Shikadai's Death

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Chapter 31 Shikadai's death

12 years past since Shikadai was born and Temari felt that she and Shikamaru were growing part, the pain and loneliness grew stronger each and everyday. Temari felt that their love was one sided, Shikamaru was never home and on his days off he would go out drinking with his friends instead of being home with her and their son. it's been years since they been together and she craved his touch. At time she would stay up late at night to wait for him using work as her excuse for not sleeping right, and Shikadai noticed all of this and slowly grew hatred towards his Hokage. "Shikadai get up your going to be late!!" Temari yelled from the kitchen, she finished cooking and had the table all set so that they could eat. "Good morning shikdai" Temari said to her son while he walked down the stairs "do me the favor and go wake your father will you"
"Good morning mom" shikdai went back up the stairs to his parents room to wake up his father "dad, mom says to wake up" Shikadai said while patting his fathers shoulder but no answer came, after attempting and failing at least three more time Shikadai finally reached his limit. Graphing the bed sheet he pulled it off and nearly sent Shikamaru flying "damn Shikadai thats no way to wake someone up"  Shikamaru said while rubbing his eyes looking at his son, Shikadai just glared at him and walked away "yup definitely your mothers son" Shikamaru said before getting out of bed and into the shower. Once changed he went down to join his wife and son for breakfast, looking down at his watch Shikamaru knew that he wasn't going to get to work on time if he eat with his family. He look over to their bed side table were he kept their wedding picture picking it up he sighed at it, he missed Temari so much but for some reason the closer she got the farther he felt. Placing it down he went to the downstairs. Once In her line of sight Temari went to give Shikamaru a kiss but he just pushed her away. "Not now Temari I need to get to work, I'm going to be late"
"Right I'm sorry" she gave him a smile but he just ignored it, walking to the door and she closely behind he walk out and close the door behind him "bye" Temari whispered at the door placing her hand on it. she wanted to cry but she wouldn't let them fall it was like every other day anyways he left without a hug or kiss or even a bye. Walking back to the dining room she looked over to her son "what wrong Shikadai" she said as she sat down to eat. Just by looking at him she could tell that he wasn't pleased. "Don't blame him Shikadai it not his fault he has to work and help the Hokage" Shikadai jump up from his chair slamming his palms on the table scaring his Mother and send the chair flying in the process "Hokage ,Hokage it's always the freaken Hokage what about you or me he never has time for us he rather be with that stupid Hokage than us!!" Temari felt sad at her son sudden outburst but she Knew it was going to happen to sooner or later. "Shikadai your father loves us very....."
"If he loved us than he would want to be here to eat breakfast with us to spend our birthdays together not over a phone and you think I haven't noticed.... All the times you'd cry yourself to sleep and how he hasn't kiss or hug either one of us since I was four.... That was eight years ago mom he dosen't love us anymore and we have to get use to..." Temari slapped Shikadai before he could finish his sentence and her hand began to shake. I'm sorry im sorry say it Temari you didn't mean to her inner self said but the sorry never came. "Naruto has been thought hell for most of his life and he deserve to be happy" she said finally letting out of the tears she's been holding back. Shikadai had his hand on his red cheek and just glared at his mother "and we don't, wait I'm sorry mother your right we lived four years happily together wouldn't want to be selfish now would we " with that said Shikadai turned to the door "shika...." Temari didn't finish as he walked out slamming the door behind him. Temari just wiped away the tears as she cleaned the table and washed the dishes. Once it was all done she went to her room and closed her eyes she prayed it was all a dream and that when she woke up she would have the old Shikamaru back and her son to be happy. Temari woke up and looked at her clock "Time to prepare dinner" she said while getting out of bed, walking down the hall she noticed Shikadai's room door open, walking in she saw Shikadai asleep and didn't want to wake him placing her hand over his cheek she apologized for hitting him earlier than made her way to the kitchen to get the food ready. Once done she packed lunch for her husband to take to him since he didn't eat this morning.
(Knock knock)
"Come in" the Hokage said as he work on his paper work looking up to see who is was he smiled "hey Temari, Shikamaru just down the hall in his office"
