The Curse Activated

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Chapter 32 The Curse Activated

"Don't blame him Shikadai it not his fault he has to work and help the Hokage"
Hokage Shikadai though it's all his fault and I'm sick of it. Shikadai jump up from his chair slamming his palms on the table scaring his Mother and send the chair flying in the process "Hokage ,Hokage it's always the freaken Hokage what about you or me he never has time for us he rather be with that stupid Hokage than us!!" As he said that he could see the sadness in his mothers eyes he hated seeing her that way but he always did and it was because of his father and that Hokage everyone loved so much.
"Shikadai your father loves us very....."
"Lies" he whispered to himself "If he loved us than he would want to be here to eat breakfast with us to spend our birthdays together not over a phone and you think I haven't noticed.... All the times you'd cry yourself to sleep and how he hasn't kiss or hug either one of us since I was four.... That was eight years ago mom he dosen't love us anymore and we have to get use to..." Just than shikdai sentence was cut short by Temari's hand. He look at her in shock never in his life had his mother raised her hand at him "Naruto has been thought hell for most of his life and he deserve to be happy" at that Shikadai look at her in anger as she cried rubbing his cheek, was she really still trying to convince him that the Hokage was not at fault. "And we don't wait I'm sorry mothers your right we lived four years happily together wouldn't want to be selfish now would we" he couldn't take it anymore he didn't was to see her cry so he just walk out of the house "shika..." He didn't hear what she had said after that he slammed the door behind him So he couldn't. Once out he started walking not knowing exactly where to he just wanted to leave and he did. Walking past shops and villagers he stoped at the main gates, looking over to the Guards who were asleep he shrug his shoulders and kept walking. He stopped once he saw a tower in the distance and marked it as his new destination. "Damn it looked a alot closer" he said as he kept walking. After a couple of minutes he arrived at a blown up trample gate everything was a mess and mostly falling part but the temple's tower was perfectly intact. He search for an entrance and made his way up once he did. Looking out the window of the tower he was amazed by the sight, climbing out the window he laid down on the roof thinking about what he said to his mother. Thinking over the words she said even if he didn't like it, what she said was true the Hokage and every jinchuuriki went through hell most of their life's including his uncle. He let out a sigh and lookd up at the clouds passing him by he ever understood his fathers admiration for the floating white figures above but than again he felt he didn't really knew his father. His mother would tell him stories from when they were younger and his father sounded like a ok guy but now a days not that much. As he though things over the image of his mother crying crossed his mind and he felt a sharp pain in his gut, he was disgusted with him self for making her cry. Shaking the image out of his mind he looked back up and notice the sun had moved more to the west, he got up and went back in throw the window once inside he noticed a box sitting in the middle of the room "what the? This wasn't here before" Shikadai went over to the door and look out of it "hello" he yelled trying to get who ever's attention he waited for a couple of minutes but he got no response. Walking over to the box he opened it."a scroll?" He rolled his eyes he at his finding and just picked it up looking it over "what is this? I've ever seen this seal before and it doesn't belong to any of the hidden villages" he said to himself "maybe dad knows who this belongs to" he looked at the scroll closely and trace the seal with his finger. "I should really get going" he said looking back out the window and ran out of the temple and made his way back to the village. Once there he headed home "I'm home" he yelled but no one answer, he went upstairs to look for his mother but found her asleep he got on the bed and kissed her forehead "I'm sorry mom" he said before heading to his room. Walking in he throw himself on the bed, closing his eyes he fell asleep.
Once shikdai got up he called out for his mother, but no response came walking down the stairs he went to the front door and notice her shoe gone. "She went to give dad his food" he let out a sigh, putting his hands into his pockets he remember the scroll. Pulling it out he look at it than at the clock. If she went to gave him food than he's not combing back anytime so he thought than made his way back upstairs and into his room, it was getting dark out and he didn't know how much longer he would wait till his mother got back and he wanted to know what was in the scroll. He let out a sigh knowing he shouldn't open it but he didn't care there was something about at scroll that caught his attention. So he climbed out the window and got layed down oh the roof and broke the seal. Once the scroll was opened he heard foot steps on the roof and got up to see a girl holding up a Kunai pointing it to him. "Who are you what are you doing here this is Nara property and no one but friends and family are aloud here especially not on the roof at this time at night" the girl didn't say a word and just stood there. He let out a sigh "damn women..... Are you with the Anbu black ops and you looking for Someone" he ask but no response came. A few minutes later of wait silently his hand began to burn "damn!!" he yell letting go of the scroll letting it hit the floor. He narrowed his eyes on his hand and saw that it had been badly burned. He look back at the scroll that has now caught on fire it was making a popping noise a bomb "damn get down!!!" He said tackling the girl but it was to late they both were caught in the explosion.
The villagers here the explosion, some ran to the ninja for help others to the closet water main and others to the Hokage.
"Lord seven lord seven !!" One of the villagers yelled running through the Hokage halls. Naruto was eating lunch with Hinata when they heard the explosion. Quickly getting to his feel he ran out his office and down the hall bumping into the villager. "What is it" Naruto said with Hinata close behind "the Nara!!" The man yell out of breath. "What about the Nara's!!" Naruto yell picking up the man be his caller " the compounded.... An exploration.... There were too kids on the roof......... one was the young air and the other a girl. Naruto let go of the man when he heard that There was an explosion and that Shikadai was still in the house. Hinata broke down in tears as Naruto told the villager to tell the Shinobi that he and Shikamaru will be there soon. Grabbing his wife he headed to Shikamaru office and knocked on the door "not now Naruto I'm busy" he heard his Friend yell. He opened his mouth to speak but the word got stuck in this throat. Hinata notice this and spoke "shikamaru open the door please"


Hey guy hope you like this chapter and the store so far leave any comments below and I'll be back with a new chapter on Friday 🤗🤗🤗🤗 till then bye

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