't want to do that but at the same time it was worth a try the wedding was coming up soon so he would want her to spend time with her brothers longer than just on their wedding day. "I'm doing it. It may make things worse but she hasn't see them in a mouth and like you said mom after we are married she can't just go to the sand without permission from the Hokage and especially not if she is pregnant"
Shikamaru got up and hugged his mother "thanks mom I really appreciate it " Yoshino didn't say a word. She just hugged him back. Shikamaru release the hug and left going straight to the Hokage tower. "Lord Hokage" Shikamaru walk in a bowed "I told you many time before Shikamaru just call me Sensei or Kakashi which ever you prefer"
"Yes sensei I wanna ask you for a favor."
"And what is it"
" I wanna send a letter to Gaara and Kankuro asking them if they can come early for the wedding"
"Ah yes you get married in a three weeks. So I guess you want her to spend time with her"
"Yes I do I know its to much to ask but because we are getting married and do to her pregnancy she..."
" can't see them when ever she would what I know don't worry I will send word to them and I promise I'll try to get them here as soon as possible. Is it only them you want to come or do you wish for her sensei to come along as well"
"Ah yes and everyone one they see fit..... She hasn't been her self lately"
"I've notices"
"You have?"
"Yes I saw her this morning with Sakura and Ino they were trying cake for the wedding but she didn't pick anything or eat from what I could tell."
"Oh I see"
"Shikamaru Maybe if they get here in three days they might help her finish the weeding preparation" Kakasi smiled from underneath his mask Shikamaru nodded his head and went home. Once there he walk into his room to see Temari laying down on the bed he took his vest and shirt off placing it to the side and got in to bed with Temari he placed his arms around her and waited for her to push him off like every other day but instead turn around and buried her face into his chest. "What wrong Tem are you not feeling well"
Temari didn't say anything she just shook her head. "Troublesome women how am I supposed to help you if I don't know what is bothering you"
"I miss my brothers" Temari moved her head looking up to Shikamaru who was smirking at her "really I thought it was just me. Well I'm guessing we both win than because I kinda send a letter say how much I missed them trying to kill me and how I wanted them to come earlier" Temari began to tear up she grabbed Shikamaru and for the first time in weeks she kissed him and he happy kissed her back. "You know Ino asked if we can go out with her and Choji tomorrow they wanna take use for some barbecue. And to be honest that sounds like a really tempting idea"
"Of course anything you ask for Temari"
When morning came Shikamaru woke up early. Took a shower and got dressed he had to go to work with Kakashi but before he went to work he wanted to do something special for Temari so he passed by Ino's flower shop to get her some flowers and her favorite dango shop. To get her something to eat for when she woke up. Living it on the table and went to work. Later on that day once he got home he found Temari dressed and waiting on the couch. "I though you'd never get here come on there waiting for us at the barbecue places" Temari got up and dragged Shikamaru out of the door. "Tem I'm tired wouldn't you prefer to stay home and sleep"
"I slept all day today now I'm hungry so you're taking me out. And anyway last night you say anything I want and I'm holding you to it now move lazy ass or get hurt!!"
"Fine fine......tsk troublesome"
"Answer me once!!"
"here we are, hey guy sorry were later"
"Was he Complaining the whole way here"
"Ya but I manage to shut him up, you already ordered?"
"Ya Choji ordered almost everything on the menu so there's enough for everyone" Shikamaru and Temari sat down and waited for the food to come. Once the food come Shikamaru look at everything and lean in to whisper into Temari ear. "I'll take you to the dango and ramen shops later " Temari looked at him and smiled. "Ok no more Lovey-dovey stuff and start eating before Choji eats it all"
They all started eating, they we're taking and enjoy them self until Ino made a unpleasant comment about Temari's eating habits. "Temari your getting married in three weeks you shouldn't be eating that much, you won't fit in your wedding dress if you keep eating like that"
"Ino leave her alone, she always eats this much and if she hasn't gained any weight yet then it's not gonna happen"
"But she is gaining weight right Choji"
"Really where" Temari's eye was twitching she was getting mad with how easily they were talking about her weight right in front of her. "Her hips are getting bigger"
"Damn it Shikamaru, Ino if you don't quite calling me fat and stop talking about my weight I'll kill you" everyone in the shop stop eating and turned to look at Temari who was standing and holding Shikamaru up by his caller "right the topic is dead, now please let go or our child will have no father" Temari's and Shikamaru eyes widen it slip out of his mouth and it couldn't be taken back they turned to face Ino and Choji who were just as shocked as they were. Temari let Shikamaru go and glare at everyone else who were facing in her direction making them turn around. "Why didn't you tell us" Ino began to cry and Choji just looked way "man I though I was your best friend Shikamaru" Shikamaru could tell they were hurt and he felt bad about it. "It's not like that ok we just I don't know we just didn't want anyone thinking we're getting married do to her pregnancy" Ino just got up and left. "Aren't you leaving too?"
"No I get were your coming from, she is the kazekage sisters do advisor, you are the lefts advice and strategist. Everyone would think that your would get married because you made a mistake and are being forced to do so and then man will start looking at Temari wrong for sleep with a man she don't love ya I get it but it's still no reason to not tell your friends and team mates.
"Ya I know sorry about that Choji your my best friends and I should had told you and since you get it I know Ino would too"
"You want me to talk to her"
"Eh if you don't mind"
Temari was looking out the door while eating she was feeling bad that she didn't tell Ino but what Choji said was true people would start questioning their marriage. "You better start eating Choji in telling you she gonna finish everything if you don't" with that said they all kept eating. Once they finished eating they headed home stopping by ichiraku too get ramen. Once home Temari went to take a bath while Shikamaru lay on the bed "Shikamaru?"
"Hum?"you think we made a mistake not telling them"
"Honestly I don't know but what I do know is I feel bad about it"
"Ya I know I'm sorry...... Hey"
"Do you think I'm bigger?"
She walked out of the bathroom in her bar and underwear. Shikamaru look at her she look amazing and she was starting to show from what he could tell. He got up and walked over to her placing his hand on her stomach "you look so beautiful" Temari walk past him grabbed his hand and pulling him to the bed. That night Shikamaru made love to Temari for what felt like the first time in months.


Hey guy imma be honest I wasn't really feeling this chapter but I did it anyway I had an idea then it was just gone so I ended up with this its not bad but I think it could be better but anyway if you like leave a comment below👇👇👇👇👇👇 thank for your time 😘😘😘

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