Ken's Revenge Part 1

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Chapter 26 Ken's Revenge part 1

After Kenji death Ken started his own gang of thugs and mercenaries. And had Ensui as his prisoner. Taking him in a cage to wherever he wanted never letting him leave his side. One day while in the land of fire they past by a temple with many monks in it, Ken quickly send men to scout the area to see if any ninja of the leaf were guarding it.
"So Ensui I'm going to need you to point out the monk who killed my brother"
"Ken you can't keep this up what if he is not here you can't just kill everyone here because the man who kill your brother was a monk and how are you sure he even really was a monk. Ken this has gone to far"
Ken just ignored Ensui and continue with the scouting, one the other men came back give a nodded Ken pulled out two Kunai tossing them and killed two monks....
Bishamon was leaning against the Cheery blossom tree in the front yard as the monks trained, pretending to read the book she had within her hands, not noticing the moment when Lord Ebisu walk up to her.
"What are you reading Bishamon....... Bishamon?" Looking up to him Bishamon began to giggle.
"Lord Ebisu..... I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. What was it that you asked?"
With a heavy sigh Lord Ebisu look at Bishamon and smiled.
"He send word saying he'll be here in a couple of hours. He said to just give him time to get back to the leaf and report to the Hokage then he'll be here Bishamon so don't worry about him he is fine" turning a slight pink she turned her head avoiding eye contact with the monk.
"I wasn't think about him and I really don't care"
The monk let out a sigh than look up back to the other monks who were training than turned his attention back to Bishamon.
"Lady Bishamon your to old to be here, you deserve a better life to by happy to find a husband and have a family of you own"
Lord Ebisu had a sad look in his eyes. He knew that he was the only reason that she was still there and the only reason she hasn't found love. Bishamon didn't say anything to him and just look back at the book she was holding. When lord Ebisu look back up at the monks he saw that two monks were on the floor "damn this little brat don't know how to Spar or what?"
Bishamon look over at the monks who were on the ground and got up handing Lord Ebisu her book and walking over to them "hey are you two ok do you need" Bishamon saw the blood on there body's and was that they had been hit by a Kunai. And she was shocked and with a blink of an eye she was cut on the cheek by a Kunai going past her and hitting two other monks behind her. Placing her hand on her cheek and seeing the blood she turned around to see the others on the ground as well "well look at the beaut this old geezers have been hiding from the world" the voice got her attention as she look up with tears in her eyes and above standing on the wall was a small army of ninja. "Lady Bishamon get out of here run!!"
Bishamon was frozen in fear and couldn't move "Ikki" she whispered. Lord Ebisu saw that Bishamon didn't move and began to run to her, grabbing her arm and running into the temple with her "Bishamon you have to get out of here, here take this tunnel and it will leave you close to the leaf village once there look for Ikki and don't come back do you understand" Bishamon look at him and shook her head in disagreement "my sensei scrolls" Bishamon than began to run to the farthest part of the temple holding up her kimono so that she could run passing many monks and ninjas on her way. All saying the same thing before hitting the floor "Lady Bishamon get out of here, run to safety"
But she didn't listen and kept running to the tower that her sensei hid the scroll in. Lord Ebisu ran after her trying to get her to leave. "Lady Bishamon.... Bishamon to have to leave now AHHHH!!"
"LORD EBISU!!! " Bishamon turn with tears in her eyes to see if her sensei was alright "I got him Bishamon just get the hell out of here I already send word to the leaf, reinforcements should be here anytime soon so get out"
"I'm fine Ikki it that girl you need to worry about she's being stubborn and she doesn't want to leave Ikki take her and leave now"
"But what about you Lord Ebisu"
"I'll be find just take Bishamon"
"Yes sir"
Ikki placed lord Ebisu on the ground and gave him a Kunai to protect himself although he knew that with the wound he had he wouldn't going to last long Ikki ran up to Bishamon and began to drag her to the closest exit. "Stop Ikki" stop!! Ikki look at me stop!!" She Pulled her hand away and began to run back to the tower. "What are you doing Bishamon do you want to die is that it"
"It's not but remember what sensei said about that scroll we can't let them get it Ikki please sensei asked me to watch over it and I will even if I have to die to protect it I will" Ikki was so furious with her but he knew that what she said was the truth so he didn't want to argue.
"Damn you Bishamon lets go" Ikki grabbed her hand again and run up a flight of stairs with her "Ikki stop I said I'm going back for the scroll"
"Damn it Bishamon shut the hell up damn it we are going to go get that stupid scroll than we are going straight to the leaf do you understand me Bishamon" Bishamon didn't say a word and just nodded Ikki picked her up and ran up the stairs until they reach the top of the tower. Going out of the window and on to the roof they could see everyone fighting and a man being bragged into the temple leavening a trail of blood behind him. Turning her head and closing her eyes while grabbing on tight onto Ikki vest they jump to the other tower.
"Look at them Ensui running like rodents it amazing I always get this joyful feeling whenever I see them run. And look at that beauty over there I always had a thing for blondes. Isn't she beautiful Ensui come on if you start playing nice I might left you have a good time with her. But not before I do ok"
Ken and Ensui were still outside the gates waiting for his men to open the temples doors so that they would bring Ensui in.
"Ken please stop this these people did nothing to you their innocent. STOP THIS MADNESS KEN!!"
"You talk to much Ensui you know what I'm going to tell you a secret do you wanna hear it I know you would it has to do with the heir to your clan" Ensui look at Ken who had malicious smile on his face. He began to fight against the cuff but it was no use they were on too tight and he was to weak to build up his chakra. "Leave him alone I was the one who gave that monk your brother kill me and leave him alone please he did nothing to you"
"I know but like I said before Ensui I will ride this world of the name Nara and I will started with his wife and unborn child she should be about 8 9 months now right"
Ensui look at Ken In shook he wouldn't hurt Temari while she was still pregnant but than again just by looking around he could tell that he was capable of anything. The doors finally opened up and Ken open Ensui cage and pulled him out "how do you like your new home my friend because this will be the last thing you see" Ken picked up a Kunai and slid Ensui throat making him lose all oxygen and choking on his own blood. With a couple more stabs here and there Ensui was dead. "I always hated your stupid face expression and you talk to much and I was being serious about letting have some fun with the Blondie" Ken began to drag his body into the temple and pinning him up with Kunais to the wall and wrote in blood a message for those who would find them than walked up the stairs to look of lady Bishamon. Once her reached her she was dead on the ground holing hand with Ikki.....
"Bishamon go get the scroll I'll hold them off" Bishamon nodded and ran to the scrolls hiding place opening the box reveling the scroll and relieving her sensei's words

