Aftermath: Shikadai

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Chapter 30 Aftermath: Shikadai

Temari slowly opened her eyes as she tried to adjust them to the light. She left pain in her stomach and felt pressure on it looking down she saw Gaara's head on it as he slept she pressed her hands on his head and begin to caress his hair. Remembering what happened to her, she moved her hand down to her belly. She began to cry as she felt her child kick. She was so happy, she hadn't felt him kick since she was attacked and she thought she had lost him. Looking up she saw the room was filled with gifts and smile to herself. Turning her head to the other side she saw Shikamaru and Kankuro sleeping on the next bed cuddled up to each other
Temari laughed at the sight. She was truly happy. She heard voices coming from outside the room and tried sitting up but was stoped by Sakura who walk in. "Temari stop you have to lay down.... You can go into labor at any time we kept you sedated until up woke up or until you opened up more" Sakura said while looking at Gaara Temari could tell that she was a bit annoyed. "Did something happen last night?" She said placing her hand back on Gaara's head. "No but the monitors have been picking up the idoit snoring instead of the baby's heartbeat!" she yelled as she tossed Gaara to the side making him fall off the chair (thump)"Gaara! Sakura you can't just do that to him he a kage!"
"Kage or not they all just prove themselves no smarter than Naruto last night and just as annoying as well!" Sakura yell finally waking everyone up, she was clearly Unset about something but Temari didn't have time to ask because Shikamaru quickly through Kankuro off the bed and ran to her side "are you ok, do you feel any pain anywhere?" He asked all at the same time" I'm fine and don't feel any pain" Shikamaru sighed in relief as he look at her and placed a hand on her belly "Tem you been out cold for three whole days" Temari was shocked she didn't know what to say. But once she got all her though cleared and was ready to say something the Monitors attached to her stomach started beeping. Quickly Sakura ran to the door and called for help " ok you all have to leave she's going into labor!!" Sakura yelled as the nurses prep the room so Temari can give birth. Shikamaru was walking out but turned once her heard Temari scream, walking back to her side he kissed her forehead and help her hand "it going to be fine Temari your gonna do great" he said as he could hear her grind her teeth together. Removing her hand from his, Temari grabbed him by his collar and pulled him closer "I'm going to kill you Shikamaru after this is over. AAHHH GOD!!"
"Ok ya that good Temari keep on going push" Sakura said as she help Temari.
"Damn it Sakura I think she going to kill me" Shikamaru said as Temari wrapped his collar around in her hand to the point her where her first was on his throat. "Tem please I can't breathe" deciding that she didn't want to her his whining at this point Temari let go " get out Shikamaru you distracted me" she said in a low voice but loud enough for him to hear, he walked cloister to her and kissed her before walking out of the room "I'll be out side waiting for you ok. Do you best and come back to me" finally with Shikamaru gone Temari could focus on what she had to do and with Sakura's help she did.
Shikamaru was waiting outside in the waiting area with Kankuro and Gaara "your pacing is getting on my nerves will so stop it" Kankuro said but Shikamaru couldn't hear him all he was able to hear were Temari screams, she was in pain and he hates himself for it. "How much longer" he w whispered "how much longer is this going to take!" Shikamaru yelled as he punched the wall. "It ok" he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned "mom" he said as he began to cry hold Yoshino close "she in pain, it's all my fault" Yoshino just laugh at him and pulled him away just enough so that he could look her in the eyes "she's fine, yes she is in pain but is a pain that will be worth it, with every Laugh and smile  every mess and mistake. Every tear and pain is worth every moment you spend with your child. The memories you'll make you will cherish and hold dear. And when it's there time to grow and move on so start a family on there own those memories will play on and on in your head. And you would happily go though that pain again" she told him as she began to cry. Sitting him down she went to go get some coffee it was going to be a long night and she knew it
"she going to fine right Kankuro " Gaara said as he remember his mothers death tears going down his eyes, he look at Kankuro waiting for an answer but none came. Putting his head down the flow of tears became heavier as he listened to his sisters scream. Kankuro look over to Gaara and knew that as the oldest male he had to be the voice of reason and be strong, wiping away the tears and catching his breath he looked over to his brother "she strong Gaara don't pull her out of the game just yet she's going to make it through"
"and if she doesn't.... If we lose her like mom" There was a short pause Kankuro though up something to say but nothing came to mind "Than we're e're going to love him either way" Shikamaru spoke as he got up and walk to the room door Temari was in, the screaming stop and it was silent. Placing his hand on the door Shikamaru cried at the though of losing her. Kankuro got up and slammed Shikamaru to the wall closest to the door "that not going to happen Temari strong, stronger than mother was do you under stand me!! We are not going to lose her........we can't....." He whispered as he cried,his back still facing Gaara who to was crying. suddenly the door open and out came Sakura. she was smiling at them and told them to follow her "shh he's sleeping so try to keep your voices down" she whisper to them as they finally walked into the room they saw Temari holding the baby in her arms. "I made it" she said smiling at them as they walked over to her bed, Kankuro and Gaara began crying making Temari cry in the process as she handed the baby over to Shikamaru so she could hug her brothers. "Man and they call me a cry baby" he said finally looking. Down at his child he to began to cry "well I guess I am" he pull him up and gave him a little kiss on his little cheek trying not to wake him "the name, what you name him Temari!" Kankuro yelled finally waking the baby "damn Kankuro now he's crying nice going" Temari said as she hit him on the head "pass me him shika" Temari said looking at d Shikamaru who was rocking the baby to sleep in his arms. She smiled at him knowing that, that image will forever be in her head. "Shikadai" Temari said getting everyone attention. "That shall be his name Shikadai" Shikamaru look at his son as he finally opened his eyes "yes that a great name.... Shikadai" Shikamaru said sitting down by his wife pulling her into a hug. Hovering over than Kankuro look at his nephew for the first time "he has Temari eyes ....."
"And Everything else is all Nara" she said looking in Shikamaru eyes. I have never seen anyone who's eyes mirrored Temari's up until today that is . He thought to himself


Hey guys Shikadai is finally here 🎉🎉
Lolz hope you guys like the new chapter I was really stuck on this one but I finished on time 😉 ok so I'm changing things up a bit I'm only going to update this story on Mondays and Friday's. I'm also writing another story ( The Assassin And The Mafia Prince) it's also a Shikatema fanfic but I through in a bit of nejiten 🤗🤗🤗 hope you guy check it out well bye for now.
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