Temari's Confession

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Chapter 7 Temari's Confession

Morning came and Shikamaru was already up he waited for Temari to get up and get changed.

Temari too was up she couldn't get any sleep that night she kept on having nightmares and the pain on her neck did not subside. She place her forehead protector around her neck like she used to in her younger day. She walk out to see Shikamaru standing by her tent

"I was gonna wake you up I thought you were still asleep" he said while scratching the back of his neck.

"......." Temari didn't say a word to him she just walk right past him picking up her fan than jump up to a tree "hey I made breakfast Temari your not hungry?" She ignored him and started on her way.

"Damn woman" Shikamaru followed Temari trying to catch up " Damn Temari what the hell is up with her is it about last night did he do something to her" he stop as he relived the events of last night. "did he do something to her? what happened didn't I get there in time....... Temari I'm sorry"


"Who is there? Show yourself now"
Shikamaru was back at the camp setting up when he Heard some footsteps coming his direction

"Shikamaru?" There was a long silence before the man spoke again "Shikamaru it's me Ensui, is that you?" The man said coming out from his hiding spot looking Shikamaru in the face.

"Ensui? ..... What are you doing here" Shikamaru ask him while holding a Kunai in his hand

"I'm look for one of the guys I work with his name is Tomoe he came this way for a potty brake and never came back"

"No thats not what I meant and you know it"

Ensui releasing a sigh look up at Shikamaru
"We are here in the hidden cloud village on a job ok"

"What kind of job"

"We're helping fix a bridge for the nearby town" Looking over Shikamaru shoulder Ensui saw that there was two tents set up. "You came with someone else?"

Shikamaru looking over at the tents and tried blocking his sights of Temari tent. "And what's it to you if I did?"

"Shikamaru the guy I'm looking for is not a good guy he is strong and he has done thing that I don't even what to say. So if your here with Ino she may be in danger"

Shikamaru eyes widen at the comment Temari was looking for firewood what if something happens to her, he would never forgive himself
"Temari" Shikamaru voice was cracking his eyes filled with tears and he dashed out to search for her

" now look at what I found, who would've thought that I would find such a Beautiful Maiden in the woods"

Shikamaru heart stop there was someone there and he clearly got a hold of Temari.

"Let go of me or I'll kill you "

Shikamaru follow the sound of their voices to finally come up and see the man's hands creeping up Temari bare thigh

"Ha please my love just say quite and let me enjoy the sight that you are"

Shikamaru was shaking he knew exactly what was going through this man mind right now and the mere sight of him having his hands all over Temari's infuriated him. without hesitation he picked up a Kunai  tossing it with concentrated Chaka making it go through the man's head hitting his hand in the process. he wanted to run to Temari but her clothes are all loosen and he could see her bare chest and bra. quickly he turned around and ordered her back to the camp. That night he didn't go back to the camp he couldn't he was so angry and he feared he might accidentally do or say something that would make her uncomfortable. He blew off some steam by attacking the trees nearby him he did this until sunrise. once the sun was up he made his way back to the camp and started cooking breakfast for him and for Temari.


"Temari slow down I can't keep up. Temari are you even listening to me. Temari!!!"


Shikamaru stop and face Temari her eyes where all puffy and her nose was running. He never in his life though that he would ever see her that way. Temari was strong stronger than him even so the mere thought of her crying broke his heart

"Temari" he walked up to her his voice was cracking before he even finish saying her name.

"Stay away from me"

Shikamaru looked at her with wide eyes he couldn't believe what he was hearing he couldn't believe what she was saying to stay away from the one person he has ever loved, to say away from the one thing that he had ever wanted , the one person he never wanted hear say those words to him just did and it hurt at this point he wanted to die. He didn't know what he did wrong "What did he do to you Temari" He ask her hoping to find the answer to her behavior

"What di...... No he did nothing to me Shikamaru you did" Angrily she removed her forehead protector from around her neck and threw it at him revealing the bandages around her neck.

He didn't know what was going on but then he realized that when he threw the Kunai his hand was shaking "I..I ...I could... had ki...kill..killed yo..you...you Temari" he fell to his knees and began to cry he couldn't hold it anymore, all the pain he felt since the war has ended since he came home without a father since his father's best friend left his clan since the last words Shikaku spoke to him. He let it all out at once . "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't know I'm sorry please Temari I'm sorry please forgive me I'm sorry"

He went on and on and she didn't know what to say she wanted to believe him and she wanted to go to him but the man crying in front of her and the man she saved and saw crying for his best friend are not the same man.
"I'm sorry but I don't think I can Shikamaru you aren't the same man that I fell in love with so long ago"

Shikamaru look up at her tears still going down his face "you love me?"

"No I don't love you I love the man you were not the man you've become"


Hey guys this is the new part hope you like it and imma started updating one part each day

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