Blood Calls Out

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Chapter 36 Blood Calls Out

"No I'm fine" Shikadai said but his stomach said other wise Temari laugh as Shikadai wiped away his tears

"come on I'll take you to my home and I'll make something so you can eat but first we have to go get some groceries in the markets place. What do you say" he nodded his head and they went on their way.

Walking through the village felt wired for him it change a lot throughout time but he liked it better this way. 

While shopping Temari notices that some of the villagers were paying a little too much attention to Shikadai and began asking to any question which they didn't ask her (A Shinobi of the leaf?) (a Nara)  (what is he doing with Lady Temari?) (Is he a prisoner?) and she was sure he could here them too. Without him noticing she turned and glared at then and they all stood silent. Quickly she tried to finish her shopping so she could feed Shikadai's growling stomach.

Once done Temari decided they should get something to eat and drink at a tea house near by, do to Shikadai stomach growling growing in volume which she found very amusing.

"Come on the dango here aren't as good as the ones in the leaf but you need to eat something" Temari said as they walked in. "But you did all that shopping, so I could wait a while"
(~~~~growl~~~~) damn why didn't I eat anything before opening that stupid scroll he thought to himself as Temari walked over to him and pulled him to the closet table.

Sitting down they order there food. Shikadai was so happy to see food and Temari noticed 'ten plates of dango now I know how Shikamaru feels when he takes me out to eat. The though of his face made her laugh, the first time he took her to the little dango shop in the leaf was the best day they had together, she love the way his face look when he saw that she just kept on eating

"damn troublesome woman where the hell did you fit that all" she remembered him saying after he payed for their meal and she left him completely broke and in debt. She tried to pay for her food but his sexist pride wouldn't let her do so. The though of him, his face, his smile was all she kept on thinking about since she left the leaf that day.

There fight was pointless she just wanted to make him feel better but he wanted nothing to do with her.

"Shikamaru!!" Temari called out she had just gotten to the leaf and heard about Asuma. Choji and Ino had told her that he didn't even go to his funeral and that they were worried and deep down she was too.

"Shikamaru I have been looking for you everywhere" she said walking up to him as he laid down on the ground looking up at the clouds, not one bit fazed but her appearance

"Shikamaru talk to me everyone is worried about you"


"Shikamaru please stop being stubborn and talk to me" 

"Why I'm completely fine I don't know what your talking about..... Are you worried about me?" The sudden shift in his voice took her off guard alongside with his later question his voice was so serious than so soft and fragile.

"yes I am, talk to me Shikamaru please everyone is worried. I'm worried, Asuma was an important person in your life and I understand why your hurt but talk to me if not me someone else" she took a couple of step closer as he got up and tired helping him but he just pushed her making her fall to the ground

"what the hell Shikamaru"

"Worried about me?" He laughed temari was so shaken by his sudden change that she didn't move or make any effort to get up she just looked at him and he at her

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