Minato: Bishamon I leave this to you protect it no matter what if this scroll falls in the wrong hand this world will be destroyed.

Turing to Ikki who was standing but the door. She got up and walked over to him and he turned to look at her with a smile on his face.
"Ikki can I tell you something"
"Ya of course Bishamon what is it"
Bishamon look at him and she knew that she didn't want to die before telling him the truth and so she did grabbing on to his vest and covering her face she spoke
"Ikki..... I.I ...I love you.... I always loved you... And I'm sorry for telling you this now but I need to tell you before I died"
Ikki look at her and picking up her face to face him and kissed her. Her first kiss was with the man she love and it was also her last. They broke the kiss when they hear footsteps coming up the stairs and headed there direction " I promise will get out of this alive and when we do I want you to marry me Bishamon" she nodded her head with a sad smile than went back to the scroll she knew that she wasn't going to make it out alive but Ikki just might " I Lady Bishamon Guardian to this scroll give my soul and spirit to this scroll to watch over it as long as it shall exist and to whom ever opened it my they be sent back to a time when the world was with out peace and I send you to a time when this temple and this tragedy is no longer remember" opening her hands Bishamon opened a portal and send the scroll on it way turned to look at Ikki once more before fully send her soul in to scroll and collapsing on the floor.
Ikki watch as Bishamon opened the portal and sealed it within the scroll but than was cute off but the men running into the room "tsk damn..... I won't let you put a hand on Lady Bishamon" removing his gloves and shirt Ikki pulled out a Kunai and release his poisonous insects into the room keeping them away from Bishamon. He turned once more to see if Bishamon was alright but instead witness as she collapsed on the floor and her eyes became empty and hollow. He ran to her side but was stabbed for behind while not paying attention "Bishamon" he crawled his way over to her and tried pulling something out of his pouch. The other ninjas thinking that he was gonna pull out a weapon stabbed him once again but Ikki was determined to get Bishamon side and kept going, pulling out a glove and putting it on he placed his hand within her's and fell into a never ending sleep

Hey guys of been busy this whole week so I've  just been updating the chapters I have already wrote this being the last one so I'm going to need time to finish writing a new chapter which will be chapter 27 Ken's revenge part 2 like always I hope you like the chaper leave your  comments below bye

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