Gaara's Approval

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Chapter 17 Garra's Approval

Morning came and when Temari woke up Shikamaru was gone. She got up to see if he was in the bathroom but he wasn't there than she want into the living room and kitchen were she found Yoshino cooking " Good morning Yoshino , umm have you seen Shikamaru?"
" No I though he was still asleep with you"
"No he is not in the room or the bathroom I woke up and he was gone" right than the front door opened and shikatema and Choji came in with Temari luggage that she had left in her room back at the inn "hey your up. Good morning mom"
"Good morning miss Nara, Lady Nara" Temari turned red at Choji's comment
"Good morning Choji, good morning Shikamaru "
"Good morning Choji and ya I woke up and you were gone I even tried looking for you" Temari turn her head as her face got even redder. Shikamaru down the luggage and walk up to her kissing her on the forehead. "I'm sorry it's just since yesterday you slept all day I kinda thought that you wouldn't wake up until I got back"
"We'll never mind that now come eat, you both have a long Journey ahead of you so eat Choji I'll get you a plate"
"Thank you miss Nara" they all sat and eat Temari and Choji eating the most. After they were done Shikamaru and Temari headed off for the sand village after four day of walking they finally got there "come on Shikamaru we are a day late already they probably think we are laying around dead somewhere"
"Damn troublesome women all she did these past three nights was ask for sex, nag, sex, nag is this what life is going to be like after we're married?"
"If you keep on complaining nagging is the only thing your gonna get from me!"
"Tsk troublesome" Temari and Shikamaru walk through the gates and went straight to the kazekage tower. Once there Temari just went in without knocking or anything. When she entered Kankuro and Gaara both faced her they were standing by the window looking at mission reports. "Temari your finally back and you brought a guest" Gaara look at Shikamaru. Temari ignored his comment and ran to hug them both taking them by surprise. "Umm Temari are you feeling well did you hit your head on the way here" that comment earned Kankuro a hit on the head "no I don't you idiot. Baki said to come back as fast as I can so I thought maybe one of you got sick again or maybe even both" Temari looked at Gaara he didn't say a word he was just looking at Shikamaru, Temari could see that he was hiding something but she didn't know what. "Gaara are you feeling ok you look a little out of it"
"Hum no I'm fine Temari how was your stay and I would like to know why Shikamaru came with you" Temari just looked at Shikamaru, he looked vary nervous he knew if he made a wrong move it would be game over for him. Kankuro would surely try to kill him for getting his sister pregnant and Gaara well he wouldn't know what Gaara would do. Gaara was a total mystery. "I came to ask you both something" Temari look at him she couldn't believe he was just going out and ask it right went they got there. She smiled at him and walked over to were he had been standing the hold time they were their. "And what that?!" Kankuro looked pissed he didn't really like the idea of Temari see someone of another village if Shikamaru was from the sand it probably would have been a different story or perhaps not. "Yes what is it that you wish to ask us Shikamaru?" Gaara's cold emotionless voice echo in his ears making his palms go all sweaty. Shikamaru look over at Temari once more and everything he felt when away "I wish to ask for your sister's hand in marriage"
Kankuro walk over to Shikamaru putting one hand over his shoulder and pulled his close to him "hey buddy which wood do you prefer oak, pine, Maple?"
"Kankuro what kind of question is that?"
Temari stared at Kankuro and her eyes screamed kill. Making Kankuro shake "ok man I'm telling you this for your own good do you really want to wake up to that every morning. There are a thousand of girls out there that can make you happier than Temari can"
"That enough Kankuro" Gaara got out of his seat walking up to Shikamaru who was still acting as a leaning post for Kankuro. "Are you affection for my sister sincere?"
"Yes" Shikamaru look Gaara in the eyes with determination he was going to merry Temari whether they like it or not. Gaara just stood there looking at Shikamaru his eyes were like daggers. Shikamaru could feel Kankuro walking away as sand was going around the room in circles, but this still wasn't enough to scare Shikamaru off. He loved Temari and they had already started their family together so he was going to make Gaara and Kankuro approve of him no matter what it toke. That's what he promised her that. He promised to fight war for her and to die for his child and that was what he was going to do. After a couple of minutes the sand  gathered behind Gaara and launched it way to Shikamaru "Gaara!!" Temari ran in front of Shikamaru while Kankuro tried holding her back. When Shikamaru saw Temari run in front of him he panicked and attached Garra making him fall to the floor and the sand moving to protect him from the hit to the ground.  Garra just look up at Shikamaru who was on him holding him to the floor "if your going to kill me than do it but promise me one thing"
"And what is that I will try to grant you your last wish the best way I can" Garra's sand moving around Shikamaru putting him in to his sand coffin. "Protect Temari don't let her do anything reckless and make sure she end up happy" Gaara did nothing but just stared at Shikamaru and was amazed at what he saw in Shikamaru eyes, it wasn't fear of dying but sadness. tears were going down his face Gaara look at Temari and saw the she too was crying he hand never seen his sister cry and know in her state it wasn't a good thing Garra looked back at Shikamaru  and his emotionless face turned into a smile. "I know you'll do a better job than me and Kankuro could ever do" Shikamaru was in shock Garra approved almost killed him but approved. Gaara picked Shikamaru up with his sand placing him firmly on the ground Shikamaru held out his hand to help Garra up and Garra accepted it. Kankuro let go of Temari who ran into Shikamaru arms crying, Shikamaru hugged her embracing her leaving kisses everywhere he possible could. "What the hell man even I wouldn't take it that far, what the hell were you trying to prove"
"His love for her"
"What?" Kankuro had a dum look on his face
"I wasn't going to kill him I just wanted to see if he was worthy of our sister... You know she is going have to leave the village once she is married to him" Kankuro let out a long sigh and look at Garra putting his hand on his shoulder "ya I know but think about it we're gaining a family member and don't worry little bro I'm always going to be here for you"
"Maybe I should kill him?"
"Ah" Kankuro let out a sigh and walk over to Temari and Shikamaru "well welcome to the family kid and sis tried not to scare him away  before you get married"
"Ya don't worry he's not going anywhere"
Temari look over at Gaara. Gaara walked up to her and got on his knees placing his head on her stomach and wrapping his arms around her waist. Temari was surprised by him actions and didn't know what to say but she don't have to because Gaara answer her question before she even though of it "it's because I'm the Kazekage the medic tell me everything even if you ask them not to" Kankuro didn't know what was going go but felt himself begin to cry he was trying to stay strong holding his tears in and his crys in his throat. Temari placed her hand on Gaara's face as she saw tears going down them placing her other hand on Kankuro's shirt pulling him closer "no matter what happens remember I loved you two first" Temari pull Gaara up pulling him into a hug with Kankuro. Gaara and Temari began to cry and Kankuro was trying to be strong. Grinding his teeth together but failing to hold his tears in he too wept for his sister's happiness.



Hey guy I really did enjoy writing this part😎😎😎😎 and I'm not gonna lie I teared up a little writing the part when Garra almost killed Shikamaru and at the end when they were saying their goodbye to their sister. 😭😭😭 😭hope you guy likes it and like always leave a comment below 👇👇👇👇and I really what to thank everyone who has stayed with me to this point I promise keep on updating the best I can so goodbye

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