The secrets known

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Chapter 24 The Secrets Known

"Kenji Ken is getting out of control he is killing everything and everyone in villages  with a monk in it we need to do something about this he can't keep this up Kenji. We're not like him we left the village because we no longer felt at home there but Ken....."
"Talking about me again old man"
Ensui look over at Ken who was covered in blood
"Damn it Ken what the hell did you do"
"What I always do Kenji I found a village with some monks in it so I killed them"
"And the villagers what did you do with them Ken?"
"I killed them what else leave no survivors that was Tomoe's model wasn't it Ensui?"
"Damn you" Ensui went to attack Ken but was stoped Kenji. Ken just smirked at Ensui "what's wrong you didn't have a problem with helping kill my little brother so why do you have a problem now" Ensui and Kenji were shocked Ken wasn't supposed to know that Ensui was the one who caught Jun. "what is it old man are you scared, scared that I know and that I might take my revenge to your clan. Ha how stupid do you think I am I know Tomoe's killer was the head of your clan and that you and him still keep in contact, you report to him once every few months I know everything you bastard!" Now Ken was the one to attack but Kenji got in the way getting stabbed instead. Kenji look at Ken who was surprised that Kenji would risk his life for Ensui.
(Some weeks ago)
Shikamaru was smoking while sitting on a rock waiting for an informant that he had on the outside of the village. This mans job was to keep watch on the rouge ninja that have been grouping up in large numbers. The Leaf tried sending Shikamaru on this mission himself but do to Temari's pregnancy he didn't want to leave her side. He waited on a hill by the border of the land of fire and wind.
Shikamaru: you made it
Ensui: ya believe it or not it's hard trying to get here when you got some annoying little brat on your tail all the time
Shikamaru: how you been?
Ensui: good and I see that you look a bit more lively for when I last saw you back at that camp.
Shikamaru: well you can say that...... I got married.
Ensui: really and who is the lucky lady?
Shikamaru: Temari of the sand well nowadays she goes by Temari Nara of the leaf.
Ensui just laugh and and Shikamaru gave him a evil glare
Shikamaru: may I know what's so funny Ensui?
Ensui: I remember when you first met her you were bitching about how scary she was and that a woman like that would never find a husband.
Shikamaru: well that god damn women is scary as hell and nowadays she started crying and getting angry for the littlest thing. I swear her mood swings are gonna send me to an early grave. 
Ensui just kept on laughing because he had heard this once before.
Ensui: just like your old men Shikamaru I remember when your mom was younger he would do anything possible to avoid her and at the end he would always be stuck with her and he was so scared of her that he once told the third that he would quit being a Shinobi if he was send to another mission with her but the third just gave him more work with her. And after some time he realize that he actually fell in love with her.  well I'm proud of you Shikamaru I know you'll be a great husband and father just like your old man.
Shikamaru: well I couldn't really run away from Temari and if I did she would always find me and as for being a good father well I don't really know until he's born right
Ensui: he's?
Shikamaru: Temari's 5 months pregnant and we're having a boy isn't that great.
Ensui: it is.... Haha... Wow little Shikamaru is having a baby.
Shikamaru: don't call me that I'm a grown man ok. But now back to business how is that kid you were telling me about last time. 
Ensui: he is getting worse by the day. At first if we pass by a village with a temple he disappears for alomst two whole days and comes back like nothing happened and now he started killing people in the villages we go to for jobs. I'm worried what would happen to the clan if he finds out I'm the one who caught his brother Shikamaru he might go after everyone in the clan.
Shikamaru: it's ok Ensui I won't let anything happen to the clan members especially not my wife and son so don't worried I'll have to die before anyone put a hand on them.
Ensui: So noble just like your father. you remind me of him so much.  Everyone in the clan probably looks up to you, I know I do.
Shikamaru: don't Kidd yourself Ensui it's just out of respect for my old man that the only reason you still keep taps on the clan and report to me.
Ensui: maybe your right who know but I can tell you this you carry your fathers heart if I were a Hyuga I would be ten feet under ground by now.
With one final puff of his cigarette Shikamaru tossed it to the ground and jump off the rock.
Shikamaru: well I have to go see my wife she told me to be back by 6:00.
Walking sways Shikamaru turn to Ensui who began to walk away as well  "Hey Ensui"
Ensui: humm
Shikamaru: I'll being my son next time so that your can meet your grandson...... Got it uncle.
Ensui smile at Shikamaru and nodded his head
Ensui: it's been a while since you called me that. thank you Shikamaru I would happily be waiting for his arrival.

"Kenji you stupid old geezer why the hell did you get in the way"  Ken removed the Kunai from Kenji chest letting him drop to the ground "What the hell are you doing Ken thanks to Kenji your still alive your ungrateful bastard" Ensui picked up Kenji and put him on his back to take him to the closest hospital which was in the leaf. "Yes that is Ture but that old man also help in my brothers death he was the one who attacked me and prevented me from going to save my brother. You really think that I wasn't going to get my revenge on all of you, you who help my brothers killer" Ken ran toward Ensui and Kenji. Ensui quickly jumped up a tree and began his way to the leaf " Ensui we went rogue you really think that anyone in the leaf is gonna want to help us"
"Shikamaru will don't worry I know that the new Hokage was informed about our situation and why we left and I know he will understand yes we went rogue but our clans will fight for us"
"Yes maybe the Nara will but the Yamanaka clan isn't as merciful as your clan is.
"Don't worry like I said Shikamaru will help us and I'm sure your niece won't let you die Ino love you too much for that" Ensui and Kenji were almost at the leaf main gates when Ken kicked Ensui in the face sending both Kenji and Ensui flying to closest tree breaking everything in their path. Ensui look up to Ken who was walking over to where Kenji was "get away from him" Ken turned his attention to Ensui who was getting up. "Shup up and stay down old man your no mach for me" Ken pulled out a Kunai and tossed it at Ensui piercing through his leg sending back to the ground "I'll kill you in a little bit but for now just stand still" walking over to Kenji, Ken had a tear in his eye "I never wanted to kill you Kenji and I'm sorry for what I did I hope you can forgive me" picking him up Ken placed Kenji on his lap and put out a Kunai and placed it over his heart "I think you for everything you did for me and for giving me a new home. I'll make this fast and as painless as possible I'm sorry old man you were like the father I never had and I thank you for that"
"Damn it Ken stop this stop we can still save him sto....p..." Ken jabbed Kenji in the heart with the Kunai and began to cry over his corps Ensui too began to cry Kenji was one of his closest friends. Pulling the Kunai out of his leg he tried picking himself up using the tree as extra support "I'll kill for that you ungrateful bastard. Kenji did everything for you he kept his promise to your brother and saved you when Tomoe wanted to leave you behind to die how can you do this to him"
"Shut the hell up you old geezer I swear you will pay for my brothers and Kenji death. I'll make you pay but I won't just stop with you I'll kill that fucken head of your clan the one that killed Tomoe. He will pay as well"


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