Lady Bishamon's Story

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Chapter 25 Lady Bishamon's Story

When I was 3 I watched as my whole clan was annihilated and I was left the only survivor. I was left alone in this world but a kind hearted monk by the name of Kaname took me in. I who was left with nothing and had nothing to offer was accepted into a temple by a man who raised me as his child.
A year past and that monk die of old age. The other kids feared me and would throw rock and other things to keep me way from them. Once again I was alone in this world. Some monk who didn't fear me try the best they could to keep me safe from the others and the other monks look at me as if I was a monster that could attack at any moment. They blamed me every time I got hurt saying that if I didn't go near the others kids than they wouldn't hurt me. And at time I wasn't aloud out of my room. Another year past and a monk by the Ebisu arrived at the temple to visit Lord Kaname grave and at the time I was there crying begging him to come back for me.

Ebisu: He won't come back... He can't. Once dead no one can come back

Bishamon: shut up!! He has to come back he promised me that he would watch over me, that he would arise me as his own, that I was his family and that he loved me. Why did he leave me why

Ebisu: listen kid....

"Lord Ebisu I didn't see you arrive...... yuki why are you crying did the other is do something to you again or was it the other monks"

Ebisu: other monks?

Ebisu looks at the monk with furry as he spoke never in his life has he ever thought that a monk could harm a child and especially on one so small. The other monk just lowered his head in shame

"Yes Lord Ebisu the other monk fear yuki and mistreat her as well and the other kids throw rock and other objects to keep her way. I fear that one day they might really hurt her"

Bending down Ebisu reach out his hand to yuki who flinch the moment he did. Falling on top of Kaname's grave. Ebisu could see how scared she was and want to do his best to free her from her fear

Ebisu: it ok I won't hurt you I promise I will stay by you no matter what and I'll protect you from anyone who wishes to do you harm so take my hand. And come with me to my temple in the land of fire.

Bishamon: I can't

Ebisu a a little take back by her answer but what shocked him was the tears going down her face as she began to shake. He didn't know if it was in fear or do to the not appropriate clothing she had on for the fall but he didn't hesitate to remover his coat and place it around her shoulders. She look at him in shock and remember when she first met Kaname
(2 years ago)

Kaname: little girl what are you doing out in this wether you'll freeze to death were are your parents

Bishamon: my mommy dead..... my daddy's dead......My family's..... dead....they killed them..... I'm all alone.....

Kaname: I'm sorry to hear that little one here.... It's cold out side. Come with me i live in a big temple with many other children you can play with don't worry we'll be your new family and I'll raise you as my child is that ok with you.
(Present time)
Bishamon: I don't want to hurt you so please stay way!!

Yuki went running away throwing the coat to the ground before Ebusi. Bending over he shook off the dirt that it had picked up and Placed it over his arm than turned his attention to the monk who had a sad look in his eyes

"Yuki had a gift that she calls a curse. her family was kill so that they could Study her families Kekkei Genkai that aloud them to open gaps between world, dimensions,time and space. When she first got here there was a tree that almost crushed Lord Kaname but yuki was playing with other children near him and once she saw the tree fall her Kekkei Genkai activate it on it's own, opening some kind of portal to another world the other kids began screaming and ran way from her call her freak and monster ever since that day Lord Kaname never left her side but after his dead their was no one who would want to go near her other than myself and two other monks but we aren't always around"

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