"Thank you Hokage-Sama" closing the door she made her way down the hall to look for Shikamaru who was too doing paper work when she walked in "hey do you have time to eat?" She asked as she look at the pile he had on his desk "yes I'm Starving" he said look at his wife who was smiling, placing the food in front of him Temari watched Shikamaru eat. She sat down at his desk next to the pile of paper work and they talk thought the whole time as he ate. At first it was small talk things like how was your day and stuff but then they started reminiscing about the past and how happy they were, she even told him about her feelings and how she felt him distant and even about the argument with their son. Shikamaru apologize for all the loneliness and suffering he put her through for the past years and she forgave him. once done Shikamaru handed his bento to Temari and look her over with out her noticing. She had her legs crossed and her kimono slip off her thigh revealing her whole thigh, her thighs were his weekness that she had yet to find out about. he got up and move the pile of paperwork from behind her placing it on the floor walking back to his wife he begin to kiss her passionately going from her lips to her neck and whispered in her ear. "I'm still a little hungry Tem" going back to her neck he bit down on her making her bleed and moan from the pleasure and pain she was feeling. Pulling off her sash he opened her kimono and look at her body " just as beautiful as I remember" he said making her blush "Shikamaru that's enough if the Hokage needs anything he will walk in" she said in moans as he got on his knees, picking up her leg and started licking her inner thighs. She look over that the door as she heard the door knob being locked and saw Shikamarus shadows. With the door lock she smiled and lad back and let Shikamaru have his fun. Pulling off her underwear , slowly placing his fingers into her making her moan with every movement he made. He leaned in closer taking in her sent and it was just as amazing at he remembered. Lowering his face his circled his tongue on her cliff and bitting on her inner and outer lips making her scream in pleasure
Shikamaru was acting like a kid in an amusement park he was all over the place first he was eating her out than biting her breast than her neck and Temari was pleased with his actions. Pulling her up he grabbed her and picked her up making him lose his balance crashing into the bookcase behind them making all the books fall on them. Temari laughed and Shikamaru just laid on the ground with his wife on his lap pulling his pants down he placed himself at her entrance and slowly lowered her onto him. She was tight from the many years they haven't had sex. Letting out low moan as she tighten around his member, finally getting used to his size again she began bouncing on him, making him go in and out of her and she was enjoying every moment. Pulling him closer to her as she wrapped her arms around his neck Shikamaru grabbed her breast and started to play with them. They both let out moan and continued to do so until they heard a knock on the door "not now Naruto I'm busy!" Shikamaru yelled knowing it was Naruto and that he wanted the pile of paper work Shikamaru had in his office. "Shikamaru open the door please" Shikamaru and Temari were shocked to hear Hinata talking from the other side of the door. Getting up Temari put on her underwear and fix her bar. Putting on her kimono and tying her sash. Shikamaru opens the door once they both were decent and saw Hinata crying " what wrong Hinata" Temari ask but she just look away, looking over to Naruto who did the same "what wrong" Temari said a little more serious this time. There was silence before they actually spoke "Shika....Dai" Hinata began to cry before even finishing his name. "What what the hell are you talking about Hinata my son's asleep at home" Temari said grabbing Hinata as she cried "there was an explosion at the Nara compound..... Who ever it was they were aiming at Shikadai because his whole room was blown apart" Naruto said looking away from Temari who let go of Hinata and went to attack him but was stoped by Shikamaru who holding back tears "lies!! It all lies!! Shikadai is fine.... he's fine" Temari said finally getting out of Shikamaru hold and ran to the compound. Finally reaching it she stop as she saw the smoke coming from the house her heart sank and she watched as some of the Villagers tried to put out the fire with the help of some of the other Shinobi. Finally finding movement in her feet again she ran toward the house but was stoped by Ino "Temari it's to dangerous, you can't go in there"
"Let me go Ino my baby's in there, my baby Ino he needs me Ino let go!! Ino please I need to get Shikadai. Please please Ino let go INO!!" Temari yelled as Ino was holding her back as she cried, inojin and chouchou where there with Choji and Sai and tried there best to clam Temari down but I was to no uses. Temari began threatening everyone who tried to stop her from going to get her son. The other villagers look at her with pity and that infuriated her more "Ino I'll kill you let go!!" She yelled getting out of Ino grip and punching her in the face not caring about Ino's condition she ran towards the house. once at the door she was tackled by one of Naruto's shadow Clones. Pinning her to the ground than disappeared but Temari couldn't move. Finally coming into view she looked up at her husband "that enough Tem please"

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